Meeting Archives
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 12, 2024, Big Boy Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Andi at 6:08 p.m.
Attendance: 14 people were in attendance.
Minutes: There wasn’t a January meeting. Motion to approve the November 2023 meetings made by Maddi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance: $6816. The Club received $360 in 2024 dues and $465 in table rentals for the tack sale. Expenses included the sleigh ride ($443) and website fees. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Nancy, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you note from UPAWS.
Old Business:
Winter Gathering/Sleigh Ride Update: Great event to repeat every year.
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall—March 23):
New Business:
2024 MCHC Sponsorships & Donations: Andi made a motion for the club to donate a total of $950 in 2024 to: Marquette County Fair—$300, Great Lakes Rodeo—$250, UP State Fair—$100, UPHA Members Show—$75, GLEA—$75, Silver Spurs—$75 and Northern MI Equine Association—$75. Lisa seconded; motion carried.
Workbee: Tuesday, May 28 at Fairgrounds. We will have pizzas.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned: 6:43PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Big Boy Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:02 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 8 people in attendance.
Minutes: August minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Andi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report. Cindy distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (11/30/2023) provided by Lisa. We spent more money ($2956) than brought in ($2383) for a deficit of $572. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Andi, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you note from UPAWS.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride 2023 Update: Received a financial report from UPAWS treasurer and the net profit was $4856 with over 60 riders. The weather and trail were perfect. We will look for a different food truck and consider eliminating Coggins online since we require a paper copy anyways.
New Business:
Elections for 2024 officer positions & annual dues: Cathy made a motion to keep board the same except for nominating Dale as the new President. Tess seconded. Motion passed.
Winter Social will be at the Up North Lodge on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, with sleigh ride at 3PM and dinner at 4PM. The club will provide appetizers and a sleigh ride for members (dues due at January meeting). Attendees pay for their dinner and drinks.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 23, 2024 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Tess already reserved. Last year we made $510 in table rentals, $94 in admissions and $537 in raffles. We need to find someone to do concessions since Maddi and Mary won’t be able to. Janece will check with the NMU Vet Club about doing concessions and a bake sale.
MCHC 2024 Horse & Camping Event (May 31, June 1, 2) Will do again the weekend of May 31-June 2, 2024. Last year, we brought in $520 (including camping) and we spent $480.
Sally’s Ride September 21, 2024: Works well so will follow same format as Sally’s Ride 2023.
Meeting schedule & locations for 2024: No January meeting; Tuesday, March 12 (Big Boy); Tuesday, May 28 at the Fairgrounds; and an August/September meeting if needed.
MCHC Year-End Charitable Donations: Cindy made a motion for $100 gas card for Joyce Hoskins, $100 to NMU Biology Dept., and $100 to UPAWS. Cathy seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Tess, seconded by Andi. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:51PM.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at Big Boy at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:40 PM.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line. The last minutes recorded was in January. Cindy distributed and read Lisa’s financial reports and bank accounts’ summary. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made by Tess, seconded by Nancy. Motion passed.
Other Correspondence? We received thank-you notes from the NMU Vet Club, Forsyth Senior Center, and UPHA.
Old Business:
MCHC June Open Arena Event Update: It was fun and easy. We could do it again next year.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 22-23)—Set-up Friday evening. Gates open at 10AM on Saturday. Ride goes from 1-4 PM. Cheri will complete flyer.
•On-line Registration Form Again This Year: Juliette is handling again. Liability Waiver Form will be included with stall, camping, and Coggins. Coggin’s will also be collected at the gate. Steve Waller will be the photographer to do a free portrait of the raffle winner taken with their horse.
•Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Cheri and Karen will be marking the trails again this year using last year’s route with possible modifications around private property.
•Smokd Food Truck: will be there. Cheri will confirm time with them.
•Online Silent Auction Update: Will open on Sunday, 9/17 at 5PM and close on Friday, 9/22 at 9PM. Nancy Zimmerman donated pictures for the auction.
•Basket Raffle Update: The raffle license has been procured. Winners will be announced at 5PM. Cheri made a motion for MCHC to donate $250 towards the gift baskets with 2 adult baskets valued at $100 each and one kid’s basket valued at $50. Dale seconded. Motion Passed.
•Stalls & Camping Reservations: Cost $10 per stall, limited free bedding available and clean after. Cindy Johnson will be taking reservations. Camping is $25 for one night, $40 for 2 nights.
•Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: Andi will contact the vendor.
•Volunteer Needs: Pre-Vet Club will be asked if they can help—especially with Coggins check.
New Business:
Nancy made a motion to adjourn, Cherie seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM
Next work bee— Sept. 22 at 6PM; next meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 6PM at Big Boy’s
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 31, 2023, Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy at 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: 16 people were in attendance.
Minutes: There was no November meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance: $6634.74. Four donations of $100 each were made to TV6 Canathon, NMU Food Pantry, Senior Center, and Sally’s Fund during the holidays. Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Tess, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Received thank-yous from UPAWS and Marquette County Fair.
Old Business:
Membership Dues is due this month. (Jan-Dec, Family $50, $20 Adult, $5 Junior).
Winter Gathering at Up North Lodge this Sat., Feb. 4 at 2 PM for sleigh ride then apps after.
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall March 25): Admission: $1
MCHC June Open Arena/Fun Show (Friday, June 2-Sunday, June 4):
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 23): same schedule as 2022. Brisket Barn is coming again.
New Business:
2023 MCHC Sponsorships & Donations: Andi made a motion for the club to donate a total of $975 in 2023 to: Marquette County Fair —$300, Great Lakes Rodeo—$250, UP State Fair—$100, NMU Pre-Vet Club—$100, UPHA Members Show—$75, Silver Spurs —$75, UP Summer Classic—$75, and give GLEA an auction item. Cheri seconded. Motion Passed
Motion to adjourn by Andi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned: 6:49PM
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 21 at 6 PM. Tess will take notes for Cathy.
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Marquette County Fairgrounds Main Office
Meeting Called to Order at 6:20 PM.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line. Lisa distributed an excellent financial review of the horse show and bank accounts’ summary. Motion made by Maddi to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Tess. Motion passed.
Other Correspondence? none
Old Business:
MCHC June Horse Show Update—Successful show with profit of $2335 but a ton of work for our small group. We won’t be doing a 2023 UPHA show. Instead, we might do a “Lights for the Arena” fundraiser in June. Lisa will contact the UPHA Directors to inform them of this change.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 23-24)—Gates open at 10 a.m. Cheri will complete flyer.
•On-line Registration Form Again This Year: Liability Waiver Form will be included with stall, camping, and Coggins. Coggin’s will also be collected at the gate. Andi/Cheri will check to see if Jen Weide would do a free portrait of the raffle winner taken with their horse for preregistered riders.
•Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Cheri and Karen will be marking the trails again this year. It was a great route last year.
•Brisket Barn Food Truck: will be there from Noon to 6PM and we will have them do some smaller food options for quick grab before trail ride.
•Online Silent Auction Update: Will open on Saturday, 9/17 at 5PM and close on Friday, 9/23 at 11:59PM. Cheri made a motion for MCHC to donate (4) $20 gift cards from local restaurants, Janece seconded. Motion Passed.
•Basket Raffle Update: The raffle license has been procured. MCHC will be donating a basket. Cheri made a motion for MCHC to donate $125 towards the gift basket plus 4 Tractor Supply gift cards, Cindy seconded. Motion Passed.
•Stalls & Camping Reservations: Cost $10 per stall, limited free bedding available and clean after. Cindy Johnson will be taking reservations. Camping is $25 for one night, $40 for 2 nights.
•Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: The vendor contracted.
•Volunteer Needs: Hopefully Juliette will do the Coggin’s check on Saturday morning. Tess’s 4-H Club may be on hand to help with some duties.
New Business:
Member’s Social Event--Let’s repeat our Winter Sleigh ride at UP North Lodge on Friday, February 3, 2023. Appetizers and sleigh ride provided by MCHC.
Phoenix Wasik Benefit--Lisa made a motion to donate $100 cash to Phoenix to help defray his medical costs, Maddi to seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM
Next work bee— Sept. 23rd at 6PM; next meeting—Tuesday, November 29, 6PM at Crossroads
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Tess at 6 PM.
Attendance: There were 5 people in attendance.
Minutes: March minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the March 2022 minutes as found on-line made by Lisa, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini gave an update on the savings and checking balances. Recent income included $605 in horse show sponsors, $215 for stalls, and $210 for memberships. We donated $100 to NMU Pre-Vet Club, paid a $200 fairground rental fee, and $150 UPHA sanction fee. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy, seconded by Janece. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you note from NMU Pre-Vet Club.
Old Business:
Tack Sale Wrap-up: (Negaunee Township Hall March 26):
Next meeting/work bee: Thursday, June 2 at Marquette County Fairgrounds
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, Held on Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Andy at 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: There were 6 people in attendance.
Minutes: January minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the January 2022 minutes as found on-line by Cindy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini gave an update on the savings and checking balances. Recent activity included $465 in horse show sponsors. Lisa will pay the UPHA sanction fee. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you notes from UPHA and Laurie Neldberg-Weesen.
Old Business:
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall March 26): Admission: $1
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 3 and 4): double points show
Great Lakes Rodeo $250 sponsor: Lisa made a motion, Janece seconded. Motion passed.
Member’s Social Event: Maybe a campout at Fairgrounds and club buys steaks.
Motion to adjourn by Tess, seconded by Andi. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 6:52PM
Next meeting: Tuesday, April 26 at Crossroads at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Held on Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy at 6:01 p.m.
Attendance: 6 people were in attendance.
Minutes: November minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Kathy Solka. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance is $5890. Recent activity included two memberships and a $50 gift certificate for Karen Hendrickson. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you note from Karen Hendrickson.
Old Business:
Membership Dues is due this month. Mail to Lisa. Cathy will update form on website.
Winter Gathering at Up North Lodge? Wait until sometime in February to decide.
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall March 26): Admission: $1
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 3 and 4): double points show
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 24): Website current with new date and info.
New Business:
Meeting Dates and Locations: Tuesday, March 22 at Crossroads Restaurant and Thursday, June 2 for a meeting, work bee and bringing campers in for weekend.
Marquette County Fair Sponsor: Lisa made a motion for MCHC to pay $300 to cosponsor (with Select Realty) the Youth/Pleasure Horse Shows, seconded Maddi. Motion passed.
Sympathy Gift for Laurie Neldberg-Weesen’s: Send flowers, gift card, or donate. Kathy Solka made a motion for $50 towards a gift, Lisa P seconded. Motion passed.
Weekend UPHA Sponsorship: Cindy made a motion to donate $75 towards a UPHA weekend sponsor, Cathy seconded. Motion passed.
Great Lakes Equine Association Donation: Janece made a motion for a MCHC horse show stall donation for the GLEA auction, Kathy Solka seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 22 at Crossroads at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:09 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: August minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cheri Johnson, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report. Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/30/2021). Our income is up compared to 2020. All extra prizes were donated for Sally’s Ride baskets. Beautiful job on the report Lisa! Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you notes from UPAWS
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend (scheduled for September 24, 2022: Received financial report from UPAWS treasurer and the net profit was $5192. One of the best years! Trail was perfect. Will follow same format next year including online registration and auction. Brisket barn will return. Sally’s Fund new fundraiser—buy a $250 horseshoe in memory of someone. One Escanaba rescue was rehomed, and a pony received new fencing and shelter.
New Business:
Elections for 2022 officer positions & annual dues: Cindy made a motion to keep the board the same for 2022, Cheri seconded. Motion approved. Anyone who paid dues in 2020 was given a pass in 2021. Dues will be due for 2022 and many at the meeting paid Lisa.
Winter Gathering will be at the Up North Lodge sometime in February. The club will provide appetizers and a sleigh ride for 2022 paid MCHC members (dues due at January meeting). Attendees pay for their dinner and drinks.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 26, 2022 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Maddi already reserved. Last year we sold 18 tables. This year there will be $1 admissions and $15 for table rentals. Set up tables Friday night, do concessions, bucket, and maybe quilt raffle. Janece will check on NMU Vet Club bake sale. Andi made motion; Juliette seconded. Motion passed.
MCHC 2022 Horse Show (Scheduled for Friday, June 3 & Saturday June 4, 2022) will be a double-judged show. Tractor Supply $10 Gift cards for awards both days. Maddi will order more ribbons and rent the fairgrounds. Lisa or Janece will inform UPHA of our dates at their next meeting. Cathy will contact judges. Janece will do stalls and stall cleaning.
Meeting Locations for January 25 & March 22 meetings: Crossroads Restaurant
Motion to adjourn made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 25 at Crossroads at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Marquette County Fairgrounds Main Barn
Meeting Called to Order at 5:55 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 7 people in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line. Lisa distributed an excellent 6-year financial review of the horse show and tack sale and profit and loss thru August.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 24-25).
Gates open at 10 a.m. (or at 4PM Friday for overnight campers).
•On-line Registration Form: Will be LIVE on Sept. 1st. There will be an on-line Liability Waiver Form included with stall and camping reservations. We need to keep Coggin’s for 6 months, so Coggin’s will be collected at the gate. All preregistered riders will be entered into a drawing to win a free portrait taken with their horse by Jen Weide Photography.
•Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Cheri will check with Karen for help with marking the trails. There is a small problem with an Archery course between UPAWS and the fairgrounds.
•Basket Raffle Update: MCHC will be donating a basket to raffle off. Several baskets have already been donated. The Basket Raffle will be held in the horse barn. The raffle license has been procured.
•Online Silent Auction Update: Will open on Saturday, 9/18 and close on Friday, 9/24 at 11:59PM. Kathy Solka and UPAWS have donated many items already.
•Brisket Barn Food Truck will be there from Noon to 6PM and can stay any longer if needed.
•Stalls & Camping Reservations: Cost $10 per stall, bring your own shavings and clean after. Cindy Johnson will be taking reservations. Camping is $25 for one night, $40 for 2 nights.
•Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: Cheri will contact the vendor.
•Volunteer Needs: Tess’s 4-H Club will be on hand to help with gate and other duties.
New Business:
MCHC June Horse Show Update: Very successful show with profit of $2302 but a ton of work for the small core group of volunteers so there is much uncertainty if we want to repeat in 2022. We might consider doing if we did a double-judged show and be done by the end of Saturday evening.
2022 Tack Sale: Maddi will confirm the date of Saturday, March 26 at Negaunee Township Hall. We will do same format as this year with renting tables at $25 each and charge $1 admission. Tess’s 4-Club will be on hand to help so can use their insurance. This year’s tack sale made a $536 profit.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Next work bee Sept. 23rd at 6PM; Next meeting: Tuesday, November 30.
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
No minutes were taken during the May 20th, 2021 meeting/work-bee
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Held on Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at: 6:06 PM
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2021 minutes as found on-line with the correction of no stallion’s class for the June show by Tess, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini reported that we have $4300 in checking, $833 in savings. We took in money for horse show sponsors and stalls. We spent $58 towards the February Sally’s Fund charity event. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Maddi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from the UPHA and Sally’s Fund for our donation.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale-Saturday, May 22 from Noon to 3 PM at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Horse & Chicken Barns. Vendor set-up begins at 10 AM.
Decision was made to hold a tack sale this year but keep it simple and rent unheated indoor table space. We provide one table and 2 chairs for $25 and vendors bring and sell their own stuff. Preregistration will be required. Costumers will need to be prepared to bring cash. Masks will be required for all indoor spaces. Recommended to have hand sanitizers at individual tables.
Set-up of the tables and chairs will be done during the work-bee/meeting on Thursday, May 20th beginning at 6 PM. Tess said that there will be no 4-H kids to help at this point but we won’t be moving people’s stuff this time. We might have to pay $200 to rent the two buildings.
We can do check-in with one or two people for day of sale. There won’t be a concession stand this year.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 4, 5, and 6):
Preregistration: Cathy will work with Cindy on getting preregistration set up through Fast-Entry. Lisa will contact UPHA about getting members and their horse’s UPHA numbers so that we can load them in with the preregistrations.
Class Sponsors Update: There are still lots of slots left but rolled over 2020 sponsors into 2021. We decided not to do weekend sponsors with banners.
Stall Reservations & Stall Cleaning Update: There are only 9 stalls left!! Only 2 people paid have paid thus far. Kelly Thomas will be cleaning again this year and will include blowing and possibly disinfecting stalls.
Ribbons & Awards & Prizes Update: Maddi has the ribbons. Cathy removed the zeros on the high point award’s stitching. Cindy has 49 prizes and will do some more shopping. Tess offering to do some kid stuff for lead line. Lisa will get $10 Tractor supply gift cards in May.
Concessions Stand: Maddi & Mary want to do it. No conclusions yet but maybe do snacky stuff, chips, donuts, granola bars in low quantities.
Shavings: Will be available for preorder for $4 per bag and delivered to your stalls. Cindy and Lisa will pick them up.
Judges: The contracts have been signed and returned. Lisa will get their hotel rooms.
Port-A-Potties: Cindy will make arrangements for port-a-potties to be delivered Friday morning, June 4.
New Business:
• Next meeting will be Thursday, May 20 at the Fairgrounds at 6 PM. We will provide pizza and combine the meeting with a work-bee to get ready for the Tack Sale on Saturday! After 5/22, the stalls can be put up.
• Work Bee for Horse Barns at the Fairgrounds will be Tuesday, June 1, at 6PM. At that time, we will put shavings in the stalls, get registration ready and other show prep.
Motion to adjourn made by Tess, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 20 at 6PM at Marquette County Fairgrounds
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Held on ZOOM
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at 6:06 p.m.
Attendance: 8 people were in attendance.
Minutes: There was no November meeting or minutes. All minutes from previous meetings are posted on-line.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini mailed a Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet detail for 2020 to board members.
Other Correspondence: None
Old Business:
Membership Dues—2021 memberships are normally due this month. Motion to extend the 2020 dues paid into 2021 made by Tess, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Annual Tack Sale—Mid-May 2021 Marquette County Fairgrounds
Date & Location Options? Negaunee Township is out. Maybe May 13th or 22 at the Fairgrounds outside and inside. Group considering charging for a table instead of checking in and handling other people’s stuff. Decision will be made in March.
Concessions: Not sure.
Raffles: MCHC members will be asked to donate items for the Muck Bucket Raffle in March. Cathy contacted Kathy Solka and she has a quilt to raffle off.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 4, 5, and 6): show format same as 2019
Show Format: UPHA added 1 new class for a total of 58 classes. The new “In-Hand Trail class can use the same trail pattern as the regular trail classes.
Judges: Lisa has mailed the contracts from both judges: Sara Gronski (Saturday judge) and Jody Zamzow Woller (Sunday judge).
Preregistration: maybe set up with pay pal for the club. A definite must this year to avoid crowds at registration.
Stall reservations & stall cleaning: Janece has started taking reservations.
Ribbons & Awards & Prizes: First place winners will choose from product one day and receive a $10 Gift card the next day. We used some for Sally’s Ride so Lisa has to check her inventory and see if Cindy needs to purchase more. Awards done with embroidery which Cathy will help modify.
Sponsors: Already have $380 in sponsors. Select Realty will donate $100 and Alice will do a class too.
Concessions stand? Maddi contacted Brisket Barn for Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday during the day, but they are unsure yet on those dates.
New Business:
Next meeting? Tuesday, March 16 via Zoom
Sally’s Ride dates? September 25th, 2021. Maddi checked with Brisket Barn and they can be there. Marquette County Fairgrounds still hasn’t been paid for the camping, but Juliette will check into.
Member Announcement: In honor of National Horse Rescue Day, UP North Lodge will be hosting a fundraiser for Sally’s Fund on Sunday, February 28th. They will donate sleigh rides and food plus raffles.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 16, 6 PM via Zoom
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Marquette County Fairgrounds Expo Building
Meeting Called to Order at 6:10 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 25-26).
Gates open at Noon (or at 4PM Friday for overnight campers).
On-line Registration Form: Is LIVE and 22 tickets sold to date plus donations for a total of $765. There is an on-line Liability Waiver Form included with stall and camping reservations. The Coggin’s check will be done at gate.
Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Will coordinate with UPAWS regarding the trails and the dog park. Signage will direct to Marquette County Fairgrounds. Strawberry Lake is now clear after 4.5 hours of work thanks to Wendy Maas.
Basket Raffle Update - MCHC will be donating a basket to raffle off. Several baskets have already been donated. Basket raffle will be held in either the chicken or horse barn. There will be one-way traffic. Riva from UPAWS will be taking raffle tickets. We will setup the basket raffle on Saturday morning beginning at 10AM.
Online Silent Auction Update: Opens on September 23 or 24 and close before the ride. We will know the winners before the ride starts. Juliette will start adding auction items as they are donated.
Brisket Barn Food Truck is coming Noon to 4PM but can’t stay any longer than that. Riders may want to-pre-order to have their meal after their ride.
Stalls Reservations Update: A few have been made online. There is a limited amount of shavings left in the auction barn to use for stalls.
Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: Will be delivered on Friday afternoon and picked up on Sunday for a cost of $150. Sally’s mom generally donates for this.
Volunteer Needs: Juliette volunteered to be at the gate. Cheri and Andi will reach out to those who asked to help with Sally’s Fund.
New Business:
Suggestions for upcoming meeting location/s: Consider doing the next one through Zoom.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 24.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 6:30 PM
Via Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Andi at 6:35 p.m.
Attendance: There were 10 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2020 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa can send financial reports to anyone needing them. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made by Cheri, seconded by Janece.
Old Business:
MCHC June 2020 Horse Show: The group discussed the pros and cons of holding the show in June which included: whether many would feel safe enough to show; if folks would be too financially strapped to show; or postponing to a later date might run into a very crowded calendar. Our show is small enough to make riders safe, could eliminate spectators and have prepaid classes. Only 2 stalls have been paid for thus far. Conclusion to schedule another Zoom meeting after May 15th.
In the meantime, Cathy will contact the judges (who are both coming from Wisconsin) to see if they are still interested in judging our show on the scheduled date or any other date. UPHA has booked alternate dates for their Escanaba UPHA shows just in case (in August and September).
New Business:
1) Sally’s Ride is going to happen this fall. There will be major modifications to the event but there is incredible need to raise funds for the new UPAWS barn.
2) Other items: Cathy Waller made a motion to pay the $875 insurance policy, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn made by Maddi, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
Next Meeting May, 19th at 6 pm via Zoom to make a decision on the show.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at 6:02 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. 14 people were in attendance.
Minutes: November 2019 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Bobbi, seconded by Joan. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed a Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet detail for January, 2020. $212 was spent on horse show awards and $40 for Andi Goriesky. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence: The Club received a thank-you from NMU Food Pantry.
Old Business:
Membership Dues—collected by Lisa Pellegrini.
Winter Dinner at UP North Lodge, Friday January 31, 6PM. The sleigh ride is at 6:30PM and lasts about 45 minutes. The Club will pay for the sleigh ride and for appetizers. Dress warmly.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 28 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 27 from 4 to 5PM. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday and join us for dinner afterwards.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece will contact Lawry’s Pasty Shop for a mini pasties donation.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale. Tess Jezek will be doing a table this year. The charge to vendors is $25.
Raffles: MCHC members are asked to donate items for the Muck Bucket Raffle. Lisa will buy 3 buckets. Nancy may have an afghan to raffle off. Also, we can raffle a bridle rack that Norm Johnson made. Janece will check with Kathy Solka to see if she has a quilt to raffle this year.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 12, 13, and 14)
Show Format: UPHA added 1 new class for a total of 58 classes. The new “In-Hand Trail class can use the same trail pattern as the regular trail classes. There was a request for a stallion’s class so we will include that in our show but no jumping.
Judges: Lisa has received the contracts from both judges: Jody Zamzow Woller (Saturday judge) and Sara Gronski (Sunday judge). Lisa will check into booking hotels for them.
Stall reservations & stall cleaning: $25 before 5/15 and $30 after. Janece will check with Kelly about stall cleaning.
Ribbons & Awards & Prizes: Maddi will order ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Gift card the next day. Cindy has been shopping and bought 28 out of 58 prizes. Cindy will keep watching and grab any others needed at Midwest Horse Fair.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they are willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same.
Saturday Evening Pot-luck ? That seemed to go over well. The Club will buy a main dish and paper products.
Sally’s Ride date confirmed for September 25 and 26? Will leave as is for the moment.
New Business:
Member Request: Nancy Redfern brought up starting a subgroup to meet for trail rides during the summer. Nancy and Dick will coordinate.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 24 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6PM
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Bobbi and Joan Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:03 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: September 2019 meeting minutes were not read because there were none. All minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Nancy Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/26/2019). We are up income compared to 2018. Lisa will provide a yearly audit upon request for anyone that wants to check her work. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Nancy Zimmerman, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence. Andi received a thank-you note from UPAWS.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Update (September 21-22) went smoothly and everyone that participated seemed to have a lot of fun. Cheri Johnson was unable to attend the meeting to present the final numbers. Andi did know that even though we had 2 less riders than 2018, we did make more money. The schedule will be the same for 2020. Seems to be the right mix of activity and down time. Both the short ride and long ride went very well and had great reviews.
UPAWS Barn Update. The pole barn shell went up in the fall of 2018 but the inside was unfinished. Cheri Johnson and Andi Goriesky encouraged UPAWS to get it done before the winter of 2019. Over a dozen volunteers showed up for a work-bee on October 5 and built three inside stalls and one paddock. Seven days after the final work was done, the first “guest” arrived. They are hoping to hold a fundraiser/seminar in the spring.
New Business:
Elections for 2020 officer positions: Nancy Zimmerman, seconded by Joan Mulder, made a motion that the board would remain the same for 2020: Andi Goriesky, Cindy Johnson, and Tess Jezek will act as co-presidents, Maddi Zimmerman as vice-president, Lisa Pellegrini as treasurer, and Cathy Waller as secretary. Motion carried.
Members Winter Get-Together will be on Friday, January 31, 2020, beginning at 6PM at the Up North Lodge’s Pit Room, 215 S CR 557, Gwinn. The club will provide appetizers and a sleigh ride for 2020 paid MCHC members (dues due at January meeting). Attendees pay for their dinner and drinks. Sleigh rides for nonmembers are $15 per person. Maddi Zimmerman will confirm with Jesie Melchiori.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 28 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Maddi already reserved the hall but they now require insurance so Cindy will arrange for a rider for that weekend on our insurance with VAST. Janece will check on pasty donations and see if NMU Vet Club is interested in doing a bake sale again next year.
MCHC 2020 Horse Show (June 12, 13, and 14) is the same schedule as this past year. Lisa Pellegrini will inform UPHA of our dates at their next meeting. Cathy Waller is checking into judges.
Sally’s Ride 2020: The Great Lakes Equine Association’s Championship Show will be held on the weekend of September 18-20, 2020 and several regulars participate in this show. So we will shift the ride to the following weekend of September 25 to 26. Andi will notify Cheri Johnson.
Donation to a Worthy Cause. Andi suggested donating 2 boxes of food for the UP North Lodge’s “Reverse Advent Calendar” campaign and Janece suggested that we do a $100 gift card from Wal-Mart or Meier’s for the NMU’s food pantry. Maddi Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Lisa will give money to Janece for NMU and Cindy Johnson for the UP North Lodge fundraiser.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Zimmerman, seconded by Joan Mulder. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 28 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6 PM
No minutes taken for September 2019 meeting and Sally's Ride work-bee.
Marquette County Horse Club Meeting
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting called to order by Andi Goriesky at 6:08 p.m.
Attendance: Sign-up sheet passed around. There were 12 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report: May meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes by Joan, seconded by Maddi. Motion approved.
Treasurer report: Lisa Pellegrini reviewed the report. The horse show was a huge success with a profit of $2925! Nancy made a motion to donate $250 to the Marquette County Fair, seconded by Cathy. Motion Carried. Lisa will be writing a check of $200 to Cindy for the fair awards and $50 to Janece for the mini show awards during the fair. Motion to approve the treasury report by Tess, seconded by Nancy. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
MCHC June 2019 Horse Show: Discussion followed regarding the June horse show and how successful it was with participants having a great time.
Marquette County Fair Update (August 8-10). Volunteers are still needed for gate and handing out prizes. MCF purchased a computer and the Charlie horse program for the 3 horse shows;
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 21)Amber and Reva from UPAWS attended the meeting. Amber will apply for the raffle license. If Amber is unable to be at the Sally’s Ride Weekend, Reva will be. Amber will make sure that the Ride gets publicized on the UPAWS website and have a link to our website. UPAWS is in the process completing the pole barn but needs help with financing and installing fencing maybe by end of August or September. First priority for UPAWS is fundraising and purchasing a tractor for snow removal. UPAWS is working on an emergency call list when the need arises for horse rescues. UPAWS doesn’t have the staff to help with large animals. There are no weddings that weekend. Members will receive $10 for adults/$5 for youth from the club for participating in Sally’s Ride. Probably the same format as last year of showing up on Friday night, hot dogs provided from MCHC noon Saturday, then ride, then potluck and bucket raffles.
New Business:
Meeting before Sally’s Ride? Agreed.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy, seconded by Joan. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 17th at 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Marquette County Fairgrounds
Meeting Called to Order by Andi at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 9 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the March 2019 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-5/28/2019) plus a 5-year tack sale summary. The insurance cost $836 and most of the awards are paid for. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from 4-H Manes & Tales for the donation and Lisa Pellegrini’s family for her mom.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up
Everything went very smoothly but the attendance was down (maybe due to the strangles scare). It does seem to be a great social.
MCHC June Horse Show Update (June 7, 8, and 9)
Concessions Update:Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be doing hamburgers and hot dogs in the chicken barn. They have tons of paper supplies.
Class Sponsors Update:$905 was collected. We still have 6 slots left. Janece has rocked it again as the top seller of sponsorships and will get 2 free stalls and a camping spot!!!
Saturday Night Potluck:The Club will provide a grill, paper supplies, and a main dish item (Maddi will buy a couple trays of something). People should bring a dish to pass and their favorite beverage.
Awards Update:We will give out Tractor Supply $10 gift cards for one speed and one pleasure. The 2ndday, 1stplace winners will pick from product. Cindy and Lisa will split the product between Halter/Showmanship, English/Western Pleasure, and Speed so everyone will have a really great selection to pick from. Andi will do kiddie bags for the lead-line classes.
Stall Reservations Update:The inside barn is full but there are 16 outside stalls still available. Plus there are 3 minis in the mini barn. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding; however, Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale in the Chicken Barn. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa.
Volunteer Delegations:Breanna Demaline from NMU Pre Vet program will be the ringmaster on Saturday and Dave Pansy’s son will act ask ringmaster on Sunday. Cindy Johnson will be the announcer. Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will handle registration/office. 4-H Manes & Tales will be helping with gates. We need more volunteers especially with setting up trail, ranch riding, Western riding and speed.
Friday Set-Up: Divide up prizes, put up tent outside registration booth, noon port-a-potties delivery, set-up western riding, logs, cones, bridge garbage cans & bags, 5 jumps for mini jump. Make up a sign “no horses past horse barns due to wedding up on hill.”
New Business:
Fairgrounds Work bee & Member’s Practice Night,Wednesday, May 29. 6PM: Need to inventory stalls for damage, clean office fridge and check PA, and clean office. There probably won’t be any riders.
Great Lakes Rodeo:Maddi made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR for $250, Cathy seconded. Motion carried. Cathy will send an e-mail to Jesse asking for paperwork so that Lisa can issue a check.
Sally’s Ride, Sept. 21.Sally’s Ride Fund already paid to rent the fairgrounds for that weekend. Joan Mulder is no longer affiliated with UPAWS or Sally’s Ride. Cheri Johnson will probably take over.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 30, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn madeby Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Joan Mulder Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Andi Goriesky at 6:09 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 13 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2019 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-3/12/2019). We took in $300 in membership fees and $185 in horse show sponsors. Maddi has purchased ribbons for the horse show. Several donations were made during the last couple of months. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Joan, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried. Janece made a motion to pay the $150 UPHA sanction fee, seconded by Joan. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from the NMU Food Pantry for our donation. Thirty-eight kids came in looking for food and were very grateful for the extra help.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update‑Saturday, March 30 at Negaunee Township Hall
Tack set-up: Initial set up will be held on Friday night, March 29, after 6:30 p.m. Saturday morning set-up begins at 8-8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Cindy and Andy; Andi, Dale and Stephanie will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Maddi and Mary will run concessions. A sign in sheet was passed filling in the blank spots.
Muck Bucket Raffle: Lisa made a motion that the Club would donate $150 towards muck bucket items to be divided into three buckets. Janece seconded. Motion carried. Lisa and Cindy will put the buckets together. We need people to sell raffle tickets during the sale. There won’t be a quilt raffle this year but Kathy Solka made a very generous donation to the Club.
Handling Strangles Outbreak: Cindy Johnson will create a disclaimer sheet (buying and selling tack at own risk) that will be attached to people’s tack sheets. Cathy will add language about cleaning tack before bringing to sale on website. We will be providing Chlorax wipes. We will try to get Dr. Leah to come to answer questions about strangles.
Moving saddles:Dale and Norm thought that saddles might sell better if moved to main room. Final decision will be made on day of sale depending on how much stuff there is.
Other Tack Sale Details: Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Dale has 2 garment racks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks, paper bags, and plastic bags.
Table Request by Individuals/Groups: Brandi Rolling would like to set up halters and hay nets in the same spot as last year. UPHA would like to have a tiny table to display membership forms and show information.
MCHC June Horse Show Update (June 7, 8, and 9)
Class Sponsors Update:We have a lot of sponsor slots still open. Lisa made a motion to add the incentive if a member collects $200 towards sponsors they get a free stall or $25 towards camping for the weekend. Cathy seconded and motion was carried. Class sponsor forms can be found on our website.
Stall Reservations Update:There is one stall left on the inside, but lots of outside stalls still available. Stalls that are prepaid by May 15thare $25 but afterwards will be $30 per stall. Stalls in the mini barn are $15/stall. Kelly Thomas’ group will be doing the stall cleaning again this year.
Concessions:Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Port-A-Potties:Lisa will make arrangements for port-a-potties to be delivered Friday morning, June 7.
Ribbons, Prizes & High Point:We will have 54 classes this year. Maddi has ordered the ribbons already. Cindy and Norm will pick up product at Midwest Horse Fair to be handed out one day and then we will give out $10 gift cards the second day. We have one chair that we will offer as a high point award for one horse/person combination.
Shavings:Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale, $5 each. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa at the time of pick-up.
New Business:
MCHC Work beeat MQT County Fairgroundsmight be held after meeting. We will determine closer to the date.
UPAWS Work bee: Joan made a request for a group work bee for UPAWS new horse area as soon as snow is gone.
UPHA Sponsorship:Maddi made a motion for $75 day sponsor for UPHA’s member’s show, Lisa seconded. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn madeby Lisa, seconded by Joan. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 28, 6 pm at Marquette County Fairgrounds
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Up North Lodge
Informal Meeting after 4:03 p.m during Winter Dinner.
Attendance:16 people were in attendance.
Minutes: November 2018 meeting minutes are posted on-line.
Treasurer’s Report: Delayed until March meeting
Old Business:
Membership Dues was collected by Lisa Pellegrini.
Winter Dinner at UP North Lodge, Saturday February 2, 4PM. There was a “Snowshoe under the Stars Benefit” for Julie Vallier the same evening.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 30 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Concessions:Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece has contacted Lawry’s Pasty Shop for a mini pasties donation.
Promotion:Janece has produced a flyer that will be distributed around the community.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers:Kathy Solka won’t be donating a quilt this year. The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale. We aren’t sure if there are any other vendors coming.
MCHC June 2019 Horse Show Update (June 7, 8 & 9):
Show Format: Same as last year. UPHA added 3 classes: 1) Miniature Horse Jumping 2) Novice Horse Walk Trot 3) Disciplined Rail. Maddi will order ribbons.
Judges: Tera Swenson is the Saturday judge and David Pansy is the Sunday judge. Contracts have been mailed and Lisa will secure UPHA approval.
Stalls: Janece is getting reservations already for the show. Stall price:$25 before 5/15 and $30 after.
Sponsors: Sponsor sheets were handed out for anyone wanting one.
Next meeting: Tues., March 12 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6 PM
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:11 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: September 2018 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/27/2018). The only additional activity is $45 for Negaunee Township Hall rental. Lisa will provide a yearly audit upon request. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence. Andi received thank-you notes from member Kathy Solka and the NMU Pre-vet Club. She also received a letter from The Up North Lodge inviting us to consider them for one of our events.
Old Business:
Elections for 2019 officer positions: Maddi Zimmerman made a motion that Andi Goriesky, Cindy Johnson, and Tess Jezek will act as co-presidents for 2019, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Cindy Johnson made a motion to leave the remaining board as is (vice-president-Maddi Zimmerman, treasurer-Lisa Pellegrini, secretary-Cathy Waller), seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride (September 21-22) went smoothly and everyone that participated seemed to have a lot of fun. The event brought in $3190 in revenue and had $365 in expenses and netted $2825 for the Sally’s Ride Fund. Maddi will look into booking the Marquette County Fair for the 3rdweekend of Sept. (Sept. 20-21). The schedule will be the same but maybe consider adding a fun show even if Brandi can’t run it. UPAWS new horse barn and paddocks for rescue horses won’t be finished until next spring.
Donation to a Worthy Cause. Andi suggested donating needed items for the new UPAW barns but Joan Mulder suggested helping with stalls and fencing installation instead next spring. Janece mentioned that NMU has a food pantry and the Pre-vet Club is fundraising for a Club trip. Cindy Johnson made a motion to donate $100 to the NMU Pre-Vet Club and $200 to NMU food pantry, seconded by Cheri Johnson. Motion carried. Lisa will give the checks to Janece and Janece will do the shopping for the food pantry.
New Business:
Members Winter Get-Together will be on Saturday, February 2, 2019, beginning at 4PM at the Up North Lodge, 215 S CR 557, Gwinn. The club will provide appetizers and attendees pay for their dinner and drinks.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 30 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Maddi already reserved the hall but there is $45 rental fee this year. They will also need a copy of insurance so Tess will give them a 4-H insurance since Manes and Tales will be helping with the event.
UPAWS new facility tour, open to all MCHC members and friends, is on Sunday, December 2 at 4PM.
MCHC 2019 Horse Show (June 7, 8, and 9) is the same schedule as this past year. Tess Jezek made a motion to approve dates, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Lisa Pellegrini will inform UPHA of our dates at their next meeting. Since we have the new arena, the National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA) is interested in combining our speed show with theirs. Bobbi Meyer will give us more details at the next meeting. Andi is checking on a prospective judge.
Wells Fargo is closing their Michigan branches. Cindy Johnson made motion to close accounts with Wells/Flagstar and open accounts with Honor Credit Union, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 29 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6 PM.
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Cindy Johnson.Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order at 6:46 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 10 people in attendance.
Minutes: July 2018 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no treasurer’s report asLisa Pellegrini was absent from the meeting.
Other Correspondence? Cathy Waller received a thank-you note from the Sunday judge, Jackie Luebke-Puetz.
Old Business:
Marquette County Fair Update. All the horse shows ran smoothly and the weather was great. This year’s carnival has already signed a contract to return next year. The livestock people appreciated being able to leave Sunday morning for the UP State Fair.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 21-22). MCHC is once again proud to cosponsor this event. There will be a wedding that weekend so all horse traffic needs to come through the back gate. Set-up will begin after 3 p.m. on Friday in the main barn. The only tables we have access to are in the 4-h building.
Brandi Rolling has a scheduling conflict and won’t be attending Sally’s Ride this year so there WON’T be a Saturday Fun Show or a Sunday clinic. The Trail Rides depart at 1 p.m. There will be a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. (Karen, Brandi and Darlene will mark trails a day or so prior.). Registration, potluck, and bucket raffles will be in the main barn. A potluck dinner will begin at 4:30 p.m. with the bucket/basket raffle and bonfire following. Paint Ponies Studios will be staffing a “Paint the Pony” activity on Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. for $5 per person. Every paid adult horse club member receives $10 in cash (for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride) and each child member will receive $5 in cash. Lisa Pellegrini will need to provide updated MCHC member’s list. There will be opportunities during Saturday to tour the new UPAWS facility.
MCHC will provide free hot dogs to attendees on Saturday for lunch and pulled pork for the potluck. Andi will pick up the food. Cheri and Maddi will bring paper supplies. Joan will purchase water bottles and Cheri will bring muck buckets and ice. Joan is bringing start-up cash, registration forms and raffle tickets. Cathy Waller will bring the big strip switches. Cheri will be contacting several businesses for donations. Joan and Andi have a few basket donations already but could use more. Andi will bring the ice cream containers and a roll of plastic for the tables.
A port-potty has been ordered and will be delivered on Friday. Cathy, Tess and Andi will be helping with
Saturday registration. Cathy will secure a volunteer to check Coggin’s and direct traffic on Saturday morning from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. As of the meeting, only 10 stalls were taken. People will need to bring their own bedding and instructed to keep horses out of the camping area (across from the chicken barn).
Work Bee/Camping Weekend:MCHC will host a work bee camping weekend at the fairgrounds for Friday thru Sunday, September 28-30th. This would be a member’s only event to help clean up the grounds and put things away and in general havefun.
New Business:
Adopt a Family or Donate to a Worthy Cause: Andi suggested donating needed items for the new UPAW barns but Joan Mulder suggested helping with fencing installation instead. Cathy suggested Marquette County barn improvements. Tabled until next meeting.
Suggestions for winter meeting location/s:Two suggestions were brought up: Big Boy and the Crossroads Restaurant. Everyone agreed to the Crossroads for the November meeting.
Honoring Member’s Mom’s Passing:Kathy Solka’s mom passed away recently and Maddi made sure to send a large mum plant to her from the club.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 27, 6 p.m. at the Crossroad’s Restaurant. Meeting starts at 6, come early to eat.
Motion to adjourn madeby Cathy Waller, seconded by Cheri Johnson.Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Meeting
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting called to order by Andi Goriesky at 6:04 p.m.
Attendance: Sign-up sheet passed around. There were 9 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report: May meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes by Lisa, seconded by Maddie. Motion approved.
Treasurer report: Lisa Pellegrini reviewed the report. The horse show was a success with a profit of $1468.54. Lisa will be writing a check of $150 to Cindy for the fair awards and $50 to Janece for the mini show awards during the fair. These items are not reflected in the report. Motion to approve the treasury report by Tess, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried.
Old Business:
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show: Discussion followed regarding the June horse show and overall the feeling was good. The probability of the club doing a show in 2019 show is high.
Marquette County Fair Update: Cindy reported prizes have been purchased. Cindy would like help cleaning the office area in the indoor stall barn. Volunteers are also needed for the fair.
New Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend(September 21 – 22)
Cindy sent Joan all the paperwork for The Ride as Cindy is not able to attend. Cheri talked to Brandi and Brandi is planning to do a clinic on Sunday and fun show on Saturday, same as last year. Discussion followed. A wedding is planned for that weekend so certain tables may not be available. Tours of the new UPAWS building could be available during the event.
Raffles:A raffle license has already been acquired. Cheri will get the port-a-potty. Bucket raffle and silent auction need to be collected. Everyone is encouraged to get raffle baskets or items. Lisa made a motion to donate $50 for a raffle basket to consist of misc. gift cards, seconded by Maddie. Motion approved.
T-Shirtswere discussed and Cheri will be contacting Brandi for her to work on sponsors for the shirts, as this was something Brandi had mentioned she could do.
Planning Meeting:A special Sally’s Ride meeting on September 11that 6:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds is planned to discuss the details and positions that need to be covered.
Work Bee/Camping Weekend:MCHC possible work bee camping weekend at the fairgrounds the weekend after Sally’s Ride. This would be a member’s only event to help clean up the grounds and put things away and in general have fun. TBD by the weather.
Donation Request:
There has been a request from Cathy Ruprecht to help Jack Filkins. They are looking for financial help and physical assistance. A lengthy discussion followed. It was decided to follow our constitution which states our “Purpose is to provide horse people with horse related activities and to support the Marquette County Fair.” So at this time the request is being denied but individuals are welcome to help and contact Cathy Ruprecht for additional details.
Next Meeting:Tuesday, September 11that 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds.
Meeting adjourned 6:46 p.m.
---Respectfully Submitted by Tess Jezek
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by Andi Goriesky at 6:09 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 7 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the March 2018 minutes as found on-line by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-5/22/2018) plus a four-year tack sale summary. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up
Everything went very smoothly. Maddi already reserved Negaunee Township Hall for March 30, 2019.
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show Update
Concessions Update:Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be doing hamburgers and hot dogs in the chicken barn.
Saturday Night Potluck:The Club will provide a grill and a main dish item (like pulled pork). People should bring a dish to pass and their favorite beverage.
Class Sponsors Update:Janece has rocked it again as the top seller of sponsorships and will get a free stall or camping spot!!!
Awards Update:We will give out Tractor Supply $10 gift cards for Friday speed and Sunday pleasure. Saturday 1stplace winners will pick from product or a bag of shavings. Cindy and Lisa will split the product between Halter/Showmanship, English/Western Pleasure, and Speed so everyone will have a really great selection to pick from. Cindy and Andi will do kiddie bags for the lead-line classes.
Stall Reservations Update:One inside stall plus several outside stalls are still available. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding; however, Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa.
Volunteer Delegations:Andi will be ringmaster in the mornings and Breanna Demaline from NMU Pre Vet program will take over ringmaster during the afternoons. Cindy Johnson will be the announcer. Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will handle registration/office. Nancy Redfern will help with gates but we need more volunteers especially with setting up trail, ranch riding, Western riding and speed. As an added incentive, volunteers’ names are entered to win for two buckets that will include a GLR rodeo ticket and other merchandise.
New Business:
MCHC Possible Work Bee/Camping Weekend (Sept. 28th): Tabled until next meeting.
Great Lakes Rodeo:Maddi Zimmerman made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR for $250, Nancy Redfern seconded. Motion carried.
MCHC Insurance – The cost torenew is $826. Motion to pay made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 31, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn madeby Nancy Redfern, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar
Meeting Called to Order by Lisa Pellegrini at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. Twelve people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2018 minutes as found on-line by Joan Duncan, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Prev Year Comparison (3/20/2018) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-3/20/2018). We had 16 member renewals as of the meeting but received 5 more during the meeting. We also received $130 in sponsors. Expenses included the UPHA sanction fee, UPHA show sponsorship, and bucket raffle expenses. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from GLEA for supporting the championship show with our donation of a stall.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update‑Saturday, March 24 at Negaunee Township Hall
Tack set-up/drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (MCHC Members only) Set up will be held on Friday night, March 24, from 4 to 5 p.m. The group will go to the Crossroads Restaurant for dinner after. Saturday set-up begins at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Dale and Andy; Andi, Dale and Stephanie will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Manes and Tales 4-H Group will be available to help with admissions and check-in and anything else we need.
Muck Bucket & Quilt Raffle: We will have at least 5 muck bucket raffles since we have a lot of stuff. Muck bucket ticket raffle prices will be $1 each, 6 for $5, 15 for $10. We need people to sell raffle tickets during the sale. Kathy Solka has a lap quilt to raffle off this year.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale.
Other Tack Sale Details: Andi will bring the cash register but is unable to locate the banner. Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks, paper bags, plastic bags, and cloths racks.
Table Request by Individuals: Brandi Rolling asked if it was possible to have a separate area for all the stuff she is bringing this year. It was unclear whether she is planning on being a vendor for her halters and hay nets, but it was agreed that if that is the case, she should join the other vendor outside the sale for a fee of $25. If we gave her a separate table inside the tack sale it would be setting precedence, space is very limited, and we don’t know if we have the space to accommodate her or anyone else that might make a similar request.
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show Update (June 8-10)
Class Sponsors Update: We have a lot of sponsor slots still open. As an incentive, if a member collects $200 towards sponsors they get a free stall or $25 towards camping for the weekend. 2018 Class sponsor forms can be found on our website horse show sponsor page.
Stall Reservations Update: There is one stall left on the inside, but lots of outside stalls still available. Stalls that are prepaid by May 15th are $25 but afterwards will be $30 per stall.
No Guided Trail Rides This Year: Joan Duncan will be out of town.
Ribbons, Prizes & High Point: We will be doing mini jumping so there are 52 classes. Maddi has a lot of rosette ribbons left over from previous shows (no blues though). If we ordered the remaining rosettes needed for the entire show, it would cost over $500. So it was decided to order enough to hand out rosettes and product one day and the PT-10 and a gift card the next day. At this time, we aren’t doing a high point award.
Shavings: Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale, $5 each. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa at the time of pick-up.
Arena Announcer Booth Update. There isn’t enough money this year to install lights at the new arena. That won’t affect our show. The guys will return this spring to work on wiring and countertop for the interior.
New Business:
MCHC May Meeting/Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, May 22 at 6 p.m. It was agreed to provide pizzas at the meeting.
MQT County Fair: The Fair is looking for corporate and major sponsors. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to put $200 towards the five horse show classes, Maddi Zimmerman seconded. Motion carried.
UP State Fair: Cindy Johnson made a motion to sponsor the UP State Fair youth classes for $100, Cathy Waller seconded. Motion carried.
MCHC Possible Work Bee/Camping Weekend: Cindy Johnson proposed that the club hold a work bee and camp-out for the weekend of Sept. 28th. Individuals would have to pay for camping but there would be no additional costs. It is the same weekend as the “Muck It UP Race” and would be weather dependent.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 22 at 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds. There will be a quick meeting followed by a work bee to prep for the GLR Memorial Weekend horse show. Pizza will be provided by MCHC.
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill
Meeting Called to Order by Andi Goriesky at 6:03 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. Twelve people were in attendance.
Minutes: November 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Johnson distributed copies for Lisa Pellegrini of the MCHC Balance Sheet Prev. Year Comparison and the 2017 Profit & Loss Prev. Year Comparison. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? The Club received a thank-you from Sally’s Ride.
Old Business:
Membership Dues is due. Cindy Johnson collected dues for Lisa Pellegrini.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 24 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 23 from 4 to 5PM. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday and join us for dinner afterwards.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece has contacted Lawry’s Pasty Shop for a mini pasties donation. MCHC will pay for half of the pasties that are needed.
Muck bucket raffle: MCHC members are asked to donate items for the Muck Bucket Raffle assembled by Bobbi Meyer. Cindy Johnson will purchase $50 of items to add to the bucket from MCHC. Andi will get the tickets for the raffles.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka will be donating a lap quilt to raffle off this year. The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale.
Admissions: The Mane and Tails 4-H Club will be there to help with admissions (plus any other needs). Lisa P will bring the change and will be at the door to collect new memberships. Andi will bring the cash register.
Tack Sale Details: Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks, paper bags, plastic bags, and cloths racks. We still got items with duct tape last year. How can we get the word out: NO DUCK TAPE TAGS PLEASE?!!!!
Vet Spring Shots/Coggins Event at Fairgrounds. Brandi Rolling asked if MCHC was interested in helping with it but it was agreed that we would only help promote and leave the rest to Brandi and Dr. Vollrath.
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show Update (June 8, 9 & 10):
Show Format: Friday night speed beginning at 6PM, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. We have signed contracts for both the Saturday judge (Dawn Bradow) and the Sunday judge (Jackie Luebke-Puetz). Janece will get the UPHA approval for Jackie. Andi is checking into hotel rooms for the judges.
Stalls: Janece is handling stall reservations: $25 before 5/15 and $30 after.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Ribbons, Prizes & High Point: Maddi will take care of the ribbons and use what is left from last year and purchase simple (no rosettes) ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show. At this time, we won’t commit to a high point award.
Misc. Show Details: There is a 4-h livestock workshop in the livestock barn that same weekend. Shelby Talsma is coordinating.
Sally’s Ride (September 22-23). Same schedule as last year. Potluck seems to work best for everyone. There is a wedding in the big building so Brandi’s crew won’t be able to use the 4-h building. All horse traffic will need to stay south of the horse barn.
Arena Announcer Booth Update. The exterior is finished. Cindy Johnson reported that is beautiful. Now it needs inside wiring and countertop.
New Business:
Member request: Janece Hanycz asked that MCHC be a weekend sponsor for the UPHA member’s show for $75. Maddi Zimmerman made the motion, Andi Goriesky seconded. Motion carried.
Marquette County Fair 2018: The Fair will be held Thursday, August 9 through Saturday, August 11. There will be longer hours each day.
Next meeting: Tuesday, Mar. 20 at 6:00 p.m. at Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy WallerMarquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at 6:01 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. 12 people were in attendance.
Minutes: September 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Joan Duncan, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison (11/28/2017) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/28/2017). Our expenses were up by $1595.93 between 2016 and 2017. The big fall expenditures were for the arena ($2000) and Sally’s Ride ($493). Lisa will provide a yearly audit upon request. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? none
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride (September 22-23) was a huge success and great fun. Best one yet! It was nice to have Friday night open. Cindy Johnson looked into a date for next year. There is a wedding currently scheduled in the auction barn on the weekend of September 21. The Great Lakes Championship Show is scheduled for Sept. 14-16. Once the wedding is confirmed, we can finalize the Sally’s Ride 2018 date. It might have to be Sept. 28 and 29.
Arena Announcer Booth Update. Construction on the booth is going really well. The building class from NMU will be wrapped up with the exterior work by December 8. The building costs are well over budget. It is costing over $5000 just to complete the outside shell.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 24 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Molly Fisher’s fall tack sale at Marquette Mountain was pretty successful with a completely different group of horse people. She wants to hold another tack sale in the spring. Jesie Melchiori won’t be able to host it until after the ski season wraps up sometime after April 9.
MCHC 2018 Horse Show (June 8, 9, and 10). It is the same schedule as this past year. Cathy Waller may be out of town that weekend but the dates work for everyone else so no changes. Lisa Pellegrini has a signed contract for our Saturday judge, Dawn Brandow, and will take it the UPHA meeting for approval.
New Business:
MCHC Facebook Page. We have only 76 members in our Facebook group. A decision was made to change it so that any member can invite any other member.
Elections for 2018 officer positions: There were no new nominations for positions. A motion was made by Dale Hauswirth to leave the board as is, seconded by Joan Duncan. Motion carried.
Vet Spring Shots/Coggins Event at the Fairgrounds. Dr. Rebecca Vollrath and Brandi Rolling are tentatively planning on the first weekend of May. MCHC will help promote but leave it up to Brandi and Rebecca to plan out and coordinate.
Members Winter Get-Together. It was agreed to not do one this year.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar at 6 PM.
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:06 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: July 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (9/12/2017). The only addition to the report is an expense of $121.33 for ribbons plus non-profit fees. Maddi sent flowers to the Nap Sharkey funeral services from the Club. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Maddi Zimmerman received a thank-you note from Sharkey family.
Old Business:
Marquette County Fair Update (August 10-13). The new arena worked out very well. The lower arena will be used only for warm-ups and for the rodeo. The weather was interesting (again). All the horse shows ran smoothly and entry fees were up from last year.
Marquette County Fair Announcers Booth for the New Arena. Northern Michigan University has a builder’s class that awards an organization with their help. This year they selected the Marquette County Fairgrounds Announcer’s Booth as their senior project. The Fair board will pay for materials for the shell ($2500-3000). Maddi Zimmerman made a motion for MCHC to contribute $2000 to go towards the new announcer’s booth expenses. Cathy Waller seconded. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 22-24) MCHC is once again proud to cosponsor and support this event. We need to spread the word to spend money to save horses. The wedding that was originally scheduled for the Sally’s Ride weekend has been canceled so we will have the run of the fairgrounds. There won’t be any events on Friday except set-up beginning at 5 p.m. in the main barn.
On Saturday, the Fun Show begins at 9 am until 12 p.m. The trail rides depart at 1 p.m. There is a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. (Cheri, Brandi and Darlene will mark trails a day or so prior.). Registration, potluck, and bucket raffles will be in the main barn. Attendees will receive an armband marked with the events they have signed up for. A potluck dinner will be at 4:30 p.m. with the bucket/basket raffle and bonfire following. Paint Ponies Studios will be staffing a “Paint the Pony” activity on Saturday for $5 per person. On Sunday, Brandi Rolling will be running a Horsemanship Clinic beginning at 10 a.m. Every paid adult horse club member receives $10 in cash (for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride) and each child member will receive $5 in cash.
MCHC will provide free hot dogs to attendees on Saturday for lunch and pulled pork for the potluck. Lisa is picking up the food. Cheri and maybe Maddi are bringing extra paper supplies. Andi is bringing her big coffee pot. Cathy Waller will bring the big strip switches. Cindy is making copies for registration. Joan will order a port-potty to be placed by the chicken barn. Tina, Cathy, Cindy and Andi will be helping with Saturday registration. Tess will float to needed positions. We do need someone to check Coggins on Saturday. As of the meeting, all stalls were taken. Brandi will be bringing an RV but wanted to know if her kids could tent camp for free. Club agreed.
New Business:
Submissions for 2018 MCHC officer positions. Andy Goriesky doesn’t have the time to commit to being the president for 2018. Cathy Waller proposed eliminating the officer positions and just having a board of directors. MCHC is a domestic not-for-profit (exempt from filing because we have less than 30 members, under $5000 gross receipts). Cathy will look into requirements by the state for the next meeting to see how much leeway we have in modifying our constitution and bylaws.
Eliminate one of 2 Facebook pages? Yes, keep the group page with members and eliminate the page describing the group’s purpose, etc. The group page will be kept as a closed group.
Suggestions for winter meeting location/s: Two suggestions were brought up: Big Boy and the Marquette Ski Hill. Meeting at the ski hill worked out well for everyone last year so we will do so again this year.
Adopt a Family or Donate to a Worthy Cause: This year the club is spending its excess funds on the new announcer’s booth at the Marquette County fairgrounds.
MCHC 2018 June Horse Show: The dates will June 8, 9 and 10, 2018. It will be the same format as this year. Lisa Pellegrini will book Dawn Brandow for one of the two days.
2018 Tack Sale: Maddi Zimmerman will contact Negaunee Township Hall about securing March 24 for our tack sale. The following weekend is Easter weekend.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 28, 6 p.m. at the Marquette Ski Hill. Meeting starts at 6, come early to eat.
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:10 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 10 people in attendance.
Minutes: May 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (7/25/2017) and Profit & Loss 2016 & 2017 Comparison Sheets (1/1-7/25). The 2017 horse show was a huge success! Thank you Lisa for all the hard work spent on preparing such beautiful reports. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Final Accounting: Everything went well again this year. The NMU student who filled in as ringmaster was wonderful. Both judges worked well. The club will follow the same format again in 2018. Cindy Johnson is checking into judge for next year.
Marquette County Fair-New Booth Lights & Move Arena. The new arena is almost complete. We need some sort of announcer’s booth for the fair. Andi found a trailer with open sides that might work. We will offer free fair tickets and food coupons for use of trailer for the fair and then look for a more permanent solution. Cindy is looking into a portable sound system. There is no electricity or lights up at the new arena. All the stalls are filled for the fair. There is a huge need for volunteers to help with the various horse events during fair week.
Sally’s Ride (September 22-23) Friday and Saturday only. Everything went well last year so we will repeat the same schedule again this year. There might be tours of the UPAWS new facility. A wedding is being held at the fairgrounds that weekend, so the entrance will be at the back gate for Sally’s Ride and all horse traffic needs to stay away from the big barn. There are enough prizes leftover from the horse show to use in buckets. It worked out well to provide hot dogs before riders leave for the trail ride. MCHC members will be asked to donate baskets again for the Saturday evening raffle.
New Business:
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 12, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by Vice-President Maddi Zimmerman at 6:20 p.m.
Andi Goriesky & Cathy Waller - approved absence
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 8 people in attendance.
Minutes: March 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (5/23/2017) $5,884.35 balance in accounts and Profit & Loss Sheets (3/22-5/23/2017). Also included in the report is the Tack Sale break down for the last 3 years (nice to be able to see comparisons). MCHC Profit was $1,114.19 for this year. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence: none
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up—Saturday, March 25
Everything went very smoothly. The 2018 Tack Sale is tentatively scheduled for March 24, 2018. Maddi will check with Negaunee Township Hall.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Update (June 9-11):
Concessions Update (nicknamed M&M Café): Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be shopping, cooking and running the concession stand out of the Maddi’s camper which is now parked next to the chicken barn.
Class Sponsors Update: We have 10 spots open. Janece has rocked it!!! ** Updated – as the meeting progressed we had an additional 6 classes sponsored so we have 4 left – AWESOME job!
Awards Update: We have 3 coolers embroidered with the wording “MCHC Top Exhibitor.” The winner (from each of the 3 age categories: Juvenile, Junior, and Senior) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend (earn 1 point for each class entered). Gain an additional three points for having a stall for weekend (max 3 points) and three extra points for volunteering for 30 minutes at the show (max 3 points). Lisa Pellegrini will get Tractor Supply $10 gift cards. Cindy Johnson has the other purchased awards and Maddi Zimmerman has the ribbons. We have awesome 1st place prizes because Nancy Redfern gave the club some unbelievable deals! Thank you Nancy! Cindy and Lisa have them split up between Halter/Showmanship, English/Western Pleasure, and Speed so everyone will have a really great selection to pick from. All left over prizes will be used for future bucket raffles. We have two brand new quilted blankets that could be saved for the Sally’s Ride silent auction. Cindy and Lisa also put together a “Grooming Apron” FULL of products and supplies that we will sell tickets for $1 in the office during our show. Winner will be drawn on Sunday, June 11.
Stall Reservations Update: Inside is all reserved but there are several outside stalls still available. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding; however, Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi Goriesky will be ringmaster for Saturday and Sunday morning, Darien Steiner from NMU Pre Vet program will take over ringmaster at 11:30 on Saturday. Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will help in registration. We need out gate/ribbon volunteers. Jesie Melchiori said that the GLR Queen and Court might not be available this year. We also still need volunteers help to with setting up trail, ranch riding, Western riding and speed. Cathy Waller will send out an e-mail seeking volunteers to fill our holes.
Misc. Show Details: Andi Goriesky made arrangements for two porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena. Jesie said she contact Andi and see if those port-a-johns could just stay for the month of June and share the cost with GLR. Janece is advertising the show on Facebook. Cathy has updated the website. Someone will need to put together a cooler for judge. We need to confirm that Joan Duncan is still planning to do a trail ride.
New Business:
MCHC June Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on June 6th at 6 p.m. We need to get grounds ready for the MCHC horse show (office work, garbage cans, etc.).
Marquette County Fair-New Booth Lights & Move Arena. We are hoping to add a ‘second’ arena outside the inside barn! We would like to see if we could get Tractor Supply (TSC) to donate an arena (like the one in Escanaba). We need a GOOD letter and a 4-H group to use in the letter. Cindy Johnson will draft a letter in the Club’s name and send to TSC. In addition, we need a new announcer’s booth/registration and additional lights. A discussion of how much MCHC will donate is tabled to after the show. If we don’t get a donation from TSC for an arena – we will then have to ‘shorten’ up the lower arena and use the exercise area panels so that area would be without. Maybe someday we could replace those or look for donations elsewhere. Jessie may be able to get some lights from Joe for the Fair in case the upper arena shows go into the dark (Speed). If we can’t get a new booth made, Jesie said we could use the stand she has for the rodeo. Nancy Redfern has a small storage shed we could have – either to use as a booth or storage for arena supplies. She said it needs shingles – Cindy will have Norm take a look at it.
MCHC Insurance – The cost to renew is $804. Motion to pay by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Nancy Redfern. Motion carried
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 25, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office (But don’t forget about the MCHC Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds at June 6th at 6 p.m.!)
Motion to adjourn made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
----Submitted by Cindy Johnson
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:41 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 19 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2017 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (3/21/2017) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-3/21/2017). New income came from $335 in membership dues and 1 sponsor. Thanks to Janece Hanycz for bringing in several more sponsors to the meeting. New expenses included $84.77 for coolers, UPHA sanction fees, and $100 donation. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We receive a thank-you from a Haunted Hayride group and the Manes and Tails 4-H Club.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update‑Saturday, March 25 at Negaunee Township Hall
Tack set-up/drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (MCHC Members only) Set up will be held on Friday night, March 24, beginning at 4 p.m. The group will go to the Crossroads Restaurant for dinner after. Saturday set-up begins at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Dale and Andy; Andi, Dale and Stephanie will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Runners will be Janece, Bobbi, Cathy, and other available help; Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Manes and Tales 4-H Group will be available to help. Norm Johnson will handle the saddle room.
Muck Bucket & Quilt Raffle: We will do two muck bucket raffles since we have a lot of stuff. Kathy Solka has a quilt to raffle again this year.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale.
Other Tack Sale Details: Andi will bring the cash register and MCHC banner to hang. Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Members are asked to bring their spare saddle racks and bags.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Update (June 9-11)
Class Sponsors Update: We have only $20 so far in sponsors, but Lisa Pellegrini received at least 10 more sponsors at the meeting. 2017 Class sponsor forms can be found on our website horse show sponsor page.
Stall Reservations Update: Still lots of stalls available. Cindy Johnson made a motion that stalls prepaid by May 15th will be $25 but afterwards will be $30 per stall. Seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Judges: Andi has received the contracts back from both judges.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi passed around a job sign up sheet. She will be ringmaster for the weekend, Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will help in registration. UPHA voted to charge $25 to groups using their computers at horse shows. Club members who are also UPHA members will bring up our concerns about that fee to the UPHA.
Ribbons & Prizes: Maddi will order ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Tractor Supply Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show.
Should we do a High Point Award? It was decided to do a Top Exhibitor Award instead. We have 3 coolers getting embroidered with the wording “MCHC Top Exhibitor.” The winner (from each of the 3 age categories: Juvenile, Junior, and Senior) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend (earn 1 point for each class entered). Gain an additional three points for having a stall for weekend (max 3 points) and three extra points for volunteering for 30 minutes at the show (i.e., helping with ribbons, setting-up speed, setting-up trail) (max 3 points). Any ties will be broken by the number of 1st place finishes then 2nd place finishes etc.
New Show Feature Guided Trail Rides: Joan Duncan has offered to lead 2 trail rides each day for a donation of $1. First trail ride leaves at 11 am. Second trail ride leaves at 3 p.m. Each ride will last around an hour.
Mark Trails Memo: It appears that we can mark trails in Sands Plains based on an e-mail that Andi received from Randy Yelle from Sands Township but it is unclear if we will need a special use permit.
New Club Sweatshirts: Maddi researched and found that it was expensive.
New Business:
MQT County Fair: The Fair is looking for corporate and major sponsors. Since one of the Club mandates is to support the Fair, this is a great use of our funds. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to put $200 towards the five horse show classes and Joan Duncan seconded. Motion carried.
Great Lakes Rodeo: Bobbi Meyer made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR for $250 (the same amount as last year), Janece Hanycz seconded. Motion carried.
UP State Fair: Cathy Waller made a motion to sponsor the UP State Fair youth classes for $100, Bobbi Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
UPHA-Janece Hanycz made a motion to sponsor the Member’s Show for $75, Maddi Zimmerman seconded. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride has a date (Sept 22-24, 2017). Mark it in your calendars.
MCHC May Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, May 23 at 6 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Stephanie Hurley, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 23 at Marquette County Fairgrounds. There will be a quick meeting followed by a work bee to prep for the GLR Memorial Weekend horse show.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:43 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 19 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the November 2016 minutes as found on-line by Tess Jezek, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (1/24/2017) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-12/2016) plus the 2016 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Lisa Pellegrini proposed paying the $150 UPHA sanction fee, Tess seconded. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
Membership Renewal Kick-Off Party. All renewing and new 2017 MCHC members got a free taco bar during this meeting. It was a nice way to start the year so we will probably repeat again next year.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 25 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 24 beginning at 4PM. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Tack sale hours: Saturday, open to members at 10:30 a.m.; to the public from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. We will get Lawry’s Pasty Shop to donate mini pasties again this year.
Admissions: The Mane and Tails 4-H Club will be there to help with admissions (plus any other needs). Lisa P will be at the door to collect new memberships.
Check-in/Checkout: Andi, Stephanie, Dale, Laurie and Jackie will be at check-in/checkout plus any others who can help out.
Muck bucket raffle: MCHC members are asked to bring one or two items to put into the muck bucket. MCHC will purchase $50 of items to add to the bucket.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka is hoping to complete quilt to raffle again this year. The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale. We need to find someone to hawk the 50/50 raffle during the sale.
Tack Sale Details: Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks. Remind folks: NO DUCK TAPE WHEN TAGGING ITEMS.
Promotion: Cindy will do a flyer and Norm will take them to various barns that he works at. Janece will post it on Facebook. Cathy will make sure that the website is up-to-date. All promotion needs to emphasize that sellers need to make sure that they fill out a sheet and have item numbers that correspond with the sheet.
Members are asked to bring their spare paper bags and Muck Bucket items to the next MCHC meeting, held on March 21.
Members Work Bee to mark a 1 ½ hour Trail Ride: The Club will host a work bee to mark a trail that people could come and do on their own and not get lost. Andi will check with Sands Township to see if there are any legal issues about posting signs on state and private land.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Update:
Show Format: Approved by UPHA for June 9, 10 and 11, 2017. Same schedule as last year: Friday night speed beginning at 6PM, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. There won’t be a stallions or jumping class. Joan Duncan offered to lead a couple of trail rides during the show (possibly Saturday). Andi secured a judge for the Saturday show (Joy Ratowski). Cathy will see if she can find a Sunday judge. Hotel rooms for the judges have been secured at American Best Value Inn. The website has been updated with the 2017 show information.
Stalls: Members can reserve their stalls with Janece and she will open it up to nonmembers beginning February 1st. Janice has stall cleaners for the show. Promotion should instruct folks to bring their own bedding. The club should have some on hand for special circumstances. Lisa Pellegrini will make the arrangements.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Ribbons & Prizes: Maddi will take care of the ribbons and use what is left from last year and purchase simple (no rosettes) ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Tractor Supply Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show.
Class Sponsors: Tabled until next meeting.
Should we do a High Point Award? Janece will pose the question on Facebook and Cathy will pose the question via e-mail. We will see what the opinions are and make a decision next meeting.
Misc. Show Details: Andi will make arrangements for the porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena.
New Business:
MCHC May Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds: tabled until next meeting.
Member request: Emma Jezek asked members if they had Breyer horses that they could bring to the Manes and Tails 4-H Club March 5 Amateur Model Horse Fundraiser. Jackie Hurley made a motion to sponsor $100 towards prizes for this event. JoAnne Kirchhoff seconded. Motion carried.
New Club Sweatshirts: Maddi will research the cost with the help of Emma Jezek and report back next meeting.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar. We will all pitch in for pizzas. Cash bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Norm Johnson, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:34 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. Twelve people were in attendance.
Minutes: September 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Norm Johnson, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (11/29/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/17/2016). Our expenses were up by $2126 between 2015 and 2016 and our income was increased by $3100. The Sally’s Ride expenses totaled $520.15 and are considered a donation to Sally’s Ride. Lisa will be providing a yearly audit upon request. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Andi received 5 thank-you letters for supporting the Haunted Hayride: Select Realty Community Fund, UP Whitetails, NMU Wildlife Society, Girl Scout Troup 5002, and Haunted Hayride.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend Update (September 23-25). Weather was great, food was great, and everything seemed to run very smoothly. Proceeds from the weekend were close to $5000. Everyone at the meeting felt that it would be worthwhile to do again next year.
Salvation Army Adopt a Family Update. We received wish lists for a family that has an 11-year old boy and a 6-year old girl plus a single father in his forties. Lisa Pellegrini and Cathy Waller will shop and deliver the gifts before the Salvation Army deadline of December 6. Cindy Johnson made a motion to increase the spending limit from $300 to $400, plus adding a $100 grocery store gift card. Seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show: The show is approved by UPHA for June 9, 10 and 11, 2017. Cindy made a motion that we do the same schedule as last year: Friday night speed, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried. Andi will contact the judges. Mary Johnson will consider doing the concessions again this year. The UPHA sanction fees went up and will cost the MCHC $150 for this year’s horse show.
UPHA Meeting and Banquet Update: UPHA sanction fees and membership dues have been increased. Judy Nelson will be in charge of membership. There have also been a change in the position of the trail class and the 2nd walk trot class has been changed to an open class. We will need to make sure to get our judges packet prior from UPHA.
New Business:
Election for 2017 officer positions: There were no additional nominations for positions. Everyone is happy with the current board. A final vote was made to continue the board as is.
Alternative MCHC meeting locations. Andi suggested meeting at the Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar. Tuesday night is taco night and Jesie Melchiori will extend hours of the taco bar until 7. The group decided to hold the next two meetings at the ski hill and then resume meeting at Fairgrounds office.
Members Winter Get-Together. It was agreed that it is difficult to find an open weekend that can accommodate everyone’s busy schedule. Janece Hanycz suggested that we combine a winter gathering with our January meeting. The Club will pay for the cost of the taco bar ($5 per tray) and members will buy their own drinks. RSVP is recommended. An invite will go out via e-mail and on Facebook.
2017 MCHC Possible Activities
• Members’ Winter Gathering. MCHC will hold a 2017 Membership launch meeting on January 24. All newly renewed 2017 MCHC paid members will get a free taco bar during our January meeting. The Club will pay the cost of the taco bar ($5 per tray) and members buy their own drinks. We will need an approximate count for the Ski Hill. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to that the meeting will be held on January 24 and the club pay the cost of the taco bar for 2017 MCHC members, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion approved.
• Tack Sale, April 1. (Maddi Zimmerman called Negaunee Township Hall and April 1 was booked already so the tack sale has been moved to March 25.)
• Midwest Horse Show
• Trail Ride
• The Club will host a work bee to mark an 1 and ½ hour trail that people could come and do on their own and not get lost. Joan Duncan has trail markers in her barn that she is donating for this cause. MCHC will need to check with Sands Township to see if there are any legal issues about posting signs on state and private land.
• June Horse Show
• Marquette County Fairgrounds Work bee
• Sally’s Ride
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Marquette County Fairgrounds Horse Barn
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:08 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: July 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison (9/23/2016) and Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison (9/23/2016). Our expenses were about $1649 greater in 2016 versus 2015, due to the Shriner Event and 2016 Tack Sale. Our income was about $3309 greater in 2016 versus 2015, due to 2016 Tack Sale and Shriner Event. The Shriners gave the club $2300 and the Shriner expenses for food, stall managers, trail ride and judge costs totaled $1632.70. That meant a profit of $667.30. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None.
Old Business:
Shriner’s Event (August 2-6): The Shriners rented the Marquette County Fairgrounds and brought 23 saddle horses that were stalled in the two outside barns. Stephanie Bahrman, Shelby Talsma, and Ali Goriesky worked super hard as stable managers and received a fee of $1150 from MCHC. Joan Duncan lead what ended up being a two-hour guided trail ride on Thursday morning. Maddi and Alice did a great job purchasing, assembling and distributing the two lunches that the Shriner’s needed at the fairgrounds. The food cost was $333.70. The group felt that we made a little money ($667.30) and provided a nice service.
Marquette County Fair Update (August 11-14). The horse shows went smoothly despite the rain. It was very appreciated that the Fair Board agreed to the emergency tractor work to make the arena ride able after the rain.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 23-25): MCHC is once again proud to cosponsor and support this event and would consider doing it beyond UPAWS. We need to spread the word to spend money to save horses. Cathy and Cindy will check-in trailers on Friday afternoon and prep the tables. Brandi Rolling will be running a Horsemanship Clinic beginning at 5 p.m. On Saturday, the Fun Show begins at 9 am until 12 p.m. The trail rides depart at 1 p.m. There is a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. Both trail rides will have a scavenger hunt option. Registration, potluck, and bucket raffles will be in the main barn. Attendees will receive an armband marked with the events they have signed up for. A potluck dinner will be at 4:30 p.m. with the bucket/basket raffle and bonfire following. Volunteers are especially needed for registration on Saturday. Emma Jezek will check into getting volunteers from the NMU Equestrian Club to check Coggins on Saturday morning. Paint Ponies Studios will be setting up and staffing a “Paint the Pony” activity from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday for $5 per person. All profits will be donated to Sally’s Fund.
MCHC will provide free hot dogs to attendees on Saturday for lunch and pulled pork for the potluck. MCHC is paying $150 for the rental of the fairgrounds. Cindy is picking up the food. Maddi is bringing extra paper supplies. Andi is bringing a big roaster and tablecloths. Cindy Johnson made a motion that every paid adult horse club member receives $10 in cash (for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride) and each child member will receive $5 in cash. Seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
New Business:
Submissions for 2017 officer positions: Officer nomination ballots were turned in at the meeting but then, after some discussion, it was determined that everyone was happy with the current board. A final vote will be made in November in case there are any additional nomination ballots before then.
Meeting Time Change: It was decided to change the next meeting to 6:30 p.m. but not change the bylaws.
MCHC 2017 UPHA Horse Show: Maddi will reserve the dates at the fairgrounds for June 10th and 11th, 2017. The last show went well with plenty of help. Andi proposed a double points one-day show but Cindy and Bobbi were against that idea. Show format tabled until the November meeting.
Website Update: Cathy Waller is in the process of cleaning up the photo pages section of the website. The group expressed an interest in fun pictures, especially kids, bonfires etc.
Adopt a Family. Cathy Waller said that she was willing and able to shop again for a Salvation Army family. Lisa volunteered to help. Cathy will contact them around Halloween to get the club’s name on their list. It was agreed to spend the same as last year—$300.
Benefit for Marti Overmyer on Sunday, 9/25: Two Tractor Supply $25 gift certificates will be donated from the Club and Bobbi Meyer will take to them to the benefit. Motion to accept made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 29, 6:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Restaurant
Motion to adjourn made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 5:36 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: May 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (7/26/2016) and Profit & Loss 2015 & 2016 Comparison Sheets (1/1-7/26). Our expenses were about $1000 greater in 2016 versus 2015, solely due to 2016 Tack Sale. Our income was about $1000 greater in 2016 versus 2015, solely due to 2016 Tack Sale. The 2016 Horse Show profit was $2083.80 while the 2015 Horse Show profit was $1724.03. The nonprofit license for $20 was paid, a funeral donation of $100 was made to the Redferns, and a $100 donation was made to UP State Fair. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? The Club received a thank-you from Nancy Redfern expressing her gratitude for the donation towards Dave Redfern’s funeral luncheon.
Old Business:
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Final Accounting (June 10-12): The club made $360 more in 2016 than in 2015. The show’s income was virtually the same in 2016 versus 2015; however the expenses were $420 less. Therefore, the Club’s profit was greater. The recommendation last year to spend less on prizes helped really helped with our bottom line. Plenty of people showed up to help and the rodeo queens were very helpful as well. Seemed like a nice show and people had fun. The extra features like on-site massage made for a pleasant and unique show experience.
Shriner’s Event: The Shriners have rented the Marquette County Fairgrounds from August 2 to August 6. They are bringing 30 plus saddle horses and they will be stalled in the two outside barns. Stephanie Bahrman, Shelby Talsma, and Ali Goriesky have agreed to prep the stalls, barn-sit the horses during their stay, and clean out the stalls upon their departure. Joan Duncan will lead a 1½ hour guided trail ride on Thursday morning followed by a pasty box lunch coordinated by Maddi. On Friday morning at 10 a.m., they will be doing a stagecoach and drill show. Stephanie Bahrman will judge both shows for a $50 fee. Another pulled pork sandwiches box lunch (coordinated by Maddi) will follow the competitions. It was suggested to leave a donation can outside the barns to encourage contributions towards some of our fairground projects. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion that 50% of the income that we get from the Shriner’s ($100 per horse) will be split between the three horse caretakers with the remaining going towards our expenses (food, shavings, tractor work, Trail Network donation of $100) and our fairground’s projects. Motion seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride Update— MQT County Fairgrounds, September 23-24. Most of the schedule is the same as last year. Flyers are out advertising the event. Brandi Rolling and her mom have volunteered to mark the trail again. A wedding is being held at the fairgrounds that weekend, so the entrance will be at the back gate for Sally’s Ride and all horse traffic needs to stay away from the big barn. We will need a port-a-john by the chicken barn. Katie is working on the prizes. Brandi is making the t-shirt with advertisers for Sally’s Ride. It worked out well to provide hot dogs before they leave for trail ride. MCHC Members will be asked to donate baskets again for the Saturday evening raffle. The next Sally’s Ride meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept 13, at 7 p.m. at Marquette County Fair office.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 20, 7 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 9 people in attendance.
Minutes: March 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (5/24/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (3/29-5/24/2016). Since our last meeting, we received $345 from member fees, $554 in show sponsors and plus tack sale income. Our expenses include $349 for ribbons, $100 donation to the County Fair, $40 donation to UP Pink Power, $61.44 for new checks, and tack sale expenses. The 2016 Tack Sale profit was $1029.75. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None, but Maddi will send a thank-you to Kathy Solka for her wonderful quilt donation for the tack sale.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up—Saturday, April 2
Everything went very smoothly despite the bad weather. The 2017 Tack Sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 1. Maddi will call Negaunee Township Hall to see if that date is available.
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Update (June 10-12):
Judges: Andi will contact the judges and ask them to will pick out patterns for all pattern classes. We do trail patterns.
Concessions (nicknamed M&M Café): Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be shopping, cooking and running the concession stand out of the chicken barn. The club will make sure that they have a grill. The menu will have the basics that people tend to like at shows. Mary has a big cooler to put drinks in. Andi has small fridge that she will bring to store drinks. There will be a limited menu on Friday night but then open for 8 am breakfast on Saturday (coffee and rolls).
Class Sponsors Update: We have 11 spots still open. Lisa dropped off forms with letter asking for sponsors but only Country Corner responded. Janece will do a post on Facebook reminding members and friends to sponsor our show. At the meeting, Joan Mulder signed up for a reining class sponsorship.
Stall Reservations Update: Inside is full and there are 12 outside stalls reserved at this point. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding. Lisa Pellegrini made arrangements to have some bedding on hand for special circumstances.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi will be ringmaster for the weekend, Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller will help in registration. GLR rodeo queens will be there to help with the in-gate and out-gate. We still need help with set-up for western riding and reining pattern, trail patterns and speed obstacles. Cathy Waller will send out an e-mail seeking volunteers to fill our holes. Mike Pellegrini will not take any donations (last year we gave him $50) for grooming the arena for MCHC show.
Misc. Show Details: Jesse Melchiori will make arrangements for two porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena. Janece is advertising the show on Facebook. Cathy has updated the website.
Top Exhibitor Award The award for the weekend is a buckle Molly Silversmith 10421 Blackstone Flower Metal Jewelers Bronze. The winner (from all age categories) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend (earn 1 point for each class entered). Gain an additional five points for having a stall for weekend (max 5 points) and five extra points for volunteering for 30 minutes at the show (i.e., helping with ribbons, setting-up speed, setting-up trail) (max 5 points). Any ties will be broken by the number of 1st place finishes then 2nd place finishes etc..
Other Awards: Lisa Pellegrini will get 52 Tractor Supply $10 gift, Cindy has the other awards purchased from Midwest Horse Fair, Maddi has the ribbons. Andi has the lead line prizes that Cindy and Andy will put together before the class.
New Business:
MCHC June Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, June 7 at 6 p.m.
Great Lakes Rodeo Donation: Bobbi Meyer made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR at the $250 Chaps & Spur level, Lisa Pellegrini seconded. Motion carried. Two general admission rodeo tickets come with this level and will be added to the “Top Exhibitor” prize. Lisa Pellegrini will fill out the form and mail it with a check.
Proposal from Shriners. The Shriners have rented the Marquette County Fairgrounds from August 2 to August 6. They have 40 horses and 10 campers and are looking to pay someone for a variety of tasks: 1) August 2 Set-up & August 6 clean out 40 stalls; 2) Grade and prep arena before and during competition; 3) Barn-sit 40 horses during their stay August 3-6; 4) Horse tour guide for a 4-hour trail ride on August 4; 5) Looking for 2 judges for 2 hours competition on 8/6; 6) Luncheon in gazebo after completion of competition 8/6. Andi thought it could be a good fundraiser for us and then we would have seed money for stall improvements. Maddi will check into food once we decide. Andi has contacted the fair shavings dealer for extra for this group, and Mike will have tractor at fairgrounds for the County Fair anyway. The group had a number of questions that Andi will get answers on before we make any commitments.
Sally’s Ride Update— MQT County Fairgrounds, September 23-24. Most of the schedule will remain unchanged from last year. Brandi will be doing a Friday night clinic and Saturday morning fun show. There was discussion on improving the trail markings for the rides and whether we should eliminate the long ride. Also, many felt that it wasn’t necessary to have an evening presentation after the potluck dinner and follow with the bucket raffle drawing and bonfire instead. Katie is working on the prizes. UPAWS is seeking Sally’s Ride t-shirt sponsorships. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion for MCHC to be on the t-shirt for $100, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
MCHC Insurance. The Haunted Hayride has a rider on our insurance but when they have finalized their 501c status then they will get their own insurance. Andi paid the Hayride’s insurance at the meeting.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 26, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Root 41 Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: February 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in February. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (3/29/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (2/23-3/29/2016). Since our last meeting, we received $125 from member fees, $160 in show sponsors and bank interest. Our expenses include a $100 UPHA sanction fee, a $170 toilet rental fee from the 2015 show, $50 for the tack sale bucket raffle purchases, $200 donation to UPAWS in honor of Ray Meyer, and $36.99 for a deli tray for Ray Meyer. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cathy Ruprecht. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Lisa Pellegrini received a thank-you from the UPAWS for the donation in memory of Ray Meyer that sponsored two pets: Scruffy Paws and Harold Hobbs.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update—Saturday, April 2 at Negaunee Township Hall:
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (MCHC Members only) Set up will be held on Friday night, April 1, from 4 to 6 p.m. The group will go to the Crossroads Restaurant for dinner after.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Cindy & Andy; Hurley clan will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Runners will be Janece, Bobbi, Great Lakes Rodeo queens, and other available help; Maddi, Mary and Cathy will run concessions. Members should fill in as needed especially at the door when stuff is coming in to help tag and inventory.
Website/Facebook Reminders: Janece and Cathy will take care of reminding people of the following, “NO DUCK TAPE WHEN TAGGING ITEMS. Only put OBO if you mean it. No OBO if your price is firm.”
Muck Bucket & Quilt Raffle: Lisa will type up a list of what is in the muck bucket. Mane and Tails 4-H and Tess will sell muck bucket tickets. Kathy Solka has a bed set to raffle again this year.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: NMU Equestrian Team will be doing the 50/50 and a bake sale. Great Lakes Rodeo queens can help them if needed.
Hallway Displays: Cathy Ruprecht will have a table with information about a local dressage club. Also, Dr. Matt Schaefer will be there with information about his DVM practice currently based in the Green Bay area. UPAWS might have a table with plans for the new building.
Other Tack Sale Details: Dale, Andi, Jesse and Tess Jezek have cloths racks. Andi will bring the MCHC banner to hang, Ziploc bags, and a full-length mirror. Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks and bags.
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Update (June 10-12):
Concessions: NMU Equestrian Club is not able to do the concessions. Andi contacted a couple of other vendors but no one was available. Mary Johnson said that she was willing to run a concession stand out of the chicken barn for the club. Maddi volunteered to help. The menu would have the basics that people tend to like at shows.
Class Sponsors Update: We have only $160 so far in sponsors, but Lisa Pellegrini received at least 20 more sponsors at the meeting. Lisa will drop off forms at a couple of businesses and see if we get any more.
Stall Reservations Update: Inside is full but outside is empty. Promotion should instruct folks to bring their own bedding. The club should have some on hand for special circumstances. Lisa Pellegrini will make the arrangements.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi passed around a job sign up sheet. She will be ringmaster for the weekend, Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller will help in registration. GLR rodeo queens will be contacted for in gate and out gate help.
Misc. Show Details: We will need two porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena. Jesse Melchiori will make the arrangements for the club. Janece will advertise the show on Facebook. Cathy will update the website.
Should we do a High Point Award? It was decided to do a Weekend Exhibitor Award instead. The winner (from all age categories) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend. Five extra points will be given if they have a stall for weekend and five extra points can be earned if they volunteer for 30 minutes at the show (i.e., helping with ribbons, setting-up speed, setting-up trail, in gates, out gates).
New Business:
MCHC May Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, May 24 at 6 p.m.
Member request: Bobbi Meyer is doing an 18-mile walk for cancer and is trying to raise a $100 in donations. Cindy Johnson made motion for the club to sponsor Bobbi for $40, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried.
Change MCHC Meeting Time? The last three meetings have been held at 6 p.m. The group decided not to change the bylaws but adjust the meeting times as needed and address this in November to see if it makes to make a permanent change.
Motion to adjourn made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 24 at the Marquette County Fairgrounds at 6 p.m. There will be a quick meeting followed by a work bee to prep for the GLR Memorial Weekend horse show.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Root 41 Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 13 people in attendance including a guest from the NMU Equestrian Club.
Minutes: November 2015 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in December. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (2/23/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-2/23/2016) plus the 2015 Treasury Summary. Officers received a more detailed 2015 profit and loss statement. Since our last meeting, we received $80 from four membership fees and bank interest. Our expenses include a $200 donation to UPAWS in honor of one of our founding fathers, Ray Meyer, and $50 for flowers for the club president. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Cathy Waller received a thank-you from the Salvation Army for the gifts the club bought for the adopted family.
Old Business:
Members Get-Together/Trail Ride Plans. Cindy Johnson had initially proposed that the Club hold a spring trail ride and get-together at the MQT County Fairgrounds. After some discussion and reviewing the May schedule, it was decided to not commit to a date in the spring. The Club will be holding a May work bee at the Fairgrounds to prepare for the upcoming horse show season and, depending on weather, may host an impromptu trail ride then.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, April 2:
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, April 1. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Tack sale hours: Saturday, open to members at 10:30 a.m.; to the public from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece got Lawry’s Pasty Shop to donate mini pasties again this year.
Admissions: The Mane and Tails and Posse 4-H Clubs will be asked to help with admissions. Lisa P will be at the door to collect new memberships.
Check-in/Checkout: Andi and Cindy will be handle check-in. Dale and crew will be at checkout plus any others who can help out. The NMU Equestrian team will help with bagging.
Muck bucket raffle: MCHC members are asked to bring one or two items to put into the muck bucket. Also Lisa has been given $50 to purchase some items for the bucket. Mane and Tails 4-H and Tess will sell muck bucket tickets.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka is doing a complete bed set this year. NMU Equestrian Team will be doing the 50/50 and a bake sale.
Tack Sale Details: Dale and Tess Jezek have cloths racks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks. Remind folks: NO DUCK TAPE WHEN TAGGING ITEMS. The group gave Andi the go ahead that if anyone asks to have a table at the sale then Andi will agree if club gets 10%.
Promotion: Cindy will post an ad in Craig’s List and do a flyer. Janece will make sure to send something to the calendar and post it on Facebook. All promotion needs to emphasize that sellers need to make sure that they fill out a sheet and have item numbers that correspond with the sheet.
Norm will supervise saddle room.
Members are asked to bring their spare paper bags and Muck Bucket items to the next MCHC meeting, held on March 29.
Fairgrounds Vet Meet and Greet/Haul in for Vet Services: Andi talked with Laurie Sampala who thought that Dr. Abe Aho would be interested in this event. Robyn Woodaz thought that Dr. Gail Hoholik would also be interested. Many thought that a May event was too late for people needing Coggins done for the Memorial Weekend Horse Show. Robyn was hoping for the 2nd week of April. The Marquette County Fairgrounds can be pretty snow-covered in April. The group decided to table the event for now and maybe consider in future years, possibly incorporating it with the tack sale.
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Update:
Show Format: Approved by UPHA for June 10, 11 and 12, 2016. Same schedule as last year: Friday night speed, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. Andi received signed contracts for both the Saturday (Jody Zuelsdorff) judge and Sunday (Jodi Zamzow) judge. Janece has been taking stall reservations since February 1st. Hotel rooms for the judges have been secured at American Best Value Inn. Janice has stall cleaners for the show: Misty and Kelly. The website has been updated with the 2016 show information.
Concessions: The NMU equestrian team might be interested in running a concession stand during our horse show. Since five of their e-board and some members stay in Marquette during the summer, this might be a nice fund-raising opportunity for them. The Club offered the use of the chicken barn and a grill. Lauren Bareiss will get back to us in a couple of weeks to confirm. Otherwise, Andi will check with Senores to see if they are able to bring a truck again for concessions.
Ribbons & Prizes: Lisa brought up the fact that we spent over $1200 in awards last year; and even though it was nice, it cut into our show profit. There are 52 classes this year. Maddi will take care of the ribbons and use what is left from last year and purchase simple (no rosettes) ribbons (just like what is used for the County Fair). First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Tractor Supply Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show.
Class Sponsors: Last year, we raised $1000 in sponsors. Lisa Pellegrini will take care of managing class sponsorship and collecting money again this year. All members should try to get sponsors for the show. The price is $20 per class. Janece Hanycz has five sponsors already!
New Business:
Sally’s Ride It is scheduled for Sept 23-24. UPAWS wants us to help with Sally’s Ride again this year. We all agreed to having events on Friday, Saturday and Saturday night but maybe no tack sale on Sunday.
MQT County Fair: The Fair is looking for corporate and major sponsors. Since one of the Club mandates is support the Fair, this is a great use of our funds. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to put $20 for each of the five shows (draft, mini, speed, pleasure, and jumping) and Cathy Waller seconded. Motion approved. There will be a liberty horse event on Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 29 at 6 p.m. at Root 41 Restaurant.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Root 41 Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:00 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: September meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Cathy Waller handed out copies of the minutes for attendees to read. Members also received a copy by e-mail in October. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (11/24/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (9/22-11/24/2015). Since our last meeting, we received $205 from Sally’s Ride stall fees, one membership fee and bank interest. Our expenses on the sheet include a $200 donation to Haunted Hayride, $220 cash to members participating in Sally’s Ride, $122.90 food for Sally’s Ride, and $50 Tractor Supply gift certificates for the UPHA annual banquet door prize. Lisa will be providing a yearly summary for 2015 during the January meeting. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Andi received two thank-you letters to the Club: one from UPAWS thanking the club for their help and support with the Sally’s Ride event, and a thank-you letter from Haunted Hayride.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride & Winter Horse Care Clinic Report (September 25-27). Weather was great, food was great, and everything seemed to run very smoothly. Joan Mulder from UPAWS felt that it was the best one yet. Everyone at the meeting felt that it would be worthwhile to help again next year. Cindy checked the Fairgrounds 2016 schedule for that weekend and found that a wedding has already been scheduled for that date but she felt that we could have both events on the same weekend. A couple of improvements for next year’s Sally’s Ride: rent a porta potty for the chicken barn area, add a Sunday morning activity, improve trail markers and maybe produce a map ahead of time showing the route. Joan Duncan volunteered to GPS the route and Cindy said she could print out the map.
Haunted Hayride Report (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17). The event went very well but opening up a third night really paid off. The event brought in a record of $27,800. Andi is already thinking of an addition for next year: a Saturday afternoon activity and she has approached someone about doing an antique Hearst show.
Salvation Army Adopt a Family. We received wish lists for a family that has a 7-year old girl and an infant plus parents in their late twenties. Lisa Pellegrini and Cathy Waller will shop, wrap and deliver the gifts before the Salvation Army’s deadline of December 18. Maddi Zimmerman made a motion to increase the spending limit from $200 to $300. Seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Members Winter Get-Together Plans. Andi contacted Bill Richards about sleigh rides for the Club but he was not able to do something in February. Andi will check to see if Luke Bell can accommodate us. We agreed on a date of Saturday, February 20th and proposed a schedule of: sleigh ride with Luke Bell from 3 to 5, followed by a potluck dinner, sledding and skating at the Goriesky’s home after 5. The Club could pay for a sleigh ride or two. Andi, Cathy and Cindy will meet to finalize the details. An invite will go out via e-mail and will include the 2016 new members.
UPHA Banquet/UPHA Meeting. Eighty-four people attended the 50th Anniversary banquet. All the founding fathers were honored. Ray Meyer felt that the banquet was the best they ever had. UPHA held their election and rule change meeting on November 15. Our June date and show has been approved by the UPHA. The UPHA changed the rule that you must participate in a certain amount of shows to qualify for year-end awards. Also, we can add a class up to 30 days prior to the show (like a Jackpot class). The next UPHA meeting will be held on at 2 p.m. on January 3rd at the Family Inn in Escanaba.
New Business:
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show: Approved by UPHA for June 11 and 12, 2016. Andi proposed that we do the same schedule as last year: Friday night speed, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. NBHA may be interested in having an event that weekend. Andi contacted judges and was able to secure a judge for Saturday (Jody Zuelsdorff) and one for Sunday (Jodi Zamzow). We have used both judges before; their fee is $315 per day plus .50 per mile. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion for same format as last year, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried. Lisa is willing to do stalls if Janece isn’t able to. Andi contacted American Best Value Inn and they gave us a break on the rooms and she already booked them. Lisa will give the info to UPHA at their next meeting. Thank you from Lisa (and the Club) to Andi for taking this in such a timely manner!
Elections for 2016 officer positions. There were no additional nominations for positions. Dale Hauswirth made a motion to keep the officer positions the same. Bobbi Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
Marquette Area Large Animal Vet Issue. Cathy Ruprecht and Andi brought up the difficulty they have found in finding a local vet to come out to a barn during an emergency especially during weekends. Cathy Ruprecht has contacted MSU to see how to recruit a recently graduated large animal vet to our area. She was told how difficult it is for a recent graduate with a huge debt to start a rural large animal practice. She located one vet, Dr. Matt Shaffer, who loves the UP and is very interested in developing a practice here. The group thought it would be worthwhile to host a meet-and-greet session with a Coggin’s service being offered on May 20th at the Fairgrounds. We will put this back on agenda for January. In the meantime, Andi will talk with Dr. Dale Aho and get his input and Cathy Ruprecht will contact Dr. Matt. It would be useful to survey the horse community to see what the perceived needs are. Cindy can do this through survey monkey and perhaps the NMU Equine Club can help. Cathy Waller will contact them.
Tack Sale. It is normally held on the last Saturday in March. This year that falls on Easter weekend. Maddi called Negaunee Township and was able to reserve the hall for Saturday, April 2. Motion to hold the tack sale on Saturday, April 2 made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Joan Duncan. Motion carried.
Trail Link at Fairgrounds. There will be connector trail built that comes from Thunder Valley to the Fairgrounds. Joan Duncan proposed the creation of an additional link from the north end of the Fairgrounds to the trails that head out to Negaunee. There was general agreement and support for this effort but it is a matter for the Marquette County fair board.
Motion to adjourn and to change the meeting time for the next meeting to 6 p.m. made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 26 at 6 p.m. at Root 41 Restaurant, 6448 US Highway 41 S.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: July meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in August. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (9/22/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (7/28-9/22/2015). There hasn’t been much activity since the last meeting. The club spent $35.83 for an engraved plate, $24.95 for horse show cones, $10 for flowers around the manure pit, $98.20 for pizza for the barn work-bee, $20 for State of Michigan license, and $100 for arena maintenance. The club received a $29 credit for insurance. Joan Duncan turned in a membership form and $20 at the meeting so she is now a voting member. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report as amended made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
Comments on New Website: Cathy Waller reported that the website committee met on August 26 and completed the final layout. The feedback from members has been very positive. The comments during the meeting were, “Excellent job, lays out nice for I-phone, more user friendly, like the use of old and new photos.” Great job Cathy Waller.
Marquette County Fair Update (August 13-16). The horse shows were great. Every show was very nicely organized and well run, despite the heat. A new award at the Fair was the equine exhibitor of the year. The winner was our own MCHC member, Janece Hanycz! She entered in 17 classes in the mini show plus entries in the big horse show. Congratulations Janece!
Sally’s Ride and Winter Horse Care Clinic (September 25-27). MCHC is proud to sponsor and support this event. Gates open at 5pm on Friday to take registrations. Brandy Rolling will be running a Horsemanship Clinic that evening. On Saturday, the Fun Show begins at 10 am until 1 p.m. The trail rides depart at 2 p.m. There is a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. Both trail rides will have a scavenger hunt option. Scavenger hunt participants will get a plastic bag with a list of items to look for along the trail. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes, provided by the Haunted Hayride, for the winners. Registration will be in the main barn. Attendees will get a colored X on their hand depending on which events they have signed up for. A potluck dinner will be at 6 p.m. in the main barn, followed by the Winter Horse Care Clinic in chicken barn. The bucket/basket raffle and bonfire will follow. There will be a tack swap-no charge-no benefit in the main horse barn on Sunday. Volunteers are especially needed for clean up on Sunday, and registration on Saturday morning plus setting up food on Saturday afternoon. Dale will be helping out with Coggins.
Maddi Zimmerman has a crate leftover from the tack sale with pop, water, cups, etc. that she will bring. There are hot dogs leftover from a MCF event that we can use. So we will provide free hot dogs for all attendees on Saturday for lunch. MCHC is paying $150 for the rental of the fairgrounds but will receive the proceeds from stall rentals. At the moment, all horse stalls have been reserved and there have been several last minute requests for day stalls so we will see if we can accommodate. A motion was made by Lisa Pellegrini that MCHC will provide pulled pork and buns. Seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Cindy Johnson made a motion that every paid horse club member receives $10 in cash (Lisa will give out at the event) for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride. Seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Report on horse campground Joan submitted to the DNR a proposal for a large multi-use parking area on state-owned land called The Lake Superior Trailhead. The proposed parking area and trailhead would be on an 80-acre parcel near Lakenland and would be adjacent to 14,000 acres of state land. Three roads and a snow mobile trail run through it. Because of her experience with past projects, she has found that she will have the greatest success with the DNR if she makes it a multi-use parking area. There are two phases for this project. Phase 1-Building a 440 feet long by 330 feet wide (twice as big as Thunder Valley) parking lot. It is long enough to drive through but level enough for large truck/trailer set-ups. Phase 2-Building the multi-use campground. She hopes to have an equine section gated off. Joan will be building a Facebook page to keep people informed on the progress of this project. She has drafted a letter for the DNR that members can sign and send back to her. Joan emphasized that the DNR needs to see that there is enough interest in a project before they will fund it.
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17) It will run for 3 nights and there are 13 scenes. The Hayride is twenty-five minutes long plus 3 indoor walk-thru exhibits. Andi proposed that the Horse Club sponsor the event for $200. Ten paid MCHC members would get to go to the hayride for free. Motion by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
New Business:
Update e-mail list: It was decide to delete all unpaid members. Andi, Cathy and Lisa will meet to get this list cleaned up.
Submissions for 2016 officer positions. Everyone filled out the officer nomination ballots at the meeting.
Members’ Holiday Get-Together? The group liked the idea of seeing if Bill Richards could take us all on a sleigh ride then go to eat at Jasper Ridge afterwards. Christmas is too busy for everyone so it was proposed to do a winter gathering (January or February). Andi will check with Bill and report back to us.
Adopt a Family or Donate to a Worthy Cause. Cathy Waller said that she was willing and able to shop again for a family. Andi and Lisa volunteered to help. It was agreed to stick with one of the Salvation Army families. Cathy will contact them around Halloween to get the club’s name on their list. Motion to spend $300 on adopting a family made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Joan Duncan. Motion carried.
UPHA Annual Banquet is on Nov. 7. Cindy Johnson proposed that MCHC donate a $50 gift basket for the UPHA 50th Anniversary Banquet. Lisa Pellegrini volunteered to make the basket with Cindy’s help. All past UPHA members will be getting invites to the banquet.
Motion to adjourn by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 24 at 7 pm at Root 41 Restaurant, 6448 US Highway 41 S.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:04 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 13 people in attendance.
Minutes: May meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in June. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (7/28/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-7/28/2015). The horse show produced an income of $5268 and a total expense of $3314. The horse show generated a net profit of $1954. The club spent $500 towards stall improvements at County Fair in July. Additional expenses not in the report are flowers and the engraving of a nameplate for the Elmi Filkins plaque. Andi proposed that Mike Pellegrini be paid for his work maintaining the arena during our show. Everyone agreed that it was fair to compensate him for his time. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report as amended made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried. Lisa will write a check to Mike Pellegrini for his help with the arena maintenance during our show.
Other Correspondence? Andi received a thank-you from the show’s Saturday judge, Kristen Mellenberger, who thanked us for allowing her to judge our show. We also received a thank-you from the Marquette County Fair board for helping with improving the stalls.
Old Business:
Website Layout Review: Cathy Waller reported on the progress on the website. It was agreed that a committee should be set-up to finalize the site. Cathy Waller will send the link to the members to collect any initial ideas and suggestions; then Cathy Waller, Tess Jezek, Emme Jezek and RiLee Waller will meet to complete the final site.
Horse Show Final Accounting— June 12,13,14. Everyone agreed that the show seemed to have run smoothly, that there was enough help, and the stalls were fuller than last year. It was also nice to have the rodeo queens running gates. Bobbi sanitized the stalls after the show. The format seemed to have worked well and the group would consider doing that same schedule again next year. The one suggestion was to decrease the amount spent on ribbons and prizes next year to increase our overall show profit.
Marquette County Fair Update/Horse Stall Project. Cindy Johnson thanked the club for the donation. The stalls are in much better shape after the work. The next project is to spray paint the inside of the stalls. MCHC will host a work bee on Wednesday, August 5, at 6 PM to spray stalls. The Club will buy pizza for workbee. Workers should come dressed to paint and should bring sprayers (if they have them), paint clothes, brushes, and staple removal tools (like pliers). Cathy will send out an e-mail notice to the members. The barn bulletin boards will be changed to have: UPAWS, Haunted Hayride, Rodeo, thank to fair sponsors.
Fair open house report (Wednesday, June 10). There were very few equine exhibits this year but Lisa brought a donkey. The Open House was a lot bigger than last year. Inside displays were better and tractor rides worked very well.
Sally’s Ride and Winter Horse Care Clinic (September 25-27). This is the 14th year for this event. For the last two years, the Rodeo co-sponsored the event with UPAWS. Riders registered and paid the day of the event. A couple of years ago, they tried to find sponsors but results were not worth the effort so resorted to just charge a fee to ride. Last year, UPAWS split all income with the Rodeo. Our Club’s goal for helping out with Sally’s Ride is to make money for Sally’s Ride not for our club. Katie Wares does a fabulous job putting together buckets for the silent auction but could use help. Tess Jezek is interested in running a Breyer Show. We should make this event a big affair since we are renting fairgrounds for $200. The Winter Care clinic could be held on Friday night or Saturday after the ride. Cheri Johnson will check to see if Brandi is interested running a fun show on Sunday. A committee was formed at the meeting to plan out the event and included Tess Jezek, Andi Goriesky, Cheri Johnson, and Joan Mulder. The group will correspond through email on group decisions.
New Business:
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17) This is a separate entity now from the club but last year the horse club did a business sponsorship for the hayride and may consider doing so again this year.
Possible horse campground (Joan Duncan letter to the club dated 7/5). Joan Duncan asked the Club to write a letter of support for a campground on M-28 camping, 10 miles east of Marquette. This campground would be open to horse camping as well as other types of patrons. After a brief discussion, we tabled writing a letter until we get more info on the location and other details on trails riders could access from the proposed campgrounds.
Motion to adjourn by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 22 at 7 pm at the Crossroads Restaurant
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:03 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: March meeting minutes were read. Motion to accept the minutes by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Andi Goriesky asked if we should continue to read minutes at the meetings or just bring copies for anyone wanting to read them. Jackie Hurley will need a copy mailed to her but everyone else was comfortable with an e-mailed copy.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (5/26/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (3/25-5/26/2015). The Club gained income through new and renewal memberships, horse show sponsors, horse show stalls, and tack sale proceeds for a total income of $4717.12. The Club’s expenses during the two-month period was the hotel for horse show judges, horse show prizes and ribbons, flowers for Dave Redfern, tack sale expenses, and web site fees for a total expense of $3627.09. The Club’s April/May income after expenses were paid is $1090.03. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Lisa asked for approval to pay Andi for the UPAWS donation of $95.01 and post office expenses of $6.50. Lisa will also pay the club insurance from VAST of $802. The Club will be paying one horse show judge a fee of $275 plus $0.50 for mileage, and the second $450 with no mileage. Andi made a motion to give 50% of Tack Sale admission proceeds ($58) to 4-H Posse as a thank-you for helping the Club out that day. Motion to accept these additions made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried. Lisa wrote a check to the Posse and gave it to Cathy Waller.
Other Correspondence? None other signing a Kathy Solka thank-you note for making and donating a quilt for tack sale.
Old Business:
Walt Mackey with Select Reality: Hosted a basket auction on May 14 for UPAWS. There were a ton of baskets for people to bid on. The 4-H Posse bought a wheelbarrow and the Club purchased $95.01 in garden supplies to put in the wheelbarrow. It was a very popular item that people were fighting over and ultimately raised $425 for UPAWS.
Fair open house/1st practice night at fairgrounds (Wednesday, June 10). There is no set schedule but just a general goal of getting people out to the fairgrounds. Both the Posse 4-H and the Club should bring horses and have fun in the arena. Tess Jezek will bring some jumps and barrels and have people do some demos like they did last year. This is perfect night to schedule and promote the 1st Fairgrounds Arena Practice Night. Once we see what the interest is for such an activity, we can schedule more during the summer. The arena won’t be dragged and folks will need to remember their Coggins but it will be open to whoever wants to come and ride.
Horse Show Update— June 12,13,14
Stall Reservations/Shavings/Disinfecting/Jump-Out Fee: There are still stalls left and several folks haven’t paid for their reserved stalls (deadline June 1). There are some shavings behind the cattle barn but the Club should have more for participants to purchase. Lisa will check into purchasing and picking up baled shavings and get back with the price to charge everyone. To reassure everyone who might be concerned about strangles or any other horse contagious illnesses, stalls will be disinfected by Cindy and Andi prior to show. No group work bee will be needed to prep the stalls. The group discussed whether to change the jump out policy but it was decided to keep it as is. The policy is that, “There is no charge for day use but if someone ties to the trailer or puts up panels for the NIGHT, they will owe a charge of $20 per night per horse (Jump-out fee).”
Class Sponsors: Coming along very well thanks to Lisa Pellegrini. There are only 6 left, but we can use more. Lisa and Andi will do another plea on Facebook to see if we can fill those last sponsors.
Promotion: Janece has put announcements about the horse show on the TV6 calendar and Facebook. Our website has the current show information and updated sponsors list.
Camping (electric: $20/day, $30/weekend; nonelectric $10/day, $20 weekend). Camping is only allowed in the designated camping areas! Payment of camping fees can be done at registration but Maddi will go around and check that people have notified the office and have a camping certificate. The fairgrounds back gate is open, so those showing can bring in their campers on open house night or anytime after.
Volunteers Needed Still: We still need a set-up crew for mini trail, western riding, reining, ranch, trail, and speed. Stephanie, Dale and Laurie might be able to help depending on their respective schedules. Jesie Melchiori will have her GLR court there to give out prizes and handle the “out” gate.
Registration Hours: Friday 4-8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 a.m.-close
UPHA Members Without Numbers: Lisa Pellegrini will contact Jessie Willour about getting the horse forms and horse numbers at the registration office to help those UPHA members that don’t have numbers. Also, we will post on our website to: “Please come to our show prepared with UPHA numbers. Call Robyn if you don’t have them.”
Concessions: Senores will be open in the mornings to provide breakfast and coffee. His hours are Friday from 6 p.m. to close, Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday, 8 a.m.-Noon. He will be put in front of the chicken barn since that placement seemed to work well for last show’s concession stand.
1st Place Winner Awards/Photos: Friday night speed 1st place winners and Sunday 1st place winners will get one of the purchased items from Steers. Lisa Anderson will take pictures on Saturday for all the 1st place winners of the day (both speed and performance). Cindy will make 48 certificates for 1st places to take to get their photos. The photo shoot will take place—if it’s nice—outside. If not, a spot will be set-up in a corner of the chicken barn with lattice, livestock banner and put shaving down, etc. Cindy will ask if Lisa is available to take pictures for others who want to pay her. Maddi and Alice will take care of getting ribbons. The award canopy got ruined last year but the Club can borrow the Rodeo’s if the group wants. The Club decided to get their own. Lisa Pellegrini will purchase it.
Elmi Filkins Award: Maddi will take care of it. After the show, we will have a nameplate put on the plaque. A submissions box will be in the registration office. Everyone is invited to vote for someone that is found to be most helpful during the horse show weekend.
High Point Awards: There were no plans for High Point Awards until Andi proposed that a couple of huge trophies she has in storage be used for High Points (no high points for 1-16, start high point with pleasure riding (17-38) and high point speed (39-51). One horse/one rider combo! Andi will get new plaques for the two trophies.
Additional Award Option: The person who won the quilt at the Tack Sale has never returned any phone calls. It was suggested that maybe we can get Kathy Solka to redonate the quilt to the Horse Show. Then, we can have people’s names entered for each class they win. Andi will check to see if Kathy would be willing to redonate the quilt.
Garbage/Mic/Saturday Potluck: A dumpster should be available by the time of our show, so we will have a place to dispose of garbage. A wireless mic is very useful in the arena but was very temperamental at the last show, so Cindy will get new batteries and will make sure that they are working. After a brief discussion, the general consensus was no for hosting a potluck on Saturday evening since it can be a pretty long day.
MQT County Fair (August 13-16). Nothing new to discuss at this time except to remind folks that a few stalls are still left. There won’t be a stall fee but a wristband fee of $20 instead.
Sally’s Ride & Winter Horse Care Clinic, weekend of September 26 at the Marquette County Fairgrounds. We will post the save the date post card on our website and Facebook page.
New Business:
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17). Practice night on Wednesday followed by the rest of the dates.
Great Lakes Rodeo 2015 Sponsorship: In past the Club has donated $500 for the Great Lakes Rodeo silver buckle award. Jesie Melchiori asked the Club to consider sponsoring the rodeo once again. Motion for the club to sponsor GLR for $500 made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Jackie Hurley. Motion carried. A major perk of this sponsorship is that the group will receive 2 weekend passes to the Rodeo. In the interest of fairness, it was proposed to have a drawing for the Rodeo tickets. Cindy Johnson will make a sign to promote this raffle at our next horse show. Cathy Waller will post it on the website. The process is that any MCHC members that intend on going to rodeo should e-mail Andi with their interest in being entered into the drawing. Andi will draw 2 names prior to the rodeo (date of drawing TBA).
UP State Fair Sponsorship: Jackie Hurley asked the group if they would consider giving $100 towards trophy costs for the youth show at the UP 2015 State Fair. Motion for the club to sponsor UP State Fair Youth Horse Show for $100 made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Marquette County Fair Stalls: Stalls are scheduled for repair work this summer and the Club has already allocated $50 per stall of our funds to help with the rebuild.
Website Improvements: Andi requested members to send Club-related pictures for website of horses and dogs. New pictures would be nice. Anyone having any photos should email them to Cathy Waller.
4th of July Parade: Not sure if there is any interest for club members to participate and ride in the parade. MCHC in the past has paid for candy for the Posse 4-H Club to hand out and may continue to do so unless there is a change of heart.
Motion to adjourn by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 28, 7PM at Marquette County Fairgrounds in the Fair office
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:01 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 17 people in attendance.
Minutes: January meeting minutes were read. Motion to accept the minutes by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini has a lot of open spots for sponsors for our June show, especially in speed. She has converted the Club’s accounts to Quickbooks. Recent income includes $290 in memberships and $180 in sponsors. Recent expenses include $100 to the UPHA for sanction fees and $67.90 for the annual website renewal. Two additions were made to the Treasurer’s Report of flowers to Dave Redfern and hotel expense for judges. Motion with these changes made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Norm Johnson. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Dave Redfern posted a nice thank you to the club on Facebook for the flowers that we sent him.
Two Guests from UPAWS came to talk to the group about Sally’s Ride
Old Business:
Tack Sale Final Details—Saturday, March 28th, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Andi reviewed job to make everyone understood their roles during the sale and distributed a sign-up sheet for those not signed up yet to fill in the blanks. No outside groups had contacted her this year about renting a table to promote a product. Kathy Solka is doing a quilt. Posse 4-H has agreed to help with admissions, raffle tickets sales and distributing tack.
A number of members brought their donations for the muck bucket. If any member has additional items for the bucket, they can drop it off at Bobbi Meyer’s work. Bobbi will determine if there are enough items in the bucket. If not, then she will go buy more to fill it up.
Horse Show Update— June 12,13,14
This will be a two-day horse show with speed on Friday night. There was some discussion about when to run the first set of speed. Cindy Johnson made a motion for Friday night speed beginning at 6 p.m. and Saturday night speed following the pleasure classes. Janece seconded. Motion carried. Carissa will update the website.
Janece arranged for Misty Ellerbruch’s group to clean the stalls for $6 per stall. The club will pay this expense. Concessions will be provided by Senors Mexican Food Truck.
The Saturday judge is booked and approved by UPHA. Carissa had a judge that required motorized transport to get up and down the hill because of recent surgery. The UPHA officers were not comfortable with this judge’s physical limitations and felt that the motorized vehicle might spook some of the horses. Carissa and Andi will work on finalizing the Sunday judge between Carissa’s contacts and Andi’s.
New Business:
Fairgrounds Work bee: There will be a work bee to prep fairgrounds, stalls and barns on May 19 after 6 p.m. The Posse 4-H Club will be invited to help out since they are co-sponsoring the first horse show of the season.
Fair open house will be on Wednesday, June 10. The board meeting will follow. The Posse 4-H can bring some jumps and barrels and have people do some demos, like they did last year.
Practice nights at fairgrounds—open up the arena on Wednesday nights for riders to practice. It was suggested to make it the same nights as the board meetings since the fairgrounds will already be open then.
MQT County Fair (August 13-16). Horse Arena Schedule–there will be no team penning this year but jumping instead on Saturday. Thursday is the draft show; Friday, pleasure starting at 8:30 a.m. followed by speed at 3:30 p.m.; Saturday, the mini show at 10:30 a.m. followed by jumping at 3 p.m.. County Fair stall reservations open on April 1st. There won’t be a stall fee but a wristband fee of $20 instead.
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17). Practice night on Wednesday followed by the rest of the dates.
Sally’s Ride & Winter Horse Care Clinic, weekend of September 26 at the Marquette County Fairgrounds. Guests Sherry and Joan asked the Marquette County Horse Club to help them with the 13th Annual Sally’s Ride. They want the tradition to continue and can’t do it by themselves. The Fairgrounds seems to be the best location for this event. Motion for the club to help with this event by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
There was a lot of discussion on other activities to include that weekend. We might want to incorporate a winter care clinic on Friday night or Saturday after the ride. Brandi Rolling might be interested in coordinating a fun show on Sunday. Tess Jezek can hold her model horse show at the fairgrounds during the same weekend because it will draw another group of people and all profits are donated to Sally’s Fund.
Cathy can send a reminder (save the date) through e-mail, Carissa can promote it through the MCHC website.
MQT Community Fund Grants: Marge Sullivan brought up that possibility of applying for a grant for Fairground enhancements like picnic benches or landscaping. There is a possible $1500 available. Unfortunately, horse stall repair wouldn’t be a possible option.
Walt Mackey with Select Reality: Hosting a basket auction, May 14, 5-9 for UPAWS. Andi proposed that the group purchase a basket for this event. Motion by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Cathy Waller.
Motion to adjourn by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Norm Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 26, 7PM, at the Crossroads Restaurant
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
7 p.m.
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky At 7:02 PM
Attendance: Sign In Sheet Passed Around. There were 13 people in attendance, 12 adults and one junior member.
Minutes: The past minutes were unavailable to be read at the meeting but is available on the website for everyone. Motion to accept the minutes as posted on website. Motion to accept Cindy Johnson, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini is computerizing the club’s checking and savings. Instead of trying to enter the records from the two bankbooks given to her by Jesie, she used the November reconciled statements as her starting point. Then she made sure there were no outstanding checks and reconciled according to Wells Fargo’s records. The current balance in checking is $1943.93. The current balance in savings is $1382.10. Motion to accept Cindy Johnson, Seconded by Cathy Waller. Approved.
Correspondence: None to report
Old Business:
Adopt a Family Update: At the end of November, several members shopped for a family of nine. Cathy and Lisa wrapped the gifts and Andi and Cathy delivered two carloads of items to the family. Select Realty opted to also donate $200 of grocery items for the same family.
Winter Horse Care Update: The event had to be postponed since it was hard to get enough presenters to commit. Andi is working with MSU and they are willing to do a presentation via Skype. We will need to start planning for this earlier so it can be held in September before winter. There is quite a bit of enthusiasm for trying for a fall event.
LLC Formation: Should we form an LLC or remain a non-profit? Andi and Cindy have been working with two different accountants. Cindy found out that we could form an LLC and file an 1120. Andi talked with her accountant and he was able search a database that showed that MCHC is current and up to date as a “Domestic not for Profit,” the size of the club, and when we filed for our EIN#. As long as our treasury is under $5000, under 30 members with 5 or less events per year, we are not interesting to the IRS. Advice was to stay as is. The group agreed to leave the club as is.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 28:
Andi made arrangements with Negaunee Township Hall this past week for set-up on Friday and tack sale on Saturday.
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Tack sale hours: on Saturday (same as last year) open to members at 10:30 a.m.; to the public from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Concessions: Maddi is looking into getting hot dogs, chips, pop and water. Concession prices will be the same as last year. Janece got Lawry’s Pasty Shop to donate 10 dozen mini pasties last year and will do so again.
Admissions: The Posse 4-H Club will be asked to help with admissions again. Lisa P will be at the door to collect new memberships.
Checkout: Andi will be able to get a cash register.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka has done a quilt in the past and hopefully will do so again. Andi will check on it. Ray will be doing the 50/50.
Muck bucket: MCHC members are asked to bring one or two items to put into the muck bucket. Also Bobbi has been given $50 to purchase some items for the bucket. The Posse and Tess will sell muck bucket tickets.
Promotion: Cindy will post an ad in Craig’s List. A flyer needs to be done which hopefully either Jessie or Janece will do. Janece will make sure to do the calendar and post it on Facebook. All promotion needs to emphasize that sellers need to make sure that they fill out a sheet and have item numbers that correspond with the sheet.
Norm will supervise saddle room.
Members are asked to bring their spare paper bags and Muck Bucket items to the next MCHC meeting, held on March 24.
Horse Show Update— June 12,13,14: Normal show
Show Format: There was some discussion whether to repeat last year’s double point’s show or have a regular show. Everyone agreed on holding a regular show because it generates the most money for the club. There will be pleasure on Saturday and Sunday with speed following each day. UPHA currently has 51 classes. For our show we will not be doing a jumping class or a stallion’s class. We will offer the newest class, an In-Hand Hunter class (it is the first class of the day and is an individual pattern class).
Friday Night Options: The group considered doing an NBHA show but Bobbi said that there was another NBHA show in Iron River that same weekend. Cindy suggested a ranch sorting practice and a competition. Norm would haul in 20 cattle. For each ride, the fee would be $3. Andi proposed that MCHC sponsor club members for a maximum of 3 rides for this event. Everyone liked the idea of giving members some benefit to being in the club.
UPDATE SINCE MEETING: Due to a scheduling conflict, we can no longer hold a ranch-sorting event on Friday evening. Officers are considering a suggestion that we hold speed Friday night, pleasure Saturday with speed following, and just pleasure classes on Sunday. Final decision due soon.
Ribbons & Prizes: Alice will order ribbons. We will need one day’s worth of blue ribbons. Norm, Lisa and Cindy will shop for prizes for the 2nd day at Midwest Horse Fair. Norm suggested getting someone to take pictures for first place winners instead of another prize. Lisa Anderson has agreed to take pictures of winners for one day of showing. We will set-up a spot for picture taking and Cindy will bring the livestock banner and bedding.
Class Sponsors: Lisa Pellegrini will take care of promoting and managing class sponsorship and collecting money. Andi thought it was really nice to get thank-you cards to all the sponsors of the show. All members should try to get sponsors for the show. The price is $20 per class.
Janece will handle stall reservations and cleanup. Cindy will contact “Brisket Barn for the concession stand and do all registration forms. Carissa will take care of judges. The website needs to be up-dated with the 2015 show details.
New Business:
Maddi Update on Fair Convention: Maddi didn’t have much to report but she did find the Zoonotics session very interesting.
Membership Dues: All officers were to be paid up by the end of the meeting. There was some confusion on the cost of a family membership. The on-line membership form has a price of $25. It was agreed that the family membership should be a flat rate of $50 no matter how many kids there are in a family. Cathy Waller will update the membership form and get a copy to Maddi and Carissa.
Ideas for future MCHC activities:
· Winter horse care clinic in fall
· Continue with improvements to the fairgrounds—some stalls are dangerous and in need of serious repair
· Move the arena
· Trail rides
· Benefits
· Practice nights at fairgrounds—open up the arena on Wednesday nights
· Fair open house (same week night in June as last year)
· Possibility of jackpot barrel show, practice night jump show. There was a brief motion to purchase a pair of jumps-but it was nixed because it was too expensive. Tess has some that the group can use for any practice nights.
MQT County Fair: There will be a jumping show on the Sunday because the UP State Fair will not be able to hold a jumping show this year.
Haunted Hayride will be 3 nights instead of two: Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17.
Motion to adjourn by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Tess Jezek. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 24th, 7PM, at the Crossroads.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Tuesday, March 12, 2024, Big Boy Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Andi at 6:08 p.m.
Attendance: 14 people were in attendance.
Minutes: There wasn’t a January meeting. Motion to approve the November 2023 meetings made by Maddi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance: $6816. The Club received $360 in 2024 dues and $465 in table rentals for the tack sale. Expenses included the sleigh ride ($443) and website fees. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Nancy, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you note from UPAWS.
Old Business:
Winter Gathering/Sleigh Ride Update: Great event to repeat every year.
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall—March 23):
- Schedule: Hours—Club Set-up @ 4PM Friday. Saturday-8:30AM (Tess will open), Vendor Set-up 9-10:3AM, Club Members shop @ 10:30, open to public 11 AM-1PM
- Entry Fee collection at front door—Tess will staff. Lisa will have cash for her.
- Table Rentals @ $15. All preregistered tables have been paid for!!!
- NMU Fish & Wildlife Association Concession Stand. Janece got pasties donated. Lisa made a motion to donate $50 to the club to defray their costs. Maddi will bring our extra concession stand supplies for them in case they need it.
- Muck Buckets: MCHC Kids basket, Paint the Ponies basket, Scrapbooking basket, Gift cards & Lottery Tree, and maybe an easter bucket with easter candy.
- Location of 2025 Tack Sale. We discussed our options of: UP North Lodge (no charge for hall and they would do their own concession stand), VFW for $125 hall rental, and Negaunee Township for $150 hall rental. Tess will put a hold on a date with Negaunee (March 29) and we will revisit for a final decision later.
- Stall charge of $10/weekend (outside stalls only) and Cindy will take reservations. People need to bring their own shavings and clean their stalls.
- Same schedule as last year.
- Camping: $20 per night
- Arena usage $10/weekend for MCHC members, $20/weekend for nonmembers
New Business:
2024 MCHC Sponsorships & Donations: Andi made a motion for the club to donate a total of $950 in 2024 to: Marquette County Fair—$300, Great Lakes Rodeo—$250, UP State Fair—$100, UPHA Members Show—$75, GLEA—$75, Silver Spurs—$75 and Northern MI Equine Association—$75. Lisa seconded; motion carried.
Workbee: Tuesday, May 28 at Fairgrounds. We will have pizzas.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned: 6:43PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Big Boy Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:02 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 8 people in attendance.
Minutes: August minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Andi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report. Cindy distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (11/30/2023) provided by Lisa. We spent more money ($2956) than brought in ($2383) for a deficit of $572. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Andi, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you note from UPAWS.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride 2023 Update: Received a financial report from UPAWS treasurer and the net profit was $4856 with over 60 riders. The weather and trail were perfect. We will look for a different food truck and consider eliminating Coggins online since we require a paper copy anyways.
New Business:
Elections for 2024 officer positions & annual dues: Cathy made a motion to keep board the same except for nominating Dale as the new President. Tess seconded. Motion passed.
Winter Social will be at the Up North Lodge on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, with sleigh ride at 3PM and dinner at 4PM. The club will provide appetizers and a sleigh ride for members (dues due at January meeting). Attendees pay for their dinner and drinks.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 23, 2024 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Tess already reserved. Last year we made $510 in table rentals, $94 in admissions and $537 in raffles. We need to find someone to do concessions since Maddi and Mary won’t be able to. Janece will check with the NMU Vet Club about doing concessions and a bake sale.
MCHC 2024 Horse & Camping Event (May 31, June 1, 2) Will do again the weekend of May 31-June 2, 2024. Last year, we brought in $520 (including camping) and we spent $480.
Sally’s Ride September 21, 2024: Works well so will follow same format as Sally’s Ride 2023.
Meeting schedule & locations for 2024: No January meeting; Tuesday, March 12 (Big Boy); Tuesday, May 28 at the Fairgrounds; and an August/September meeting if needed.
MCHC Year-End Charitable Donations: Cindy made a motion for $100 gas card for Joyce Hoskins, $100 to NMU Biology Dept., and $100 to UPAWS. Cathy seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Tess, seconded by Andi. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:51PM.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at Big Boy at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:40 PM.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line. The last minutes recorded was in January. Cindy distributed and read Lisa’s financial reports and bank accounts’ summary. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made by Tess, seconded by Nancy. Motion passed.
Other Correspondence? We received thank-you notes from the NMU Vet Club, Forsyth Senior Center, and UPHA.
Old Business:
MCHC June Open Arena Event Update: It was fun and easy. We could do it again next year.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 22-23)—Set-up Friday evening. Gates open at 10AM on Saturday. Ride goes from 1-4 PM. Cheri will complete flyer.
•On-line Registration Form Again This Year: Juliette is handling again. Liability Waiver Form will be included with stall, camping, and Coggins. Coggin’s will also be collected at the gate. Steve Waller will be the photographer to do a free portrait of the raffle winner taken with their horse.
•Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Cheri and Karen will be marking the trails again this year using last year’s route with possible modifications around private property.
•Smokd Food Truck: will be there. Cheri will confirm time with them.
•Online Silent Auction Update: Will open on Sunday, 9/17 at 5PM and close on Friday, 9/22 at 9PM. Nancy Zimmerman donated pictures for the auction.
•Basket Raffle Update: The raffle license has been procured. Winners will be announced at 5PM. Cheri made a motion for MCHC to donate $250 towards the gift baskets with 2 adult baskets valued at $100 each and one kid’s basket valued at $50. Dale seconded. Motion Passed.
•Stalls & Camping Reservations: Cost $10 per stall, limited free bedding available and clean after. Cindy Johnson will be taking reservations. Camping is $25 for one night, $40 for 2 nights.
•Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: Andi will contact the vendor.
•Volunteer Needs: Pre-Vet Club will be asked if they can help—especially with Coggins check.
New Business:
- 2024 Events & 2024 meeting schedule: Winter Social (February), Tack Sale (March 23, 2024), June Open Arena & Camping, Sally’s Ride (September 21, 2024)--tabled discussion until next meeting.
- Meeting Location: Tess will secure meeting at Big Boy for November 28.
Nancy made a motion to adjourn, Cherie seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM
Next work bee— Sept. 22 at 6PM; next meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 6PM at Big Boy’s
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 31, 2023, Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy at 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: 16 people were in attendance.
Minutes: There was no November meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance: $6634.74. Four donations of $100 each were made to TV6 Canathon, NMU Food Pantry, Senior Center, and Sally’s Fund during the holidays. Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Tess, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Received thank-yous from UPAWS and Marquette County Fair.
Old Business:
Membership Dues is due this month. (Jan-Dec, Family $50, $20 Adult, $5 Junior).
Winter Gathering at Up North Lodge this Sat., Feb. 4 at 2 PM for sleigh ride then apps after.
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall March 25): Admission: $1
- Schedule: Set-up tables Friday evening, Saturday vendors setup from 9-10:30 AM, MCHC members shop time-10:30-11 AM, Public Shopping-11-2 PM
- Table Rentals @ $15. Cathy will update the flyer and form and post on the website and share on Facebook. Table Rentals must preregister by Monday, March 20th.
- Concession: Mary and Maddi will do hot dogs, mini pasties, etc. Janece will contact Lawry’s for pasties. Maddi and Mary will take care food shopping closer to event.
- NMU Vet Club-Janece confirmed that they will do a bake sale.
- Raffles: A motion was made for the club to contribute $75 towards bucket raffles by Lisa, seconded by Cathy. Motion was passed. Cathy will check with Kathy Solka.
MCHC June Open Arena/Fun Show (Friday, June 2-Sunday, June 4):
- We will rent the grounds for the weekend, get the arena ready, and keep it simple.
- Stall charge of $10 and Cindy will take reservations. People need to bring their own shavings and clean their stalls.
- We will offer an open arena from 9-3, then have fun classes after 3 PM. Ideas at meeting were: ribbon race, catalogue race, egg & spoon, boot race, dizzy cowboy, barrels on foot, musical stalls, bubble gum race, call your horse, liberty, single barrel race, and horse soccer. Bring ideas to next meeting.
- Camping & concessions: $20 per night, probably no concession or food truck
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 23): same schedule as 2022. Brisket Barn is coming again.
New Business:
2023 MCHC Sponsorships & Donations: Andi made a motion for the club to donate a total of $975 in 2023 to: Marquette County Fair —$300, Great Lakes Rodeo—$250, UP State Fair—$100, NMU Pre-Vet Club—$100, UPHA Members Show—$75, Silver Spurs —$75, UP Summer Classic—$75, and give GLEA an auction item. Cheri seconded. Motion Passed
Motion to adjourn by Andi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned: 6:49PM
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 21 at 6 PM. Tess will take notes for Cathy.
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Marquette County Fairgrounds Main Office
Meeting Called to Order at 6:20 PM.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line. Lisa distributed an excellent financial review of the horse show and bank accounts’ summary. Motion made by Maddi to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Tess. Motion passed.
Other Correspondence? none
Old Business:
MCHC June Horse Show Update—Successful show with profit of $2335 but a ton of work for our small group. We won’t be doing a 2023 UPHA show. Instead, we might do a “Lights for the Arena” fundraiser in June. Lisa will contact the UPHA Directors to inform them of this change.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 23-24)—Gates open at 10 a.m. Cheri will complete flyer.
•On-line Registration Form Again This Year: Liability Waiver Form will be included with stall, camping, and Coggins. Coggin’s will also be collected at the gate. Andi/Cheri will check to see if Jen Weide would do a free portrait of the raffle winner taken with their horse for preregistered riders.
•Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Cheri and Karen will be marking the trails again this year. It was a great route last year.
•Brisket Barn Food Truck: will be there from Noon to 6PM and we will have them do some smaller food options for quick grab before trail ride.
•Online Silent Auction Update: Will open on Saturday, 9/17 at 5PM and close on Friday, 9/23 at 11:59PM. Cheri made a motion for MCHC to donate (4) $20 gift cards from local restaurants, Janece seconded. Motion Passed.
•Basket Raffle Update: The raffle license has been procured. MCHC will be donating a basket. Cheri made a motion for MCHC to donate $125 towards the gift basket plus 4 Tractor Supply gift cards, Cindy seconded. Motion Passed.
•Stalls & Camping Reservations: Cost $10 per stall, limited free bedding available and clean after. Cindy Johnson will be taking reservations. Camping is $25 for one night, $40 for 2 nights.
•Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: The vendor contracted.
•Volunteer Needs: Hopefully Juliette will do the Coggin’s check on Saturday morning. Tess’s 4-H Club may be on hand to help with some duties.
New Business:
Member’s Social Event--Let’s repeat our Winter Sleigh ride at UP North Lodge on Friday, February 3, 2023. Appetizers and sleigh ride provided by MCHC.
Phoenix Wasik Benefit--Lisa made a motion to donate $100 cash to Phoenix to help defray his medical costs, Maddi to seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM
Next work bee— Sept. 23rd at 6PM; next meeting—Tuesday, November 29, 6PM at Crossroads
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Tess at 6 PM.
Attendance: There were 5 people in attendance.
Minutes: March minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the March 2022 minutes as found on-line made by Lisa, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini gave an update on the savings and checking balances. Recent income included $605 in horse show sponsors, $215 for stalls, and $210 for memberships. We donated $100 to NMU Pre-Vet Club, paid a $200 fairground rental fee, and $150 UPHA sanction fee. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy, seconded by Janece. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you note from NMU Pre-Vet Club.
Old Business:
Tack Sale Wrap-up: (Negaunee Township Hall March 26):
- Worked well and was a nice social event. During the 3 hours, we made $1141 profit.
- Lisa sent thank you to Kathy Solka for her quilt donation. Kathy has a quilt for next year.
- Consider shortening the Tack Sale from 3 hours to 2 and change hours to 11AM to 1PM (presale to MCHC club at 10:30) and reposition the entry fee collection to the front door.
- Class Sponsors Update—There are still lots of slots open but we have $805 so far with recent collection by Tess of $200. She earns a free stall or camping for the weekend.
- Preregistrations, Stall Reservations Update—There are 20 outside stalls remaining and 3 people have paid for their classes, stalls, and shavings.
- Concessions Stand—Lisa made a motion to have The Island Food Truck come on Saturday, from 10 to 3PM, Tess seconded. Motion passed. The Pony Club also offered to do concessions. Andi will see if they are willing to do prepackaged stuff on Friday night.
- Ribbons & Awards & Prizes Update—Lisa will check to see if Maddi has the ribbons.
- Port-A-Potties/Handwashing Station—Andi arranged for Friday early afternoon delivery.
- Judges—The contracts have been signed and returned. Lisa sent them new UPHA rule books.
- Work Bee for Horse Barns at the Fairgrounds, Thursday, June 2, at 6PM—At that time, we will assign stalls, put preordered shavings in stalls, get registration ready, other show prep, and set-up volunteer’s campers.
- Member’s Social Event—Maddi suggested a campout at the Fairgrounds with the club buying steaks. With everyone’s busy summer schedule, we are considering Sunday, June 5. Lisa will call Maddi and check with Cindy.
- Next Meeting and location—Tuesday, June 28, Marquette County Fairgrounds.
Next meeting/work bee: Thursday, June 2 at Marquette County Fairgrounds
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, Held on Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Andy at 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: There were 6 people in attendance.
Minutes: January minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the January 2022 minutes as found on-line by Cindy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini gave an update on the savings and checking balances. Recent activity included $465 in horse show sponsors. Lisa will pay the UPHA sanction fee. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you notes from UPHA and Laurie Neldberg-Weesen.
Old Business:
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall March 26): Admission: $1
- Schedule: Set-up tables & concessions Friday after 3:30PM, Saturday vendors setup from 10-11:30 AM (25 reserved plus NMU Vet Bake Sale, Membership, Quilt Raffle), MCHC members shop time-11:30-Noon, Public Shopping-Noon-3PM
- Post sign “Wearing Face Masks Recommended”. No free table this year.
- Need signage “MCHC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.”
- Concession: Mary and Maddi will be shopping for all needed items on Thursday.
- Raffles: Lisa has 5 baskets ready, and Tess will add one more. Additional donations for the Muck Bucket raffle welcome. Need table for Kathy Solka’s quilt. Do last call and announce winners on Saturday at 2:30PM.
- Tess’s 4-H Club will be selling candy bars and available to help as needed.
- Lisa has change for sale and Maddi has insurance through MCHC.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 3 and 4): double points show
- Judges—Lisa booked hotel rooms for them at Days Inn.
- Sponsors Update: $465 so far and those that bring $200 of sponsors earn a free stall.
- Stall Reservations Update-15 left open outside
- Ribbons & Awards & Prizes-Maddi ordered on February 9th will double check. Cindy bought some lead line prizes. Tess and Andi will add to them.
- Porta-Potties Update? On Andi’s to-do list
- Shavings Update: 200 bags ordered from Usher Shavings selling @ $5 per bag.
- Concessions stand? Unknown maybe find food truck to come on Saturday from 10-6.
Great Lakes Rodeo $250 sponsor: Lisa made a motion, Janece seconded. Motion passed.
Member’s Social Event: Maybe a campout at Fairgrounds and club buys steaks.
Motion to adjourn by Tess, seconded by Andi. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 6:52PM
Next meeting: Tuesday, April 26 at Crossroads at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Held on Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy at 6:01 p.m.
Attendance: 6 people were in attendance.
Minutes: November minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Kathy Solka. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance is $5890. Recent activity included two memberships and a $50 gift certificate for Karen Hendrickson. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you note from Karen Hendrickson.
Old Business:
Membership Dues is due this month. Mail to Lisa. Cathy will update form on website.
Winter Gathering at Up North Lodge? Wait until sometime in February to decide.
Tack Sale: (Negaunee Township Hall March 26): Admission: $1
- Schedule: Set-up tables Friday evening, Saturday vendors setup from 10-11:30 AM, MCHC members shop time-11:30-Noon, Public Shopping-Noon-3PM
- Will follow current CDC Covid guidelines. Face Masks recommended.
- Table Rentals @ $15. Lisa got a couple inquiries but waiting for Cindy to finish the form. Cathy will post on the website and share on Facebook. Cindy will put on flyer checks won’t be cashed until event finalized.
- Concession: Mary and Maddi will do hot dogs, mini pasties, etc. Maddi will contact Lawry’s for pasties and take care food shopping closer to event.
- NMU Vet Club-Janece confirmed that they will do a bake sale.
- Raffles: We will need members donations for the Muck Bucket raffle. Kathy Solka is happy to donate quilts. Last year it brought in $72, other years much higher.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 3 and 4): double points show
- Judges Sara Gonski and Pat Stevenson have already returned their contracts. Lisa will book hotel rooms for them soon. Sara is going to do all the patterns.
- Providing shavings again this year: Yes, $4 per bag from Usher Shavings.
- Stall reservations & stall cleaning: Janece started taking reservations and the inside barn is full. $25 before 5/15 and $30 after. Stall cleaning has been arranged. Diane La Chance gets a free stall (won at the GLEA auction).
- Sponsors: None so far but those that bring $200 of sponsors earn a free stall.
- Concessions stand: Maddi and Mary will figure something out.
- Ribbons & Awards: Maddi will purchase ribbons for 56 classes x 2. Group agreed to simplify with gift cards as awards and no high points this year. Maybe have random drawings throughout the show instead.
- New lunge-line class is timed and for 2-year old’s and under. Janece has new show bill and will send to us for posting.
- MQT Fairground Rental for Show: Club rental rate is $200. Cindy will get contract from Maddi to Lisa who will return with a check.
- New Camping rates: $20 per night
- Porta potties: Andi will check on
- Only preregistration allowed this year! Deadline is May 25.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 24): Website current with new date and info.
New Business:
Meeting Dates and Locations: Tuesday, March 22 at Crossroads Restaurant and Thursday, June 2 for a meeting, work bee and bringing campers in for weekend.
Marquette County Fair Sponsor: Lisa made a motion for MCHC to pay $300 to cosponsor (with Select Realty) the Youth/Pleasure Horse Shows, seconded Maddi. Motion passed.
Sympathy Gift for Laurie Neldberg-Weesen’s: Send flowers, gift card, or donate. Kathy Solka made a motion for $50 towards a gift, Lisa P seconded. Motion passed.
Weekend UPHA Sponsorship: Cindy made a motion to donate $75 towards a UPHA weekend sponsor, Cathy seconded. Motion passed.
Great Lakes Equine Association Donation: Janece made a motion for a MCHC horse show stall donation for the GLEA auction, Kathy Solka seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 22 at Crossroads at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:09 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: August minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cheri Johnson, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report. Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/30/2021). Our income is up compared to 2020. All extra prizes were donated for Sally’s Ride baskets. Beautiful job on the report Lisa! Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Thank-you notes from UPAWS
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend (scheduled for September 24, 2022: Received financial report from UPAWS treasurer and the net profit was $5192. One of the best years! Trail was perfect. Will follow same format next year including online registration and auction. Brisket barn will return. Sally’s Fund new fundraiser—buy a $250 horseshoe in memory of someone. One Escanaba rescue was rehomed, and a pony received new fencing and shelter.
New Business:
Elections for 2022 officer positions & annual dues: Cindy made a motion to keep the board the same for 2022, Cheri seconded. Motion approved. Anyone who paid dues in 2020 was given a pass in 2021. Dues will be due for 2022 and many at the meeting paid Lisa.
Winter Gathering will be at the Up North Lodge sometime in February. The club will provide appetizers and a sleigh ride for 2022 paid MCHC members (dues due at January meeting). Attendees pay for their dinner and drinks.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 26, 2022 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Maddi already reserved. Last year we sold 18 tables. This year there will be $1 admissions and $15 for table rentals. Set up tables Friday night, do concessions, bucket, and maybe quilt raffle. Janece will check on NMU Vet Club bake sale. Andi made motion; Juliette seconded. Motion passed.
MCHC 2022 Horse Show (Scheduled for Friday, June 3 & Saturday June 4, 2022) will be a double-judged show. Tractor Supply $10 Gift cards for awards both days. Maddi will order more ribbons and rent the fairgrounds. Lisa or Janece will inform UPHA of our dates at their next meeting. Cathy will contact judges. Janece will do stalls and stall cleaning.
Meeting Locations for January 25 & March 22 meetings: Crossroads Restaurant
Motion to adjourn made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 25 at Crossroads at 6 PM
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Marquette County Fairgrounds Main Barn
Meeting Called to Order at 5:55 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 7 people in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line. Lisa distributed an excellent 6-year financial review of the horse show and tack sale and profit and loss thru August.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 24-25).
Gates open at 10 a.m. (or at 4PM Friday for overnight campers).
•On-line Registration Form: Will be LIVE on Sept. 1st. There will be an on-line Liability Waiver Form included with stall and camping reservations. We need to keep Coggin’s for 6 months, so Coggin’s will be collected at the gate. All preregistered riders will be entered into a drawing to win a free portrait taken with their horse by Jen Weide Photography.
•Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Cheri will check with Karen for help with marking the trails. There is a small problem with an Archery course between UPAWS and the fairgrounds.
•Basket Raffle Update: MCHC will be donating a basket to raffle off. Several baskets have already been donated. The Basket Raffle will be held in the horse barn. The raffle license has been procured.
•Online Silent Auction Update: Will open on Saturday, 9/18 and close on Friday, 9/24 at 11:59PM. Kathy Solka and UPAWS have donated many items already.
•Brisket Barn Food Truck will be there from Noon to 6PM and can stay any longer if needed.
•Stalls & Camping Reservations: Cost $10 per stall, bring your own shavings and clean after. Cindy Johnson will be taking reservations. Camping is $25 for one night, $40 for 2 nights.
•Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: Cheri will contact the vendor.
•Volunteer Needs: Tess’s 4-H Club will be on hand to help with gate and other duties.
New Business:
MCHC June Horse Show Update: Very successful show with profit of $2302 but a ton of work for the small core group of volunteers so there is much uncertainty if we want to repeat in 2022. We might consider doing if we did a double-judged show and be done by the end of Saturday evening.
2022 Tack Sale: Maddi will confirm the date of Saturday, March 26 at Negaunee Township Hall. We will do same format as this year with renting tables at $25 each and charge $1 admission. Tess’s 4-Club will be on hand to help so can use their insurance. This year’s tack sale made a $536 profit.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Next work bee Sept. 23rd at 6PM; Next meeting: Tuesday, November 30.
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
No minutes were taken during the May 20th, 2021 meeting/work-bee
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Held on Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at: 6:06 PM
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2021 minutes as found on-line with the correction of no stallion’s class for the June show by Tess, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini reported that we have $4300 in checking, $833 in savings. We took in money for horse show sponsors and stalls. We spent $58 towards the February Sally’s Fund charity event. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Maddi, seconded by Tess. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from the UPHA and Sally’s Fund for our donation.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale-Saturday, May 22 from Noon to 3 PM at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Horse & Chicken Barns. Vendor set-up begins at 10 AM.
Decision was made to hold a tack sale this year but keep it simple and rent unheated indoor table space. We provide one table and 2 chairs for $25 and vendors bring and sell their own stuff. Preregistration will be required. Costumers will need to be prepared to bring cash. Masks will be required for all indoor spaces. Recommended to have hand sanitizers at individual tables.
Set-up of the tables and chairs will be done during the work-bee/meeting on Thursday, May 20th beginning at 6 PM. Tess said that there will be no 4-H kids to help at this point but we won’t be moving people’s stuff this time. We might have to pay $200 to rent the two buildings.
We can do check-in with one or two people for day of sale. There won’t be a concession stand this year.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 4, 5, and 6):
Preregistration: Cathy will work with Cindy on getting preregistration set up through Fast-Entry. Lisa will contact UPHA about getting members and their horse’s UPHA numbers so that we can load them in with the preregistrations.
Class Sponsors Update: There are still lots of slots left but rolled over 2020 sponsors into 2021. We decided not to do weekend sponsors with banners.
Stall Reservations & Stall Cleaning Update: There are only 9 stalls left!! Only 2 people paid have paid thus far. Kelly Thomas will be cleaning again this year and will include blowing and possibly disinfecting stalls.
Ribbons & Awards & Prizes Update: Maddi has the ribbons. Cathy removed the zeros on the high point award’s stitching. Cindy has 49 prizes and will do some more shopping. Tess offering to do some kid stuff for lead line. Lisa will get $10 Tractor supply gift cards in May.
Concessions Stand: Maddi & Mary want to do it. No conclusions yet but maybe do snacky stuff, chips, donuts, granola bars in low quantities.
Shavings: Will be available for preorder for $4 per bag and delivered to your stalls. Cindy and Lisa will pick them up.
Judges: The contracts have been signed and returned. Lisa will get their hotel rooms.
Port-A-Potties: Cindy will make arrangements for port-a-potties to be delivered Friday morning, June 4.
New Business:
• Next meeting will be Thursday, May 20 at the Fairgrounds at 6 PM. We will provide pizza and combine the meeting with a work-bee to get ready for the Tack Sale on Saturday! After 5/22, the stalls can be put up.
• Work Bee for Horse Barns at the Fairgrounds will be Tuesday, June 1, at 6PM. At that time, we will put shavings in the stalls, get registration ready and other show prep.
Motion to adjourn made by Tess, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 20 at 6PM at Marquette County Fairgrounds
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Held on ZOOM
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at 6:06 p.m.
Attendance: 8 people were in attendance.
Minutes: There was no November meeting or minutes. All minutes from previous meetings are posted on-line.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini mailed a Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet detail for 2020 to board members.
Other Correspondence: None
Old Business:
Membership Dues—2021 memberships are normally due this month. Motion to extend the 2020 dues paid into 2021 made by Tess, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Annual Tack Sale—Mid-May 2021 Marquette County Fairgrounds
Date & Location Options? Negaunee Township is out. Maybe May 13th or 22 at the Fairgrounds outside and inside. Group considering charging for a table instead of checking in and handling other people’s stuff. Decision will be made in March.
Concessions: Not sure.
Raffles: MCHC members will be asked to donate items for the Muck Bucket Raffle in March. Cathy contacted Kathy Solka and she has a quilt to raffle off.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 4, 5, and 6): show format same as 2019
Show Format: UPHA added 1 new class for a total of 58 classes. The new “In-Hand Trail class can use the same trail pattern as the regular trail classes.
Judges: Lisa has mailed the contracts from both judges: Sara Gronski (Saturday judge) and Jody Zamzow Woller (Sunday judge).
Preregistration: maybe set up with pay pal for the club. A definite must this year to avoid crowds at registration.
Stall reservations & stall cleaning: Janece has started taking reservations.
Ribbons & Awards & Prizes: First place winners will choose from product one day and receive a $10 Gift card the next day. We used some for Sally’s Ride so Lisa has to check her inventory and see if Cindy needs to purchase more. Awards done with embroidery which Cathy will help modify.
Sponsors: Already have $380 in sponsors. Select Realty will donate $100 and Alice will do a class too.
Concessions stand? Maddi contacted Brisket Barn for Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday during the day, but they are unsure yet on those dates.
New Business:
Next meeting? Tuesday, March 16 via Zoom
Sally’s Ride dates? September 25th, 2021. Maddi checked with Brisket Barn and they can be there. Marquette County Fairgrounds still hasn’t been paid for the camping, but Juliette will check into.
Member Announcement: In honor of National Horse Rescue Day, UP North Lodge will be hosting a fundraiser for Sally’s Fund on Sunday, February 28th. They will donate sleigh rides and food plus raffles.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 16, 6 PM via Zoom
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Marquette County Fairgrounds Expo Building
Meeting Called to Order at 6:10 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: All meeting minutes are posted on-line.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 25-26).
Gates open at Noon (or at 4PM Friday for overnight campers).
On-line Registration Form: Is LIVE and 22 tickets sold to date plus donations for a total of $765. There is an on-line Liability Waiver Form included with stall and camping reservations. The Coggin’s check will be done at gate.
Trail Ride Details & Marking the Trail: Will coordinate with UPAWS regarding the trails and the dog park. Signage will direct to Marquette County Fairgrounds. Strawberry Lake is now clear after 4.5 hours of work thanks to Wendy Maas.
Basket Raffle Update - MCHC will be donating a basket to raffle off. Several baskets have already been donated. Basket raffle will be held in either the chicken or horse barn. There will be one-way traffic. Riva from UPAWS will be taking raffle tickets. We will setup the basket raffle on Saturday morning beginning at 10AM.
Online Silent Auction Update: Opens on September 23 or 24 and close before the ride. We will know the winners before the ride starts. Juliette will start adding auction items as they are donated.
Brisket Barn Food Truck is coming Noon to 4PM but can’t stay any longer than that. Riders may want to-pre-order to have their meal after their ride.
Stalls Reservations Update: A few have been made online. There is a limited amount of shavings left in the auction barn to use for stalls.
Porta-potty & hand-washing station order: Will be delivered on Friday afternoon and picked up on Sunday for a cost of $150. Sally’s mom generally donates for this.
Volunteer Needs: Juliette volunteered to be at the gate. Cheri and Andi will reach out to those who asked to help with Sally’s Fund.
New Business:
Suggestions for upcoming meeting location/s: Consider doing the next one through Zoom.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 24.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
---Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 6:30 PM
Via Zoom
Meeting Called to Order by Andi at 6:35 p.m.
Attendance: There were 10 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2020 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa can send financial reports to anyone needing them. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made by Cheri, seconded by Janece.
Old Business:
MCHC June 2020 Horse Show: The group discussed the pros and cons of holding the show in June which included: whether many would feel safe enough to show; if folks would be too financially strapped to show; or postponing to a later date might run into a very crowded calendar. Our show is small enough to make riders safe, could eliminate spectators and have prepaid classes. Only 2 stalls have been paid for thus far. Conclusion to schedule another Zoom meeting after May 15th.
In the meantime, Cathy will contact the judges (who are both coming from Wisconsin) to see if they are still interested in judging our show on the scheduled date or any other date. UPHA has booked alternate dates for their Escanaba UPHA shows just in case (in August and September).
New Business:
1) Sally’s Ride is going to happen this fall. There will be major modifications to the event but there is incredible need to raise funds for the new UPAWS barn.
2) Other items: Cathy Waller made a motion to pay the $875 insurance policy, seconded by Maddi. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn made by Maddi, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
Next Meeting May, 19th at 6 pm via Zoom to make a decision on the show.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at 6:02 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. 14 people were in attendance.
Minutes: November 2019 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Bobbi, seconded by Joan. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed a Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet detail for January, 2020. $212 was spent on horse show awards and $40 for Andi Goriesky. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence: The Club received a thank-you from NMU Food Pantry.
Old Business:
Membership Dues—collected by Lisa Pellegrini.
Winter Dinner at UP North Lodge, Friday January 31, 6PM. The sleigh ride is at 6:30PM and lasts about 45 minutes. The Club will pay for the sleigh ride and for appetizers. Dress warmly.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 28 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 27 from 4 to 5PM. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday and join us for dinner afterwards.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece will contact Lawry’s Pasty Shop for a mini pasties donation.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale. Tess Jezek will be doing a table this year. The charge to vendors is $25.
Raffles: MCHC members are asked to donate items for the Muck Bucket Raffle. Lisa will buy 3 buckets. Nancy may have an afghan to raffle off. Also, we can raffle a bridle rack that Norm Johnson made. Janece will check with Kathy Solka to see if she has a quilt to raffle this year.
MCHC Horse Show Update (June 12, 13, and 14)
Show Format: UPHA added 1 new class for a total of 58 classes. The new “In-Hand Trail class can use the same trail pattern as the regular trail classes. There was a request for a stallion’s class so we will include that in our show but no jumping.
Judges: Lisa has received the contracts from both judges: Jody Zamzow Woller (Saturday judge) and Sara Gronski (Sunday judge). Lisa will check into booking hotels for them.
Stall reservations & stall cleaning: $25 before 5/15 and $30 after. Janece will check with Kelly about stall cleaning.
Ribbons & Awards & Prizes: Maddi will order ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Gift card the next day. Cindy has been shopping and bought 28 out of 58 prizes. Cindy will keep watching and grab any others needed at Midwest Horse Fair.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they are willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same.
Saturday Evening Pot-luck ? That seemed to go over well. The Club will buy a main dish and paper products.
Sally’s Ride date confirmed for September 25 and 26? Will leave as is for the moment.
New Business:
Member Request: Nancy Redfern brought up starting a subgroup to meet for trail rides during the summer. Nancy and Dick will coordinate.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 24 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6PM
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Bobbi and Joan Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:03 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: September 2019 meeting minutes were not read because there were none. All minutes are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Nancy Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/26/2019). We are up income compared to 2018. Lisa will provide a yearly audit upon request for anyone that wants to check her work. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Nancy Zimmerman, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence. Andi received a thank-you note from UPAWS.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Update (September 21-22) went smoothly and everyone that participated seemed to have a lot of fun. Cheri Johnson was unable to attend the meeting to present the final numbers. Andi did know that even though we had 2 less riders than 2018, we did make more money. The schedule will be the same for 2020. Seems to be the right mix of activity and down time. Both the short ride and long ride went very well and had great reviews.
UPAWS Barn Update. The pole barn shell went up in the fall of 2018 but the inside was unfinished. Cheri Johnson and Andi Goriesky encouraged UPAWS to get it done before the winter of 2019. Over a dozen volunteers showed up for a work-bee on October 5 and built three inside stalls and one paddock. Seven days after the final work was done, the first “guest” arrived. They are hoping to hold a fundraiser/seminar in the spring.
New Business:
Elections for 2020 officer positions: Nancy Zimmerman, seconded by Joan Mulder, made a motion that the board would remain the same for 2020: Andi Goriesky, Cindy Johnson, and Tess Jezek will act as co-presidents, Maddi Zimmerman as vice-president, Lisa Pellegrini as treasurer, and Cathy Waller as secretary. Motion carried.
Members Winter Get-Together will be on Friday, January 31, 2020, beginning at 6PM at the Up North Lodge’s Pit Room, 215 S CR 557, Gwinn. The club will provide appetizers and a sleigh ride for 2020 paid MCHC members (dues due at January meeting). Attendees pay for their dinner and drinks. Sleigh rides for nonmembers are $15 per person. Maddi Zimmerman will confirm with Jesie Melchiori.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 28 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Maddi already reserved the hall but they now require insurance so Cindy will arrange for a rider for that weekend on our insurance with VAST. Janece will check on pasty donations and see if NMU Vet Club is interested in doing a bake sale again next year.
MCHC 2020 Horse Show (June 12, 13, and 14) is the same schedule as this past year. Lisa Pellegrini will inform UPHA of our dates at their next meeting. Cathy Waller is checking into judges.
Sally’s Ride 2020: The Great Lakes Equine Association’s Championship Show will be held on the weekend of September 18-20, 2020 and several regulars participate in this show. So we will shift the ride to the following weekend of September 25 to 26. Andi will notify Cheri Johnson.
Donation to a Worthy Cause. Andi suggested donating 2 boxes of food for the UP North Lodge’s “Reverse Advent Calendar” campaign and Janece suggested that we do a $100 gift card from Wal-Mart or Meier’s for the NMU’s food pantry. Maddi Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Lisa will give money to Janece for NMU and Cindy Johnson for the UP North Lodge fundraiser.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Zimmerman, seconded by Joan Mulder. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 28 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6 PM
No minutes taken for September 2019 meeting and Sally's Ride work-bee.
Marquette County Horse Club Meeting
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting called to order by Andi Goriesky at 6:08 p.m.
Attendance: Sign-up sheet passed around. There were 12 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report: May meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes by Joan, seconded by Maddi. Motion approved.
Treasurer report: Lisa Pellegrini reviewed the report. The horse show was a huge success with a profit of $2925! Nancy made a motion to donate $250 to the Marquette County Fair, seconded by Cathy. Motion Carried. Lisa will be writing a check of $200 to Cindy for the fair awards and $50 to Janece for the mini show awards during the fair. Motion to approve the treasury report by Tess, seconded by Nancy. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
MCHC June 2019 Horse Show: Discussion followed regarding the June horse show and how successful it was with participants having a great time.
Marquette County Fair Update (August 8-10). Volunteers are still needed for gate and handing out prizes. MCF purchased a computer and the Charlie horse program for the 3 horse shows;
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 21)Amber and Reva from UPAWS attended the meeting. Amber will apply for the raffle license. If Amber is unable to be at the Sally’s Ride Weekend, Reva will be. Amber will make sure that the Ride gets publicized on the UPAWS website and have a link to our website. UPAWS is in the process completing the pole barn but needs help with financing and installing fencing maybe by end of August or September. First priority for UPAWS is fundraising and purchasing a tractor for snow removal. UPAWS is working on an emergency call list when the need arises for horse rescues. UPAWS doesn’t have the staff to help with large animals. There are no weddings that weekend. Members will receive $10 for adults/$5 for youth from the club for participating in Sally’s Ride. Probably the same format as last year of showing up on Friday night, hot dogs provided from MCHC noon Saturday, then ride, then potluck and bucket raffles.
New Business:
Meeting before Sally’s Ride? Agreed.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy, seconded by Joan. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 17th at 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Marquette County Fairgrounds
Meeting Called to Order by Andi at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 9 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the March 2019 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-5/28/2019) plus a 5-year tack sale summary. The insurance cost $836 and most of the awards are paid for. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from 4-H Manes & Tales for the donation and Lisa Pellegrini’s family for her mom.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up
Everything went very smoothly but the attendance was down (maybe due to the strangles scare). It does seem to be a great social.
MCHC June Horse Show Update (June 7, 8, and 9)
Concessions Update:Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be doing hamburgers and hot dogs in the chicken barn. They have tons of paper supplies.
Class Sponsors Update:$905 was collected. We still have 6 slots left. Janece has rocked it again as the top seller of sponsorships and will get 2 free stalls and a camping spot!!!
Saturday Night Potluck:The Club will provide a grill, paper supplies, and a main dish item (Maddi will buy a couple trays of something). People should bring a dish to pass and their favorite beverage.
Awards Update:We will give out Tractor Supply $10 gift cards for one speed and one pleasure. The 2ndday, 1stplace winners will pick from product. Cindy and Lisa will split the product between Halter/Showmanship, English/Western Pleasure, and Speed so everyone will have a really great selection to pick from. Andi will do kiddie bags for the lead-line classes.
Stall Reservations Update:The inside barn is full but there are 16 outside stalls still available. Plus there are 3 minis in the mini barn. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding; however, Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale in the Chicken Barn. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa.
Volunteer Delegations:Breanna Demaline from NMU Pre Vet program will be the ringmaster on Saturday and Dave Pansy’s son will act ask ringmaster on Sunday. Cindy Johnson will be the announcer. Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will handle registration/office. 4-H Manes & Tales will be helping with gates. We need more volunteers especially with setting up trail, ranch riding, Western riding and speed.
Friday Set-Up: Divide up prizes, put up tent outside registration booth, noon port-a-potties delivery, set-up western riding, logs, cones, bridge garbage cans & bags, 5 jumps for mini jump. Make up a sign “no horses past horse barns due to wedding up on hill.”
New Business:
Fairgrounds Work bee & Member’s Practice Night,Wednesday, May 29. 6PM: Need to inventory stalls for damage, clean office fridge and check PA, and clean office. There probably won’t be any riders.
Great Lakes Rodeo:Maddi made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR for $250, Cathy seconded. Motion carried. Cathy will send an e-mail to Jesse asking for paperwork so that Lisa can issue a check.
Sally’s Ride, Sept. 21.Sally’s Ride Fund already paid to rent the fairgrounds for that weekend. Joan Mulder is no longer affiliated with UPAWS or Sally’s Ride. Cheri Johnson will probably take over.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 30, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn madeby Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Joan Mulder Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by Andi Goriesky at 6:09 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 13 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2019 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-3/12/2019). We took in $300 in membership fees and $185 in horse show sponsors. Maddi has purchased ribbons for the horse show. Several donations were made during the last couple of months. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Joan, seconded by Cathy. Motion carried. Janece made a motion to pay the $150 UPHA sanction fee, seconded by Joan. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from the NMU Food Pantry for our donation. Thirty-eight kids came in looking for food and were very grateful for the extra help.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update‑Saturday, March 30 at Negaunee Township Hall
Tack set-up: Initial set up will be held on Friday night, March 29, after 6:30 p.m. Saturday morning set-up begins at 8-8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Cindy and Andy; Andi, Dale and Stephanie will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Maddi and Mary will run concessions. A sign in sheet was passed filling in the blank spots.
Muck Bucket Raffle: Lisa made a motion that the Club would donate $150 towards muck bucket items to be divided into three buckets. Janece seconded. Motion carried. Lisa and Cindy will put the buckets together. We need people to sell raffle tickets during the sale. There won’t be a quilt raffle this year but Kathy Solka made a very generous donation to the Club.
Handling Strangles Outbreak: Cindy Johnson will create a disclaimer sheet (buying and selling tack at own risk) that will be attached to people’s tack sheets. Cathy will add language about cleaning tack before bringing to sale on website. We will be providing Chlorax wipes. We will try to get Dr. Leah to come to answer questions about strangles.
Moving saddles:Dale and Norm thought that saddles might sell better if moved to main room. Final decision will be made on day of sale depending on how much stuff there is.
Other Tack Sale Details: Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Dale has 2 garment racks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks, paper bags, and plastic bags.
Table Request by Individuals/Groups: Brandi Rolling would like to set up halters and hay nets in the same spot as last year. UPHA would like to have a tiny table to display membership forms and show information.
MCHC June Horse Show Update (June 7, 8, and 9)
Class Sponsors Update:We have a lot of sponsor slots still open. Lisa made a motion to add the incentive if a member collects $200 towards sponsors they get a free stall or $25 towards camping for the weekend. Cathy seconded and motion was carried. Class sponsor forms can be found on our website.
Stall Reservations Update:There is one stall left on the inside, but lots of outside stalls still available. Stalls that are prepaid by May 15thare $25 but afterwards will be $30 per stall. Stalls in the mini barn are $15/stall. Kelly Thomas’ group will be doing the stall cleaning again this year.
Concessions:Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Port-A-Potties:Lisa will make arrangements for port-a-potties to be delivered Friday morning, June 7.
Ribbons, Prizes & High Point:We will have 54 classes this year. Maddi has ordered the ribbons already. Cindy and Norm will pick up product at Midwest Horse Fair to be handed out one day and then we will give out $10 gift cards the second day. We have one chair that we will offer as a high point award for one horse/person combination.
Shavings:Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale, $5 each. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa at the time of pick-up.
New Business:
MCHC Work beeat MQT County Fairgroundsmight be held after meeting. We will determine closer to the date.
UPAWS Work bee: Joan made a request for a group work bee for UPAWS new horse area as soon as snow is gone.
UPHA Sponsorship:Maddi made a motion for $75 day sponsor for UPHA’s member’s show, Lisa seconded. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn madeby Lisa, seconded by Joan. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 28, 6 pm at Marquette County Fairgrounds
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Up North Lodge
Informal Meeting after 4:03 p.m during Winter Dinner.
Attendance:16 people were in attendance.
Minutes: November 2018 meeting minutes are posted on-line.
Treasurer’s Report: Delayed until March meeting
Old Business:
Membership Dues was collected by Lisa Pellegrini.
Winter Dinner at UP North Lodge, Saturday February 2, 4PM. There was a “Snowshoe under the Stars Benefit” for Julie Vallier the same evening.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 30 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Concessions:Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece has contacted Lawry’s Pasty Shop for a mini pasties donation.
Promotion:Janece has produced a flyer that will be distributed around the community.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers:Kathy Solka won’t be donating a quilt this year. The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale. We aren’t sure if there are any other vendors coming.
MCHC June 2019 Horse Show Update (June 7, 8 & 9):
Show Format: Same as last year. UPHA added 3 classes: 1) Miniature Horse Jumping 2) Novice Horse Walk Trot 3) Disciplined Rail. Maddi will order ribbons.
Judges: Tera Swenson is the Saturday judge and David Pansy is the Sunday judge. Contracts have been mailed and Lisa will secure UPHA approval.
Stalls: Janece is getting reservations already for the show. Stall price:$25 before 5/15 and $30 after.
Sponsors: Sponsor sheets were handed out for anyone wanting one.
Next meeting: Tues., March 12 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6 PM
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order at 6:11 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: September 2018 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/27/2018). The only additional activity is $45 for Negaunee Township Hall rental. Lisa will provide a yearly audit upon request. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence. Andi received thank-you notes from member Kathy Solka and the NMU Pre-vet Club. She also received a letter from The Up North Lodge inviting us to consider them for one of our events.
Old Business:
Elections for 2019 officer positions: Maddi Zimmerman made a motion that Andi Goriesky, Cindy Johnson, and Tess Jezek will act as co-presidents for 2019, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Cindy Johnson made a motion to leave the remaining board as is (vice-president-Maddi Zimmerman, treasurer-Lisa Pellegrini, secretary-Cathy Waller), seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride (September 21-22) went smoothly and everyone that participated seemed to have a lot of fun. The event brought in $3190 in revenue and had $365 in expenses and netted $2825 for the Sally’s Ride Fund. Maddi will look into booking the Marquette County Fair for the 3rdweekend of Sept. (Sept. 20-21). The schedule will be the same but maybe consider adding a fun show even if Brandi can’t run it. UPAWS new horse barn and paddocks for rescue horses won’t be finished until next spring.
Donation to a Worthy Cause. Andi suggested donating needed items for the new UPAW barns but Joan Mulder suggested helping with stalls and fencing installation instead next spring. Janece mentioned that NMU has a food pantry and the Pre-vet Club is fundraising for a Club trip. Cindy Johnson made a motion to donate $100 to the NMU Pre-Vet Club and $200 to NMU food pantry, seconded by Cheri Johnson. Motion carried. Lisa will give the checks to Janece and Janece will do the shopping for the food pantry.
New Business:
Members Winter Get-Together will be on Saturday, February 2, 2019, beginning at 4PM at the Up North Lodge, 215 S CR 557, Gwinn. The club will provide appetizers and attendees pay for their dinner and drinks.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 30 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Maddi already reserved the hall but there is $45 rental fee this year. They will also need a copy of insurance so Tess will give them a 4-H insurance since Manes and Tales will be helping with the event.
UPAWS new facility tour, open to all MCHC members and friends, is on Sunday, December 2 at 4PM.
MCHC 2019 Horse Show (June 7, 8, and 9) is the same schedule as this past year. Tess Jezek made a motion to approve dates, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Lisa Pellegrini will inform UPHA of our dates at their next meeting. Since we have the new arena, the National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA) is interested in combining our speed show with theirs. Bobbi Meyer will give us more details at the next meeting. Andi is checking on a prospective judge.
Wells Fargo is closing their Michigan branches. Cindy Johnson made motion to close accounts with Wells/Flagstar and open accounts with Honor Credit Union, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 29 at Crossroads Restaurant at 6 PM.
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Cindy Johnson.Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order at 6:46 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 10 people in attendance.
Minutes: July 2018 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no treasurer’s report asLisa Pellegrini was absent from the meeting.
Other Correspondence? Cathy Waller received a thank-you note from the Sunday judge, Jackie Luebke-Puetz.
Old Business:
Marquette County Fair Update. All the horse shows ran smoothly and the weather was great. This year’s carnival has already signed a contract to return next year. The livestock people appreciated being able to leave Sunday morning for the UP State Fair.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 21-22). MCHC is once again proud to cosponsor this event. There will be a wedding that weekend so all horse traffic needs to come through the back gate. Set-up will begin after 3 p.m. on Friday in the main barn. The only tables we have access to are in the 4-h building.
Brandi Rolling has a scheduling conflict and won’t be attending Sally’s Ride this year so there WON’T be a Saturday Fun Show or a Sunday clinic. The Trail Rides depart at 1 p.m. There will be a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. (Karen, Brandi and Darlene will mark trails a day or so prior.). Registration, potluck, and bucket raffles will be in the main barn. A potluck dinner will begin at 4:30 p.m. with the bucket/basket raffle and bonfire following. Paint Ponies Studios will be staffing a “Paint the Pony” activity on Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. for $5 per person. Every paid adult horse club member receives $10 in cash (for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride) and each child member will receive $5 in cash. Lisa Pellegrini will need to provide updated MCHC member’s list. There will be opportunities during Saturday to tour the new UPAWS facility.
MCHC will provide free hot dogs to attendees on Saturday for lunch and pulled pork for the potluck. Andi will pick up the food. Cheri and Maddi will bring paper supplies. Joan will purchase water bottles and Cheri will bring muck buckets and ice. Joan is bringing start-up cash, registration forms and raffle tickets. Cathy Waller will bring the big strip switches. Cheri will be contacting several businesses for donations. Joan and Andi have a few basket donations already but could use more. Andi will bring the ice cream containers and a roll of plastic for the tables.
A port-potty has been ordered and will be delivered on Friday. Cathy, Tess and Andi will be helping with
Saturday registration. Cathy will secure a volunteer to check Coggin’s and direct traffic on Saturday morning from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. As of the meeting, only 10 stalls were taken. People will need to bring their own bedding and instructed to keep horses out of the camping area (across from the chicken barn).
Work Bee/Camping Weekend:MCHC will host a work bee camping weekend at the fairgrounds for Friday thru Sunday, September 28-30th. This would be a member’s only event to help clean up the grounds and put things away and in general havefun.
New Business:
Adopt a Family or Donate to a Worthy Cause: Andi suggested donating needed items for the new UPAW barns but Joan Mulder suggested helping with fencing installation instead. Cathy suggested Marquette County barn improvements. Tabled until next meeting.
Suggestions for winter meeting location/s:Two suggestions were brought up: Big Boy and the Crossroads Restaurant. Everyone agreed to the Crossroads for the November meeting.
Honoring Member’s Mom’s Passing:Kathy Solka’s mom passed away recently and Maddi made sure to send a large mum plant to her from the club.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 27, 6 p.m. at the Crossroad’s Restaurant. Meeting starts at 6, come early to eat.
Motion to adjourn madeby Cathy Waller, seconded by Cheri Johnson.Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Meeting
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting called to order by Andi Goriesky at 6:04 p.m.
Attendance: Sign-up sheet passed around. There were 9 members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report: May meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes by Lisa, seconded by Maddie. Motion approved.
Treasurer report: Lisa Pellegrini reviewed the report. The horse show was a success with a profit of $1468.54. Lisa will be writing a check of $150 to Cindy for the fair awards and $50 to Janece for the mini show awards during the fair. These items are not reflected in the report. Motion to approve the treasury report by Tess, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried.
Old Business:
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show: Discussion followed regarding the June horse show and overall the feeling was good. The probability of the club doing a show in 2019 show is high.
Marquette County Fair Update: Cindy reported prizes have been purchased. Cindy would like help cleaning the office area in the indoor stall barn. Volunteers are also needed for the fair.
New Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend(September 21 – 22)
Cindy sent Joan all the paperwork for The Ride as Cindy is not able to attend. Cheri talked to Brandi and Brandi is planning to do a clinic on Sunday and fun show on Saturday, same as last year. Discussion followed. A wedding is planned for that weekend so certain tables may not be available. Tours of the new UPAWS building could be available during the event.
Raffles:A raffle license has already been acquired. Cheri will get the port-a-potty. Bucket raffle and silent auction need to be collected. Everyone is encouraged to get raffle baskets or items. Lisa made a motion to donate $50 for a raffle basket to consist of misc. gift cards, seconded by Maddie. Motion approved.
T-Shirtswere discussed and Cheri will be contacting Brandi for her to work on sponsors for the shirts, as this was something Brandi had mentioned she could do.
Planning Meeting:A special Sally’s Ride meeting on September 11that 6:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds is planned to discuss the details and positions that need to be covered.
Work Bee/Camping Weekend:MCHC possible work bee camping weekend at the fairgrounds the weekend after Sally’s Ride. This would be a member’s only event to help clean up the grounds and put things away and in general have fun. TBD by the weather.
Donation Request:
There has been a request from Cathy Ruprecht to help Jack Filkins. They are looking for financial help and physical assistance. A lengthy discussion followed. It was decided to follow our constitution which states our “Purpose is to provide horse people with horse related activities and to support the Marquette County Fair.” So at this time the request is being denied but individuals are welcome to help and contact Cathy Ruprecht for additional details.
Next Meeting:Tuesday, September 11that 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds.
Meeting adjourned 6:46 p.m.
---Respectfully Submitted by Tess Jezek
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by Andi Goriesky at 6:09 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 7 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the March 2018 minutes as found on-line by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-5/22/2018) plus a four-year tack sale summary. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up
Everything went very smoothly. Maddi already reserved Negaunee Township Hall for March 30, 2019.
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show Update
Concessions Update:Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be doing hamburgers and hot dogs in the chicken barn.
Saturday Night Potluck:The Club will provide a grill and a main dish item (like pulled pork). People should bring a dish to pass and their favorite beverage.
Class Sponsors Update:Janece has rocked it again as the top seller of sponsorships and will get a free stall or camping spot!!!
Awards Update:We will give out Tractor Supply $10 gift cards for Friday speed and Sunday pleasure. Saturday 1stplace winners will pick from product or a bag of shavings. Cindy and Lisa will split the product between Halter/Showmanship, English/Western Pleasure, and Speed so everyone will have a really great selection to pick from. Cindy and Andi will do kiddie bags for the lead-line classes.
Stall Reservations Update:One inside stall plus several outside stalls are still available. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding; however, Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa.
Volunteer Delegations:Andi will be ringmaster in the mornings and Breanna Demaline from NMU Pre Vet program will take over ringmaster during the afternoons. Cindy Johnson will be the announcer. Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will handle registration/office. Nancy Redfern will help with gates but we need more volunteers especially with setting up trail, ranch riding, Western riding and speed. As an added incentive, volunteers’ names are entered to win for two buckets that will include a GLR rodeo ticket and other merchandise.
New Business:
MCHC Possible Work Bee/Camping Weekend (Sept. 28th): Tabled until next meeting.
Great Lakes Rodeo:Maddi Zimmerman made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR for $250, Nancy Redfern seconded. Motion carried.
MCHC Insurance – The cost torenew is $826. Motion to pay made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 31, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn madeby Nancy Redfern, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar
Meeting Called to Order by Lisa Pellegrini at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. Twelve people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2018 minutes as found on-line by Joan Duncan, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Prev Year Comparison (3/20/2018) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-3/20/2018). We had 16 member renewals as of the meeting but received 5 more during the meeting. We also received $130 in sponsors. Expenses included the UPHA sanction fee, UPHA show sponsorship, and bucket raffle expenses. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We received a thank-you from GLEA for supporting the championship show with our donation of a stall.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update‑Saturday, March 24 at Negaunee Township Hall
Tack set-up/drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (MCHC Members only) Set up will be held on Friday night, March 24, from 4 to 5 p.m. The group will go to the Crossroads Restaurant for dinner after. Saturday set-up begins at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Dale and Andy; Andi, Dale and Stephanie will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Manes and Tales 4-H Group will be available to help with admissions and check-in and anything else we need.
Muck Bucket & Quilt Raffle: We will have at least 5 muck bucket raffles since we have a lot of stuff. Muck bucket ticket raffle prices will be $1 each, 6 for $5, 15 for $10. We need people to sell raffle tickets during the sale. Kathy Solka has a lap quilt to raffle off this year.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale.
Other Tack Sale Details: Andi will bring the cash register but is unable to locate the banner. Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks, paper bags, plastic bags, and cloths racks.
Table Request by Individuals: Brandi Rolling asked if it was possible to have a separate area for all the stuff she is bringing this year. It was unclear whether she is planning on being a vendor for her halters and hay nets, but it was agreed that if that is the case, she should join the other vendor outside the sale for a fee of $25. If we gave her a separate table inside the tack sale it would be setting precedence, space is very limited, and we don’t know if we have the space to accommodate her or anyone else that might make a similar request.
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show Update (June 8-10)
Class Sponsors Update: We have a lot of sponsor slots still open. As an incentive, if a member collects $200 towards sponsors they get a free stall or $25 towards camping for the weekend. 2018 Class sponsor forms can be found on our website horse show sponsor page.
Stall Reservations Update: There is one stall left on the inside, but lots of outside stalls still available. Stalls that are prepaid by May 15th are $25 but afterwards will be $30 per stall.
No Guided Trail Rides This Year: Joan Duncan will be out of town.
Ribbons, Prizes & High Point: We will be doing mini jumping so there are 52 classes. Maddi has a lot of rosette ribbons left over from previous shows (no blues though). If we ordered the remaining rosettes needed for the entire show, it would cost over $500. So it was decided to order enough to hand out rosettes and product one day and the PT-10 and a gift card the next day. At this time, we aren’t doing a high point award.
Shavings: Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale, $5 each. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa at the time of pick-up.
Arena Announcer Booth Update. There isn’t enough money this year to install lights at the new arena. That won’t affect our show. The guys will return this spring to work on wiring and countertop for the interior.
New Business:
MCHC May Meeting/Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, May 22 at 6 p.m. It was agreed to provide pizzas at the meeting.
MQT County Fair: The Fair is looking for corporate and major sponsors. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to put $200 towards the five horse show classes, Maddi Zimmerman seconded. Motion carried.
UP State Fair: Cindy Johnson made a motion to sponsor the UP State Fair youth classes for $100, Cathy Waller seconded. Motion carried.
MCHC Possible Work Bee/Camping Weekend: Cindy Johnson proposed that the club hold a work bee and camp-out for the weekend of Sept. 28th. Individuals would have to pay for camping but there would be no additional costs. It is the same weekend as the “Muck It UP Race” and would be weather dependent.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 22 at 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds. There will be a quick meeting followed by a work bee to prep for the GLR Memorial Weekend horse show. Pizza will be provided by MCHC.
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill
Meeting Called to Order by Andi Goriesky at 6:03 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. Twelve people were in attendance.
Minutes: November 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Johnson distributed copies for Lisa Pellegrini of the MCHC Balance Sheet Prev. Year Comparison and the 2017 Profit & Loss Prev. Year Comparison. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? The Club received a thank-you from Sally’s Ride.
Old Business:
Membership Dues is due. Cindy Johnson collected dues for Lisa Pellegrini.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 24 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 23 from 4 to 5PM. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday and join us for dinner afterwards.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece has contacted Lawry’s Pasty Shop for a mini pasties donation. MCHC will pay for half of the pasties that are needed.
Muck bucket raffle: MCHC members are asked to donate items for the Muck Bucket Raffle assembled by Bobbi Meyer. Cindy Johnson will purchase $50 of items to add to the bucket from MCHC. Andi will get the tickets for the raffles.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka will be donating a lap quilt to raffle off this year. The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale.
Admissions: The Mane and Tails 4-H Club will be there to help with admissions (plus any other needs). Lisa P will bring the change and will be at the door to collect new memberships. Andi will bring the cash register.
Tack Sale Details: Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks, paper bags, plastic bags, and cloths racks. We still got items with duct tape last year. How can we get the word out: NO DUCK TAPE TAGS PLEASE?!!!!
Vet Spring Shots/Coggins Event at Fairgrounds. Brandi Rolling asked if MCHC was interested in helping with it but it was agreed that we would only help promote and leave the rest to Brandi and Dr. Vollrath.
MCHC June 2018 Horse Show Update (June 8, 9 & 10):
Show Format: Friday night speed beginning at 6PM, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. We have signed contracts for both the Saturday judge (Dawn Bradow) and the Sunday judge (Jackie Luebke-Puetz). Janece will get the UPHA approval for Jackie. Andi is checking into hotel rooms for the judges.
Stalls: Janece is handling stall reservations: $25 before 5/15 and $30 after.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Ribbons, Prizes & High Point: Maddi will take care of the ribbons and use what is left from last year and purchase simple (no rosettes) ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show. At this time, we won’t commit to a high point award.
Misc. Show Details: There is a 4-h livestock workshop in the livestock barn that same weekend. Shelby Talsma is coordinating.
Sally’s Ride (September 22-23). Same schedule as last year. Potluck seems to work best for everyone. There is a wedding in the big building so Brandi’s crew won’t be able to use the 4-h building. All horse traffic will need to stay south of the horse barn.
Arena Announcer Booth Update. The exterior is finished. Cindy Johnson reported that is beautiful. Now it needs inside wiring and countertop.
New Business:
Member request: Janece Hanycz asked that MCHC be a weekend sponsor for the UPHA member’s show for $75. Maddi Zimmerman made the motion, Andi Goriesky seconded. Motion carried.
Marquette County Fair 2018: The Fair will be held Thursday, August 9 through Saturday, August 11. There will be longer hours each day.
Next meeting: Tuesday, Mar. 20 at 6:00 p.m. at Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy WallerMarquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill
Meeting Called to Order by Cindy Johnson at 6:01 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. 12 people were in attendance.
Minutes: September 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Joan Duncan, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison (11/28/2017) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/28/2017). Our expenses were up by $1595.93 between 2016 and 2017. The big fall expenditures were for the arena ($2000) and Sally’s Ride ($493). Lisa will provide a yearly audit upon request. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? none
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride (September 22-23) was a huge success and great fun. Best one yet! It was nice to have Friday night open. Cindy Johnson looked into a date for next year. There is a wedding currently scheduled in the auction barn on the weekend of September 21. The Great Lakes Championship Show is scheduled for Sept. 14-16. Once the wedding is confirmed, we can finalize the Sally’s Ride 2018 date. It might have to be Sept. 28 and 29.
Arena Announcer Booth Update. Construction on the booth is going really well. The building class from NMU will be wrapped up with the exterior work by December 8. The building costs are well over budget. It is costing over $5000 just to complete the outside shell.
Tack Sale (scheduled for March 24 at the Negaunee Township Hall). Molly Fisher’s fall tack sale at Marquette Mountain was pretty successful with a completely different group of horse people. She wants to hold another tack sale in the spring. Jesie Melchiori won’t be able to host it until after the ski season wraps up sometime after April 9.
MCHC 2018 Horse Show (June 8, 9, and 10). It is the same schedule as this past year. Cathy Waller may be out of town that weekend but the dates work for everyone else so no changes. Lisa Pellegrini has a signed contract for our Saturday judge, Dawn Brandow, and will take it the UPHA meeting for approval.
New Business:
MCHC Facebook Page. We have only 76 members in our Facebook group. A decision was made to change it so that any member can invite any other member.
Elections for 2018 officer positions: There were no new nominations for positions. A motion was made by Dale Hauswirth to leave the board as is, seconded by Joan Duncan. Motion carried.
Vet Spring Shots/Coggins Event at the Fairgrounds. Dr. Rebecca Vollrath and Brandi Rolling are tentatively planning on the first weekend of May. MCHC will help promote but leave it up to Brandi and Rebecca to plan out and coordinate.
Members Winter Get-Together. It was agreed to not do one this year.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar at 6 PM.
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:06 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: July 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (9/12/2017). The only addition to the report is an expense of $121.33 for ribbons plus non-profit fees. Maddi sent flowers to the Nap Sharkey funeral services from the Club. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Maddi Zimmerman received a thank-you note from Sharkey family.
Old Business:
Marquette County Fair Update (August 10-13). The new arena worked out very well. The lower arena will be used only for warm-ups and for the rodeo. The weather was interesting (again). All the horse shows ran smoothly and entry fees were up from last year.
Marquette County Fair Announcers Booth for the New Arena. Northern Michigan University has a builder’s class that awards an organization with their help. This year they selected the Marquette County Fairgrounds Announcer’s Booth as their senior project. The Fair board will pay for materials for the shell ($2500-3000). Maddi Zimmerman made a motion for MCHC to contribute $2000 to go towards the new announcer’s booth expenses. Cathy Waller seconded. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 22-24) MCHC is once again proud to cosponsor and support this event. We need to spread the word to spend money to save horses. The wedding that was originally scheduled for the Sally’s Ride weekend has been canceled so we will have the run of the fairgrounds. There won’t be any events on Friday except set-up beginning at 5 p.m. in the main barn.
On Saturday, the Fun Show begins at 9 am until 12 p.m. The trail rides depart at 1 p.m. There is a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. (Cheri, Brandi and Darlene will mark trails a day or so prior.). Registration, potluck, and bucket raffles will be in the main barn. Attendees will receive an armband marked with the events they have signed up for. A potluck dinner will be at 4:30 p.m. with the bucket/basket raffle and bonfire following. Paint Ponies Studios will be staffing a “Paint the Pony” activity on Saturday for $5 per person. On Sunday, Brandi Rolling will be running a Horsemanship Clinic beginning at 10 a.m. Every paid adult horse club member receives $10 in cash (for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride) and each child member will receive $5 in cash.
MCHC will provide free hot dogs to attendees on Saturday for lunch and pulled pork for the potluck. Lisa is picking up the food. Cheri and maybe Maddi are bringing extra paper supplies. Andi is bringing her big coffee pot. Cathy Waller will bring the big strip switches. Cindy is making copies for registration. Joan will order a port-potty to be placed by the chicken barn. Tina, Cathy, Cindy and Andi will be helping with Saturday registration. Tess will float to needed positions. We do need someone to check Coggins on Saturday. As of the meeting, all stalls were taken. Brandi will be bringing an RV but wanted to know if her kids could tent camp for free. Club agreed.
New Business:
Submissions for 2018 MCHC officer positions. Andy Goriesky doesn’t have the time to commit to being the president for 2018. Cathy Waller proposed eliminating the officer positions and just having a board of directors. MCHC is a domestic not-for-profit (exempt from filing because we have less than 30 members, under $5000 gross receipts). Cathy will look into requirements by the state for the next meeting to see how much leeway we have in modifying our constitution and bylaws.
Eliminate one of 2 Facebook pages? Yes, keep the group page with members and eliminate the page describing the group’s purpose, etc. The group page will be kept as a closed group.
Suggestions for winter meeting location/s: Two suggestions were brought up: Big Boy and the Marquette Ski Hill. Meeting at the ski hill worked out well for everyone last year so we will do so again this year.
Adopt a Family or Donate to a Worthy Cause: This year the club is spending its excess funds on the new announcer’s booth at the Marquette County fairgrounds.
MCHC 2018 June Horse Show: The dates will June 8, 9 and 10, 2018. It will be the same format as this year. Lisa Pellegrini will book Dawn Brandow for one of the two days.
2018 Tack Sale: Maddi Zimmerman will contact Negaunee Township Hall about securing March 24 for our tack sale. The following weekend is Easter weekend.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 28, 6 p.m. at the Marquette Ski Hill. Meeting starts at 6, come early to eat.
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:10 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 10 people in attendance.
Minutes: May 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (7/25/2017) and Profit & Loss 2016 & 2017 Comparison Sheets (1/1-7/25). The 2017 horse show was a huge success! Thank you Lisa for all the hard work spent on preparing such beautiful reports. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Tess Jezek, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Final Accounting: Everything went well again this year. The NMU student who filled in as ringmaster was wonderful. Both judges worked well. The club will follow the same format again in 2018. Cindy Johnson is checking into judge for next year.
Marquette County Fair-New Booth Lights & Move Arena. The new arena is almost complete. We need some sort of announcer’s booth for the fair. Andi found a trailer with open sides that might work. We will offer free fair tickets and food coupons for use of trailer for the fair and then look for a more permanent solution. Cindy is looking into a portable sound system. There is no electricity or lights up at the new arena. All the stalls are filled for the fair. There is a huge need for volunteers to help with the various horse events during fair week.
Sally’s Ride (September 22-23) Friday and Saturday only. Everything went well last year so we will repeat the same schedule again this year. There might be tours of the UPAWS new facility. A wedding is being held at the fairgrounds that weekend, so the entrance will be at the back gate for Sally’s Ride and all horse traffic needs to stay away from the big barn. There are enough prizes leftover from the horse show to use in buckets. It worked out well to provide hot dogs before riders leave for the trail ride. MCHC members will be asked to donate baskets again for the Saturday evening raffle.
New Business:
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 12, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by Vice-President Maddi Zimmerman at 6:20 p.m.
Andi Goriesky & Cathy Waller - approved absence
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 8 people in attendance.
Minutes: March 2017 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (5/23/2017) $5,884.35 balance in accounts and Profit & Loss Sheets (3/22-5/23/2017). Also included in the report is the Tack Sale break down for the last 3 years (nice to be able to see comparisons). MCHC Profit was $1,114.19 for this year. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence: none
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up—Saturday, March 25
Everything went very smoothly. The 2018 Tack Sale is tentatively scheduled for March 24, 2018. Maddi will check with Negaunee Township Hall.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Update (June 9-11):
Concessions Update (nicknamed M&M Café): Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be shopping, cooking and running the concession stand out of the Maddi’s camper which is now parked next to the chicken barn.
Class Sponsors Update: We have 10 spots open. Janece has rocked it!!! ** Updated – as the meeting progressed we had an additional 6 classes sponsored so we have 4 left – AWESOME job!
Awards Update: We have 3 coolers embroidered with the wording “MCHC Top Exhibitor.” The winner (from each of the 3 age categories: Juvenile, Junior, and Senior) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend (earn 1 point for each class entered). Gain an additional three points for having a stall for weekend (max 3 points) and three extra points for volunteering for 30 minutes at the show (max 3 points). Lisa Pellegrini will get Tractor Supply $10 gift cards. Cindy Johnson has the other purchased awards and Maddi Zimmerman has the ribbons. We have awesome 1st place prizes because Nancy Redfern gave the club some unbelievable deals! Thank you Nancy! Cindy and Lisa have them split up between Halter/Showmanship, English/Western Pleasure, and Speed so everyone will have a really great selection to pick from. All left over prizes will be used for future bucket raffles. We have two brand new quilted blankets that could be saved for the Sally’s Ride silent auction. Cindy and Lisa also put together a “Grooming Apron” FULL of products and supplies that we will sell tickets for $1 in the office during our show. Winner will be drawn on Sunday, June 11.
Stall Reservations Update: Inside is all reserved but there are several outside stalls still available. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding; however, Lisa Pellegrini will make arrangements to have 50 bags of bedding for sale. Buyers must pay cash directly to Lisa.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi Goriesky will be ringmaster for Saturday and Sunday morning, Darien Steiner from NMU Pre Vet program will take over ringmaster at 11:30 on Saturday. Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will help in registration. We need out gate/ribbon volunteers. Jesie Melchiori said that the GLR Queen and Court might not be available this year. We also still need volunteers help to with setting up trail, ranch riding, Western riding and speed. Cathy Waller will send out an e-mail seeking volunteers to fill our holes.
Misc. Show Details: Andi Goriesky made arrangements for two porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena. Jesie said she contact Andi and see if those port-a-johns could just stay for the month of June and share the cost with GLR. Janece is advertising the show on Facebook. Cathy has updated the website. Someone will need to put together a cooler for judge. We need to confirm that Joan Duncan is still planning to do a trail ride.
New Business:
MCHC June Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on June 6th at 6 p.m. We need to get grounds ready for the MCHC horse show (office work, garbage cans, etc.).
Marquette County Fair-New Booth Lights & Move Arena. We are hoping to add a ‘second’ arena outside the inside barn! We would like to see if we could get Tractor Supply (TSC) to donate an arena (like the one in Escanaba). We need a GOOD letter and a 4-H group to use in the letter. Cindy Johnson will draft a letter in the Club’s name and send to TSC. In addition, we need a new announcer’s booth/registration and additional lights. A discussion of how much MCHC will donate is tabled to after the show. If we don’t get a donation from TSC for an arena – we will then have to ‘shorten’ up the lower arena and use the exercise area panels so that area would be without. Maybe someday we could replace those or look for donations elsewhere. Jessie may be able to get some lights from Joe for the Fair in case the upper arena shows go into the dark (Speed). If we can’t get a new booth made, Jesie said we could use the stand she has for the rodeo. Nancy Redfern has a small storage shed we could have – either to use as a booth or storage for arena supplies. She said it needs shingles – Cindy will have Norm take a look at it.
MCHC Insurance – The cost to renew is $804. Motion to pay by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Nancy Redfern. Motion carried
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 25, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office (But don’t forget about the MCHC Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds at June 6th at 6 p.m.!)
Motion to adjourn made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
----Submitted by Cindy Johnson
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:41 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 19 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the January 2017 minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (3/21/2017) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-3/21/2017). New income came from $335 in membership dues and 1 sponsor. Thanks to Janece Hanycz for bringing in several more sponsors to the meeting. New expenses included $84.77 for coolers, UPHA sanction fees, and $100 donation. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? We receive a thank-you from a Haunted Hayride group and the Manes and Tails 4-H Club.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update‑Saturday, March 25 at Negaunee Township Hall
Tack set-up/drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (MCHC Members only) Set up will be held on Friday night, March 24, beginning at 4 p.m. The group will go to the Crossroads Restaurant for dinner after. Saturday set-up begins at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Dale and Andy; Andi, Dale and Stephanie will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Runners will be Janece, Bobbi, Cathy, and other available help; Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Manes and Tales 4-H Group will be available to help. Norm Johnson will handle the saddle room.
Muck Bucket & Quilt Raffle: We will do two muck bucket raffles since we have a lot of stuff. Kathy Solka has a quilt to raffle again this year.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale.
Other Tack Sale Details: Andi will bring the cash register and MCHC banner to hang. Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Members are asked to bring their spare saddle racks and bags.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Update (June 9-11)
Class Sponsors Update: We have only $20 so far in sponsors, but Lisa Pellegrini received at least 10 more sponsors at the meeting. 2017 Class sponsor forms can be found on our website horse show sponsor page.
Stall Reservations Update: Still lots of stalls available. Cindy Johnson made a motion that stalls prepaid by May 15th will be $25 but afterwards will be $30 per stall. Seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Judges: Andi has received the contracts back from both judges.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi passed around a job sign up sheet. She will be ringmaster for the weekend, Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller and Tess Jezek will help in registration. UPHA voted to charge $25 to groups using their computers at horse shows. Club members who are also UPHA members will bring up our concerns about that fee to the UPHA.
Ribbons & Prizes: Maddi will order ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Tractor Supply Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show.
Should we do a High Point Award? It was decided to do a Top Exhibitor Award instead. We have 3 coolers getting embroidered with the wording “MCHC Top Exhibitor.” The winner (from each of the 3 age categories: Juvenile, Junior, and Senior) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend (earn 1 point for each class entered). Gain an additional three points for having a stall for weekend (max 3 points) and three extra points for volunteering for 30 minutes at the show (i.e., helping with ribbons, setting-up speed, setting-up trail) (max 3 points). Any ties will be broken by the number of 1st place finishes then 2nd place finishes etc.
New Show Feature Guided Trail Rides: Joan Duncan has offered to lead 2 trail rides each day for a donation of $1. First trail ride leaves at 11 am. Second trail ride leaves at 3 p.m. Each ride will last around an hour.
Mark Trails Memo: It appears that we can mark trails in Sands Plains based on an e-mail that Andi received from Randy Yelle from Sands Township but it is unclear if we will need a special use permit.
New Club Sweatshirts: Maddi researched and found that it was expensive.
New Business:
MQT County Fair: The Fair is looking for corporate and major sponsors. Since one of the Club mandates is to support the Fair, this is a great use of our funds. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to put $200 towards the five horse show classes and Joan Duncan seconded. Motion carried.
Great Lakes Rodeo: Bobbi Meyer made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR for $250 (the same amount as last year), Janece Hanycz seconded. Motion carried.
UP State Fair: Cathy Waller made a motion to sponsor the UP State Fair youth classes for $100, Bobbi Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
UPHA-Janece Hanycz made a motion to sponsor the Member’s Show for $75, Maddi Zimmerman seconded. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride has a date (Sept 22-24, 2017). Mark it in your calendars.
MCHC May Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, May 23 at 6 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Stephanie Hurley, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 23 at Marquette County Fairgrounds. There will be a quick meeting followed by a work bee to prep for the GLR Memorial Weekend horse show.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Marquette Mountain Ski Hill T-Bar
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:43 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 19 people in attendance.
Minutes: Motion to accept the November 2016 minutes as found on-line by Tess Jezek, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (1/24/2017) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-12/2016) plus the 2016 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Lisa Pellegrini proposed paying the $150 UPHA sanction fee, Tess seconded. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
Membership Renewal Kick-Off Party. All renewing and new 2017 MCHC members got a free taco bar during this meeting. It was a nice way to start the year so we will probably repeat again next year.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 25 (Negaunee Township Hall):
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 24 beginning at 4PM. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Tack sale hours: Saturday, open to members at 10:30 a.m.; to the public from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. We will get Lawry’s Pasty Shop to donate mini pasties again this year.
Admissions: The Mane and Tails 4-H Club will be there to help with admissions (plus any other needs). Lisa P will be at the door to collect new memberships.
Check-in/Checkout: Andi, Stephanie, Dale, Laurie and Jackie will be at check-in/checkout plus any others who can help out.
Muck bucket raffle: MCHC members are asked to bring one or two items to put into the muck bucket. MCHC will purchase $50 of items to add to the bucket.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka is hoping to complete quilt to raffle again this year. The NMU Pre-Vet Club will be doing a bake sale. We need to find someone to hawk the 50/50 raffle during the sale.
Tack Sale Details: Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks. Remind folks: NO DUCK TAPE WHEN TAGGING ITEMS.
Promotion: Cindy will do a flyer and Norm will take them to various barns that he works at. Janece will post it on Facebook. Cathy will make sure that the website is up-to-date. All promotion needs to emphasize that sellers need to make sure that they fill out a sheet and have item numbers that correspond with the sheet.
Members are asked to bring their spare paper bags and Muck Bucket items to the next MCHC meeting, held on March 21.
Members Work Bee to mark a 1 ½ hour Trail Ride: The Club will host a work bee to mark a trail that people could come and do on their own and not get lost. Andi will check with Sands Township to see if there are any legal issues about posting signs on state and private land.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show Update:
Show Format: Approved by UPHA for June 9, 10 and 11, 2017. Same schedule as last year: Friday night speed beginning at 6PM, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. There won’t be a stallions or jumping class. Joan Duncan offered to lead a couple of trail rides during the show (possibly Saturday). Andi secured a judge for the Saturday show (Joy Ratowski). Cathy will see if she can find a Sunday judge. Hotel rooms for the judges have been secured at American Best Value Inn. The website has been updated with the 2017 show information.
Stalls: Members can reserve their stalls with Janece and she will open it up to nonmembers beginning February 1st. Janice has stall cleaners for the show. Promotion should instruct folks to bring their own bedding. The club should have some on hand for special circumstances. Lisa Pellegrini will make the arrangements.
Concessions: Mary Johnson and Maddi said that they were willing to run a concession stand (M &M Concessions) out of the chicken barn for the club again this year. The menu will be the same as last year.
Ribbons & Prizes: Maddi will take care of the ribbons and use what is left from last year and purchase simple (no rosettes) ribbons. First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Tractor Supply Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show.
Class Sponsors: Tabled until next meeting.
Should we do a High Point Award? Janece will pose the question on Facebook and Cathy will pose the question via e-mail. We will see what the opinions are and make a decision next meeting.
Misc. Show Details: Andi will make arrangements for the porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena.
New Business:
MCHC May Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds: tabled until next meeting.
Member request: Emma Jezek asked members if they had Breyer horses that they could bring to the Manes and Tails 4-H Club March 5 Amateur Model Horse Fundraiser. Jackie Hurley made a motion to sponsor $100 towards prizes for this event. JoAnne Kirchhoff seconded. Motion carried.
New Club Sweatshirts: Maddi will research the cost with the help of Emma Jezek and report back next meeting.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar. We will all pitch in for pizzas. Cash bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Norm Johnson, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:34 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. Twelve people were in attendance.
Minutes: September 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Norm Johnson, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (11/29/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-11/17/2016). Our expenses were up by $2126 between 2015 and 2016 and our income was increased by $3100. The Sally’s Ride expenses totaled $520.15 and are considered a donation to Sally’s Ride. Lisa will be providing a yearly audit upon request. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Andi received 5 thank-you letters for supporting the Haunted Hayride: Select Realty Community Fund, UP Whitetails, NMU Wildlife Society, Girl Scout Troup 5002, and Haunted Hayride.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride Weekend Update (September 23-25). Weather was great, food was great, and everything seemed to run very smoothly. Proceeds from the weekend were close to $5000. Everyone at the meeting felt that it would be worthwhile to do again next year.
Salvation Army Adopt a Family Update. We received wish lists for a family that has an 11-year old boy and a 6-year old girl plus a single father in his forties. Lisa Pellegrini and Cathy Waller will shop and deliver the gifts before the Salvation Army deadline of December 6. Cindy Johnson made a motion to increase the spending limit from $300 to $400, plus adding a $100 grocery store gift card. Seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
MCHC June 2017 Horse Show: The show is approved by UPHA for June 9, 10 and 11, 2017. Cindy made a motion that we do the same schedule as last year: Friday night speed, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried. Andi will contact the judges. Mary Johnson will consider doing the concessions again this year. The UPHA sanction fees went up and will cost the MCHC $150 for this year’s horse show.
UPHA Meeting and Banquet Update: UPHA sanction fees and membership dues have been increased. Judy Nelson will be in charge of membership. There have also been a change in the position of the trail class and the 2nd walk trot class has been changed to an open class. We will need to make sure to get our judges packet prior from UPHA.
New Business:
Election for 2017 officer positions: There were no additional nominations for positions. Everyone is happy with the current board. A final vote was made to continue the board as is.
Alternative MCHC meeting locations. Andi suggested meeting at the Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar. Tuesday night is taco night and Jesie Melchiori will extend hours of the taco bar until 7. The group decided to hold the next two meetings at the ski hill and then resume meeting at Fairgrounds office.
Members Winter Get-Together. It was agreed that it is difficult to find an open weekend that can accommodate everyone’s busy schedule. Janece Hanycz suggested that we combine a winter gathering with our January meeting. The Club will pay for the cost of the taco bar ($5 per tray) and members will buy their own drinks. RSVP is recommended. An invite will go out via e-mail and on Facebook.
2017 MCHC Possible Activities
• Members’ Winter Gathering. MCHC will hold a 2017 Membership launch meeting on January 24. All newly renewed 2017 MCHC paid members will get a free taco bar during our January meeting. The Club will pay the cost of the taco bar ($5 per tray) and members buy their own drinks. We will need an approximate count for the Ski Hill. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to that the meeting will be held on January 24 and the club pay the cost of the taco bar for 2017 MCHC members, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion approved.
• Tack Sale, April 1. (Maddi Zimmerman called Negaunee Township Hall and April 1 was booked already so the tack sale has been moved to March 25.)
• Midwest Horse Show
• Trail Ride
• The Club will host a work bee to mark an 1 and ½ hour trail that people could come and do on their own and not get lost. Joan Duncan has trail markers in her barn that she is donating for this cause. MCHC will need to check with Sands Township to see if there are any legal issues about posting signs on state and private land.
• June Horse Show
• Marquette County Fairgrounds Work bee
• Sally’s Ride
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Marquette Ski Hill T-Bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Marquette County Fairgrounds Horse Barn
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:08 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: July 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison (9/23/2016) and Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison (9/23/2016). Our expenses were about $1649 greater in 2016 versus 2015, due to the Shriner Event and 2016 Tack Sale. Our income was about $3309 greater in 2016 versus 2015, due to 2016 Tack Sale and Shriner Event. The Shriners gave the club $2300 and the Shriner expenses for food, stall managers, trail ride and judge costs totaled $1632.70. That meant a profit of $667.30. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None.
Old Business:
Shriner’s Event (August 2-6): The Shriners rented the Marquette County Fairgrounds and brought 23 saddle horses that were stalled in the two outside barns. Stephanie Bahrman, Shelby Talsma, and Ali Goriesky worked super hard as stable managers and received a fee of $1150 from MCHC. Joan Duncan lead what ended up being a two-hour guided trail ride on Thursday morning. Maddi and Alice did a great job purchasing, assembling and distributing the two lunches that the Shriner’s needed at the fairgrounds. The food cost was $333.70. The group felt that we made a little money ($667.30) and provided a nice service.
Marquette County Fair Update (August 11-14). The horse shows went smoothly despite the rain. It was very appreciated that the Fair Board agreed to the emergency tractor work to make the arena ride able after the rain.
Sally’s Ride Weekend (September 23-25): MCHC is once again proud to cosponsor and support this event and would consider doing it beyond UPAWS. We need to spread the word to spend money to save horses. Cathy and Cindy will check-in trailers on Friday afternoon and prep the tables. Brandi Rolling will be running a Horsemanship Clinic beginning at 5 p.m. On Saturday, the Fun Show begins at 9 am until 12 p.m. The trail rides depart at 1 p.m. There is a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. Both trail rides will have a scavenger hunt option. Registration, potluck, and bucket raffles will be in the main barn. Attendees will receive an armband marked with the events they have signed up for. A potluck dinner will be at 4:30 p.m. with the bucket/basket raffle and bonfire following. Volunteers are especially needed for registration on Saturday. Emma Jezek will check into getting volunteers from the NMU Equestrian Club to check Coggins on Saturday morning. Paint Ponies Studios will be setting up and staffing a “Paint the Pony” activity from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday for $5 per person. All profits will be donated to Sally’s Fund.
MCHC will provide free hot dogs to attendees on Saturday for lunch and pulled pork for the potluck. MCHC is paying $150 for the rental of the fairgrounds. Cindy is picking up the food. Maddi is bringing extra paper supplies. Andi is bringing a big roaster and tablecloths. Cindy Johnson made a motion that every paid adult horse club member receives $10 in cash (for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride) and each child member will receive $5 in cash. Seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
New Business:
Submissions for 2017 officer positions: Officer nomination ballots were turned in at the meeting but then, after some discussion, it was determined that everyone was happy with the current board. A final vote will be made in November in case there are any additional nomination ballots before then.
Meeting Time Change: It was decided to change the next meeting to 6:30 p.m. but not change the bylaws.
MCHC 2017 UPHA Horse Show: Maddi will reserve the dates at the fairgrounds for June 10th and 11th, 2017. The last show went well with plenty of help. Andi proposed a double points one-day show but Cindy and Bobbi were against that idea. Show format tabled until the November meeting.
Website Update: Cathy Waller is in the process of cleaning up the photo pages section of the website. The group expressed an interest in fun pictures, especially kids, bonfires etc.
Adopt a Family. Cathy Waller said that she was willing and able to shop again for a Salvation Army family. Lisa volunteered to help. Cathy will contact them around Halloween to get the club’s name on their list. It was agreed to spend the same as last year—$300.
Benefit for Marti Overmyer on Sunday, 9/25: Two Tractor Supply $25 gift certificates will be donated from the Club and Bobbi Meyer will take to them to the benefit. Motion to accept made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 29, 6:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Restaurant
Motion to adjourn made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 5:36 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: May 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Cathy Waller, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (7/26/2016) and Profit & Loss 2015 & 2016 Comparison Sheets (1/1-7/26). Our expenses were about $1000 greater in 2016 versus 2015, solely due to 2016 Tack Sale. Our income was about $1000 greater in 2016 versus 2015, solely due to 2016 Tack Sale. The 2016 Horse Show profit was $2083.80 while the 2015 Horse Show profit was $1724.03. The nonprofit license for $20 was paid, a funeral donation of $100 was made to the Redferns, and a $100 donation was made to UP State Fair. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? The Club received a thank-you from Nancy Redfern expressing her gratitude for the donation towards Dave Redfern’s funeral luncheon.
Old Business:
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Final Accounting (June 10-12): The club made $360 more in 2016 than in 2015. The show’s income was virtually the same in 2016 versus 2015; however the expenses were $420 less. Therefore, the Club’s profit was greater. The recommendation last year to spend less on prizes helped really helped with our bottom line. Plenty of people showed up to help and the rodeo queens were very helpful as well. Seemed like a nice show and people had fun. The extra features like on-site massage made for a pleasant and unique show experience.
Shriner’s Event: The Shriners have rented the Marquette County Fairgrounds from August 2 to August 6. They are bringing 30 plus saddle horses and they will be stalled in the two outside barns. Stephanie Bahrman, Shelby Talsma, and Ali Goriesky have agreed to prep the stalls, barn-sit the horses during their stay, and clean out the stalls upon their departure. Joan Duncan will lead a 1½ hour guided trail ride on Thursday morning followed by a pasty box lunch coordinated by Maddi. On Friday morning at 10 a.m., they will be doing a stagecoach and drill show. Stephanie Bahrman will judge both shows for a $50 fee. Another pulled pork sandwiches box lunch (coordinated by Maddi) will follow the competitions. It was suggested to leave a donation can outside the barns to encourage contributions towards some of our fairground projects. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion that 50% of the income that we get from the Shriner’s ($100 per horse) will be split between the three horse caretakers with the remaining going towards our expenses (food, shavings, tractor work, Trail Network donation of $100) and our fairground’s projects. Motion seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Sally’s Ride Update— MQT County Fairgrounds, September 23-24. Most of the schedule is the same as last year. Flyers are out advertising the event. Brandi Rolling and her mom have volunteered to mark the trail again. A wedding is being held at the fairgrounds that weekend, so the entrance will be at the back gate for Sally’s Ride and all horse traffic needs to stay away from the big barn. We will need a port-a-john by the chicken barn. Katie is working on the prizes. Brandi is making the t-shirt with advertisers for Sally’s Ride. It worked out well to provide hot dogs before they leave for trail ride. MCHC Members will be asked to donate baskets again for the Saturday evening raffle. The next Sally’s Ride meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept 13, at 7 p.m. at Marquette County Fair office.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 20, 7 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
----Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 9 people in attendance.
Minutes: March 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (5/24/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (3/29-5/24/2016). Since our last meeting, we received $345 from member fees, $554 in show sponsors and plus tack sale income. Our expenses include $349 for ribbons, $100 donation to the County Fair, $40 donation to UP Pink Power, $61.44 for new checks, and tack sale expenses. The 2016 Tack Sale profit was $1029.75. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None, but Maddi will send a thank-you to Kathy Solka for her wonderful quilt donation for the tack sale.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Wrap-up—Saturday, April 2
Everything went very smoothly despite the bad weather. The 2017 Tack Sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 1. Maddi will call Negaunee Township Hall to see if that date is available.
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Update (June 10-12):
Judges: Andi will contact the judges and ask them to will pick out patterns for all pattern classes. We do trail patterns.
Concessions (nicknamed M&M Café): Mary Johnson and Maddi Zimmerman will be shopping, cooking and running the concession stand out of the chicken barn. The club will make sure that they have a grill. The menu will have the basics that people tend to like at shows. Mary has a big cooler to put drinks in. Andi has small fridge that she will bring to store drinks. There will be a limited menu on Friday night but then open for 8 am breakfast on Saturday (coffee and rolls).
Class Sponsors Update: We have 11 spots still open. Lisa dropped off forms with letter asking for sponsors but only Country Corner responded. Janece will do a post on Facebook reminding members and friends to sponsor our show. At the meeting, Joan Mulder signed up for a reining class sponsorship.
Stall Reservations Update: Inside is full and there are 12 outside stalls reserved at this point. Our website and other promotion is instructing folks to bring their own bedding. Lisa Pellegrini made arrangements to have some bedding on hand for special circumstances.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi will be ringmaster for the weekend, Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller will help in registration. GLR rodeo queens will be there to help with the in-gate and out-gate. We still need help with set-up for western riding and reining pattern, trail patterns and speed obstacles. Cathy Waller will send out an e-mail seeking volunteers to fill our holes. Mike Pellegrini will not take any donations (last year we gave him $50) for grooming the arena for MCHC show.
Misc. Show Details: Jesse Melchiori will make arrangements for two porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena. Janece is advertising the show on Facebook. Cathy has updated the website.
Top Exhibitor Award The award for the weekend is a buckle Molly Silversmith 10421 Blackstone Flower Metal Jewelers Bronze. The winner (from all age categories) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend (earn 1 point for each class entered). Gain an additional five points for having a stall for weekend (max 5 points) and five extra points for volunteering for 30 minutes at the show (i.e., helping with ribbons, setting-up speed, setting-up trail) (max 5 points). Any ties will be broken by the number of 1st place finishes then 2nd place finishes etc..
Other Awards: Lisa Pellegrini will get 52 Tractor Supply $10 gift, Cindy has the other awards purchased from Midwest Horse Fair, Maddi has the ribbons. Andi has the lead line prizes that Cindy and Andy will put together before the class.
New Business:
MCHC June Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, June 7 at 6 p.m.
Great Lakes Rodeo Donation: Bobbi Meyer made a motion for the club to sponsor the GLR at the $250 Chaps & Spur level, Lisa Pellegrini seconded. Motion carried. Two general admission rodeo tickets come with this level and will be added to the “Top Exhibitor” prize. Lisa Pellegrini will fill out the form and mail it with a check.
Proposal from Shriners. The Shriners have rented the Marquette County Fairgrounds from August 2 to August 6. They have 40 horses and 10 campers and are looking to pay someone for a variety of tasks: 1) August 2 Set-up & August 6 clean out 40 stalls; 2) Grade and prep arena before and during competition; 3) Barn-sit 40 horses during their stay August 3-6; 4) Horse tour guide for a 4-hour trail ride on August 4; 5) Looking for 2 judges for 2 hours competition on 8/6; 6) Luncheon in gazebo after completion of competition 8/6. Andi thought it could be a good fundraiser for us and then we would have seed money for stall improvements. Maddi will check into food once we decide. Andi has contacted the fair shavings dealer for extra for this group, and Mike will have tractor at fairgrounds for the County Fair anyway. The group had a number of questions that Andi will get answers on before we make any commitments.
Sally’s Ride Update— MQT County Fairgrounds, September 23-24. Most of the schedule will remain unchanged from last year. Brandi will be doing a Friday night clinic and Saturday morning fun show. There was discussion on improving the trail markings for the rides and whether we should eliminate the long ride. Also, many felt that it wasn’t necessary to have an evening presentation after the potluck dinner and follow with the bucket raffle drawing and bonfire instead. Katie is working on the prizes. UPAWS is seeking Sally’s Ride t-shirt sponsorships. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion for MCHC to be on the t-shirt for $100, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
MCHC Insurance. The Haunted Hayride has a rider on our insurance but when they have finalized their 501c status then they will get their own insurance. Andi paid the Hayride’s insurance at the meeting.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 26, 6 p.m. at the Marquette County Fairgrounds Office
Motion to adjourn made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Root 41 Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: February 2016 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in February. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (3/29/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (2/23-3/29/2016). Since our last meeting, we received $125 from member fees, $160 in show sponsors and bank interest. Our expenses include a $100 UPHA sanction fee, a $170 toilet rental fee from the 2015 show, $50 for the tack sale bucket raffle purchases, $200 donation to UPAWS in honor of Ray Meyer, and $36.99 for a deli tray for Ray Meyer. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cathy Ruprecht. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Lisa Pellegrini received a thank-you from the UPAWS for the donation in memory of Ray Meyer that sponsored two pets: Scruffy Paws and Harold Hobbs.
Old Business:
Annual Tack Sale Update—Saturday, April 2 at Negaunee Township Hall:
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (MCHC Members only) Set up will be held on Friday night, April 1, from 4 to 6 p.m. The group will go to the Crossroads Restaurant for dinner after.
Volunteer Delegation: Saturday check-in will be Cindy & Andy; Hurley clan will be checking out; Lisa will handle new members at the door; Runners will be Janece, Bobbi, Great Lakes Rodeo queens, and other available help; Maddi, Mary and Cathy will run concessions. Members should fill in as needed especially at the door when stuff is coming in to help tag and inventory.
Website/Facebook Reminders: Janece and Cathy will take care of reminding people of the following, “NO DUCK TAPE WHEN TAGGING ITEMS. Only put OBO if you mean it. No OBO if your price is firm.”
Muck Bucket & Quilt Raffle: Lisa will type up a list of what is in the muck bucket. Mane and Tails 4-H and Tess will sell muck bucket tickets. Kathy Solka has a bed set to raffle again this year.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: NMU Equestrian Team will be doing the 50/50 and a bake sale. Great Lakes Rodeo queens can help them if needed.
Hallway Displays: Cathy Ruprecht will have a table with information about a local dressage club. Also, Dr. Matt Schaefer will be there with information about his DVM practice currently based in the Green Bay area. UPAWS might have a table with plans for the new building.
Other Tack Sale Details: Dale, Andi, Jesse and Tess Jezek have cloths racks. Andi will bring the MCHC banner to hang, Ziploc bags, and a full-length mirror. Lisa will take care of the start-up cash and extra checks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks and bags.
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Update (June 10-12):
Concessions: NMU Equestrian Club is not able to do the concessions. Andi contacted a couple of other vendors but no one was available. Mary Johnson said that she was willing to run a concession stand out of the chicken barn for the club. Maddi volunteered to help. The menu would have the basics that people tend to like at shows.
Class Sponsors Update: We have only $160 so far in sponsors, but Lisa Pellegrini received at least 20 more sponsors at the meeting. Lisa will drop off forms at a couple of businesses and see if we get any more.
Stall Reservations Update: Inside is full but outside is empty. Promotion should instruct folks to bring their own bedding. The club should have some on hand for special circumstances. Lisa Pellegrini will make the arrangements.
Volunteer Delegations: Andi passed around a job sign up sheet. She will be ringmaster for the weekend, Cindy Johnson will announce for pleasure, Cathy Waller will help in registration. GLR rodeo queens will be contacted for in gate and out gate help.
Misc. Show Details: We will need two porta-johns for the show: One by the chicken barn and one by arena. Jesse Melchiori will make the arrangements for the club. Janece will advertise the show on Facebook. Cathy will update the website.
Should we do a High Point Award? It was decided to do a Weekend Exhibitor Award instead. The winner (from all age categories) will be decided based on who signs up for the most classes during the weekend. Five extra points will be given if they have a stall for weekend and five extra points can be earned if they volunteer for 30 minutes at the show (i.e., helping with ribbons, setting-up speed, setting-up trail, in gates, out gates).
New Business:
MCHC May Work bee at MQT County Fairgrounds will be held on Tuesday, May 24 at 6 p.m.
Member request: Bobbi Meyer is doing an 18-mile walk for cancer and is trying to raise a $100 in donations. Cindy Johnson made motion for the club to sponsor Bobbi for $40, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried.
Change MCHC Meeting Time? The last three meetings have been held at 6 p.m. The group decided not to change the bylaws but adjust the meeting times as needed and address this in November to see if it makes to make a permanent change.
Motion to adjourn made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 24 at the Marquette County Fairgrounds at 6 p.m. There will be a quick meeting followed by a work bee to prep for the GLR Memorial Weekend horse show.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Root 41 Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 13 people in attendance including a guest from the NMU Equestrian Club.
Minutes: November 2015 meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in December. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (2/23/2016) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-2/23/2016) plus the 2015 Treasury Summary. Officers received a more detailed 2015 profit and loss statement. Since our last meeting, we received $80 from four membership fees and bank interest. Our expenses include a $200 donation to UPAWS in honor of one of our founding fathers, Ray Meyer, and $50 for flowers for the club president. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Cathy Waller received a thank-you from the Salvation Army for the gifts the club bought for the adopted family.
Old Business:
Members Get-Together/Trail Ride Plans. Cindy Johnson had initially proposed that the Club hold a spring trail ride and get-together at the MQT County Fairgrounds. After some discussion and reviewing the May schedule, it was decided to not commit to a date in the spring. The Club will be holding a May work bee at the Fairgrounds to prepare for the upcoming horse show season and, depending on weather, may host an impromptu trail ride then.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, April 2:
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, April 1. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Tack sale hours: Saturday, open to members at 10:30 a.m.; to the public from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Concessions: Maddi and Mary will run concessions. Janece got Lawry’s Pasty Shop to donate mini pasties again this year.
Admissions: The Mane and Tails and Posse 4-H Clubs will be asked to help with admissions. Lisa P will be at the door to collect new memberships.
Check-in/Checkout: Andi and Cindy will be handle check-in. Dale and crew will be at checkout plus any others who can help out. The NMU Equestrian team will help with bagging.
Muck bucket raffle: MCHC members are asked to bring one or two items to put into the muck bucket. Also Lisa has been given $50 to purchase some items for the bucket. Mane and Tails 4-H and Tess will sell muck bucket tickets.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka is doing a complete bed set this year. NMU Equestrian Team will be doing the 50/50 and a bake sale.
Tack Sale Details: Dale and Tess Jezek have cloths racks. Members are asked to bring in their spare saddle racks. Remind folks: NO DUCK TAPE WHEN TAGGING ITEMS. The group gave Andi the go ahead that if anyone asks to have a table at the sale then Andi will agree if club gets 10%.
Promotion: Cindy will post an ad in Craig’s List and do a flyer. Janece will make sure to send something to the calendar and post it on Facebook. All promotion needs to emphasize that sellers need to make sure that they fill out a sheet and have item numbers that correspond with the sheet.
Norm will supervise saddle room.
Members are asked to bring their spare paper bags and Muck Bucket items to the next MCHC meeting, held on March 29.
Fairgrounds Vet Meet and Greet/Haul in for Vet Services: Andi talked with Laurie Sampala who thought that Dr. Abe Aho would be interested in this event. Robyn Woodaz thought that Dr. Gail Hoholik would also be interested. Many thought that a May event was too late for people needing Coggins done for the Memorial Weekend Horse Show. Robyn was hoping for the 2nd week of April. The Marquette County Fairgrounds can be pretty snow-covered in April. The group decided to table the event for now and maybe consider in future years, possibly incorporating it with the tack sale.
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show Update:
Show Format: Approved by UPHA for June 10, 11 and 12, 2016. Same schedule as last year: Friday night speed, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. Andi received signed contracts for both the Saturday (Jody Zuelsdorff) judge and Sunday (Jodi Zamzow) judge. Janece has been taking stall reservations since February 1st. Hotel rooms for the judges have been secured at American Best Value Inn. Janice has stall cleaners for the show: Misty and Kelly. The website has been updated with the 2016 show information.
Concessions: The NMU equestrian team might be interested in running a concession stand during our horse show. Since five of their e-board and some members stay in Marquette during the summer, this might be a nice fund-raising opportunity for them. The Club offered the use of the chicken barn and a grill. Lauren Bareiss will get back to us in a couple of weeks to confirm. Otherwise, Andi will check with Senores to see if they are able to bring a truck again for concessions.
Ribbons & Prizes: Lisa brought up the fact that we spent over $1200 in awards last year; and even though it was nice, it cut into our show profit. There are 52 classes this year. Maddi will take care of the ribbons and use what is left from last year and purchase simple (no rosettes) ribbons (just like what is used for the County Fair). First place winners will chose from product one day and receive a $10 Tractor Supply Gift card the next day. Cindy and Norm Johnson will purchase product at the Midwest Horse Show.
Class Sponsors: Last year, we raised $1000 in sponsors. Lisa Pellegrini will take care of managing class sponsorship and collecting money again this year. All members should try to get sponsors for the show. The price is $20 per class. Janece Hanycz has five sponsors already!
New Business:
Sally’s Ride It is scheduled for Sept 23-24. UPAWS wants us to help with Sally’s Ride again this year. We all agreed to having events on Friday, Saturday and Saturday night but maybe no tack sale on Sunday.
MQT County Fair: The Fair is looking for corporate and major sponsors. Since one of the Club mandates is support the Fair, this is a great use of our funds. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion to put $20 for each of the five shows (draft, mini, speed, pleasure, and jumping) and Cathy Waller seconded. Motion approved. There will be a liberty horse event on Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 29 at 6 p.m. at Root 41 Restaurant.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Root 41 Restaurant
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:00 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: September meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Cathy Waller handed out copies of the minutes for attendees to read. Members also received a copy by e-mail in October. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (11/24/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (9/22-11/24/2015). Since our last meeting, we received $205 from Sally’s Ride stall fees, one membership fee and bank interest. Our expenses on the sheet include a $200 donation to Haunted Hayride, $220 cash to members participating in Sally’s Ride, $122.90 food for Sally’s Ride, and $50 Tractor Supply gift certificates for the UPHA annual banquet door prize. Lisa will be providing a yearly summary for 2015 during the January meeting. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? Andi received two thank-you letters to the Club: one from UPAWS thanking the club for their help and support with the Sally’s Ride event, and a thank-you letter from Haunted Hayride.
Old Business:
Sally’s Ride & Winter Horse Care Clinic Report (September 25-27). Weather was great, food was great, and everything seemed to run very smoothly. Joan Mulder from UPAWS felt that it was the best one yet. Everyone at the meeting felt that it would be worthwhile to help again next year. Cindy checked the Fairgrounds 2016 schedule for that weekend and found that a wedding has already been scheduled for that date but she felt that we could have both events on the same weekend. A couple of improvements for next year’s Sally’s Ride: rent a porta potty for the chicken barn area, add a Sunday morning activity, improve trail markers and maybe produce a map ahead of time showing the route. Joan Duncan volunteered to GPS the route and Cindy said she could print out the map.
Haunted Hayride Report (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17). The event went very well but opening up a third night really paid off. The event brought in a record of $27,800. Andi is already thinking of an addition for next year: a Saturday afternoon activity and she has approached someone about doing an antique Hearst show.
Salvation Army Adopt a Family. We received wish lists for a family that has a 7-year old girl and an infant plus parents in their late twenties. Lisa Pellegrini and Cathy Waller will shop, wrap and deliver the gifts before the Salvation Army’s deadline of December 18. Maddi Zimmerman made a motion to increase the spending limit from $200 to $300. Seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried.
Members Winter Get-Together Plans. Andi contacted Bill Richards about sleigh rides for the Club but he was not able to do something in February. Andi will check to see if Luke Bell can accommodate us. We agreed on a date of Saturday, February 20th and proposed a schedule of: sleigh ride with Luke Bell from 3 to 5, followed by a potluck dinner, sledding and skating at the Goriesky’s home after 5. The Club could pay for a sleigh ride or two. Andi, Cathy and Cindy will meet to finalize the details. An invite will go out via e-mail and will include the 2016 new members.
UPHA Banquet/UPHA Meeting. Eighty-four people attended the 50th Anniversary banquet. All the founding fathers were honored. Ray Meyer felt that the banquet was the best they ever had. UPHA held their election and rule change meeting on November 15. Our June date and show has been approved by the UPHA. The UPHA changed the rule that you must participate in a certain amount of shows to qualify for year-end awards. Also, we can add a class up to 30 days prior to the show (like a Jackpot class). The next UPHA meeting will be held on at 2 p.m. on January 3rd at the Family Inn in Escanaba.
New Business:
MCHC June 2016 Horse Show: Approved by UPHA for June 11 and 12, 2016. Andi proposed that we do the same schedule as last year: Friday night speed, Saturday pleasure and speed, Sunday pleasure. NBHA may be interested in having an event that weekend. Andi contacted judges and was able to secure a judge for Saturday (Jody Zuelsdorff) and one for Sunday (Jodi Zamzow). We have used both judges before; their fee is $315 per day plus .50 per mile. Lisa Pellegrini made a motion for same format as last year, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried. Lisa is willing to do stalls if Janece isn’t able to. Andi contacted American Best Value Inn and they gave us a break on the rooms and she already booked them. Lisa will give the info to UPHA at their next meeting. Thank you from Lisa (and the Club) to Andi for taking this in such a timely manner!
Elections for 2016 officer positions. There were no additional nominations for positions. Dale Hauswirth made a motion to keep the officer positions the same. Bobbi Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
Marquette Area Large Animal Vet Issue. Cathy Ruprecht and Andi brought up the difficulty they have found in finding a local vet to come out to a barn during an emergency especially during weekends. Cathy Ruprecht has contacted MSU to see how to recruit a recently graduated large animal vet to our area. She was told how difficult it is for a recent graduate with a huge debt to start a rural large animal practice. She located one vet, Dr. Matt Shaffer, who loves the UP and is very interested in developing a practice here. The group thought it would be worthwhile to host a meet-and-greet session with a Coggin’s service being offered on May 20th at the Fairgrounds. We will put this back on agenda for January. In the meantime, Andi will talk with Dr. Dale Aho and get his input and Cathy Ruprecht will contact Dr. Matt. It would be useful to survey the horse community to see what the perceived needs are. Cindy can do this through survey monkey and perhaps the NMU Equine Club can help. Cathy Waller will contact them.
Tack Sale. It is normally held on the last Saturday in March. This year that falls on Easter weekend. Maddi called Negaunee Township and was able to reserve the hall for Saturday, April 2. Motion to hold the tack sale on Saturday, April 2 made by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Joan Duncan. Motion carried.
Trail Link at Fairgrounds. There will be connector trail built that comes from Thunder Valley to the Fairgrounds. Joan Duncan proposed the creation of an additional link from the north end of the Fairgrounds to the trails that head out to Negaunee. There was general agreement and support for this effort but it is a matter for the Marquette County fair board.
Motion to adjourn and to change the meeting time for the next meeting to 6 p.m. made by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 26 at 6 p.m. at Root 41 Restaurant, 6448 US Highway 41 S.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:07 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 11 people in attendance.
Minutes: July meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in August. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Maddi Zimmerman. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (9/22/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (7/28-9/22/2015). There hasn’t been much activity since the last meeting. The club spent $35.83 for an engraved plate, $24.95 for horse show cones, $10 for flowers around the manure pit, $98.20 for pizza for the barn work-bee, $20 for State of Michigan license, and $100 for arena maintenance. The club received a $29 credit for insurance. Joan Duncan turned in a membership form and $20 at the meeting so she is now a voting member. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report as amended made by Cathy Waller, seconded by Cindy Johnson. Motion carried.
Other Correspondence? None
Old Business:
Comments on New Website: Cathy Waller reported that the website committee met on August 26 and completed the final layout. The feedback from members has been very positive. The comments during the meeting were, “Excellent job, lays out nice for I-phone, more user friendly, like the use of old and new photos.” Great job Cathy Waller.
Marquette County Fair Update (August 13-16). The horse shows were great. Every show was very nicely organized and well run, despite the heat. A new award at the Fair was the equine exhibitor of the year. The winner was our own MCHC member, Janece Hanycz! She entered in 17 classes in the mini show plus entries in the big horse show. Congratulations Janece!
Sally’s Ride and Winter Horse Care Clinic (September 25-27). MCHC is proud to sponsor and support this event. Gates open at 5pm on Friday to take registrations. Brandy Rolling will be running a Horsemanship Clinic that evening. On Saturday, the Fun Show begins at 10 am until 1 p.m. The trail rides depart at 2 p.m. There is a short trail ride lasting about 1 hour, and a long trail ride lasting about 3 hours. Both trail rides will have a scavenger hunt option. Scavenger hunt participants will get a plastic bag with a list of items to look for along the trail. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes, provided by the Haunted Hayride, for the winners. Registration will be in the main barn. Attendees will get a colored X on their hand depending on which events they have signed up for. A potluck dinner will be at 6 p.m. in the main barn, followed by the Winter Horse Care Clinic in chicken barn. The bucket/basket raffle and bonfire will follow. There will be a tack swap-no charge-no benefit in the main horse barn on Sunday. Volunteers are especially needed for clean up on Sunday, and registration on Saturday morning plus setting up food on Saturday afternoon. Dale will be helping out with Coggins.
Maddi Zimmerman has a crate leftover from the tack sale with pop, water, cups, etc. that she will bring. There are hot dogs leftover from a MCF event that we can use. So we will provide free hot dogs for all attendees on Saturday for lunch. MCHC is paying $150 for the rental of the fairgrounds but will receive the proceeds from stall rentals. At the moment, all horse stalls have been reserved and there have been several last minute requests for day stalls so we will see if we can accommodate. A motion was made by Lisa Pellegrini that MCHC will provide pulled pork and buns. Seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Cindy Johnson made a motion that every paid horse club member receives $10 in cash (Lisa will give out at the event) for helping out, camping, volunteering, riding and participating in Sally’s Ride. Seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Report on horse campground Joan submitted to the DNR a proposal for a large multi-use parking area on state-owned land called The Lake Superior Trailhead. The proposed parking area and trailhead would be on an 80-acre parcel near Lakenland and would be adjacent to 14,000 acres of state land. Three roads and a snow mobile trail run through it. Because of her experience with past projects, she has found that she will have the greatest success with the DNR if she makes it a multi-use parking area. There are two phases for this project. Phase 1-Building a 440 feet long by 330 feet wide (twice as big as Thunder Valley) parking lot. It is long enough to drive through but level enough for large truck/trailer set-ups. Phase 2-Building the multi-use campground. She hopes to have an equine section gated off. Joan will be building a Facebook page to keep people informed on the progress of this project. She has drafted a letter for the DNR that members can sign and send back to her. Joan emphasized that the DNR needs to see that there is enough interest in a project before they will fund it.
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17) It will run for 3 nights and there are 13 scenes. The Hayride is twenty-five minutes long plus 3 indoor walk-thru exhibits. Andi proposed that the Horse Club sponsor the event for $200. Ten paid MCHC members would get to go to the hayride for free. Motion by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
New Business:
Update e-mail list: It was decide to delete all unpaid members. Andi, Cathy and Lisa will meet to get this list cleaned up.
Submissions for 2016 officer positions. Everyone filled out the officer nomination ballots at the meeting.
Members’ Holiday Get-Together? The group liked the idea of seeing if Bill Richards could take us all on a sleigh ride then go to eat at Jasper Ridge afterwards. Christmas is too busy for everyone so it was proposed to do a winter gathering (January or February). Andi will check with Bill and report back to us.
Adopt a Family or Donate to a Worthy Cause. Cathy Waller said that she was willing and able to shop again for a family. Andi and Lisa volunteered to help. It was agreed to stick with one of the Salvation Army families. Cathy will contact them around Halloween to get the club’s name on their list. Motion to spend $300 on adopting a family made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Joan Duncan. Motion carried.
UPHA Annual Banquet is on Nov. 7. Cindy Johnson proposed that MCHC donate a $50 gift basket for the UPHA 50th Anniversary Banquet. Lisa Pellegrini volunteered to make the basket with Cindy’s help. All past UPHA members will be getting invites to the banquet.
Motion to adjourn by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 24 at 7 pm at Root 41 Restaurant, 6448 US Highway 41 S.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:04 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 13 people in attendance.
Minutes: May meeting minutes were not read but are posted on-line. Members also received a copy by e-mail in June. Motion to accept the minutes as found on-line by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (7/28/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (1/1-7/28/2015). The horse show produced an income of $5268 and a total expense of $3314. The horse show generated a net profit of $1954. The club spent $500 towards stall improvements at County Fair in July. Additional expenses not in the report are flowers and the engraving of a nameplate for the Elmi Filkins plaque. Andi proposed that Mike Pellegrini be paid for his work maintaining the arena during our show. Everyone agreed that it was fair to compensate him for his time. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report as amended made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried. Lisa will write a check to Mike Pellegrini for his help with the arena maintenance during our show.
Other Correspondence? Andi received a thank-you from the show’s Saturday judge, Kristen Mellenberger, who thanked us for allowing her to judge our show. We also received a thank-you from the Marquette County Fair board for helping with improving the stalls.
Old Business:
Website Layout Review: Cathy Waller reported on the progress on the website. It was agreed that a committee should be set-up to finalize the site. Cathy Waller will send the link to the members to collect any initial ideas and suggestions; then Cathy Waller, Tess Jezek, Emme Jezek and RiLee Waller will meet to complete the final site.
Horse Show Final Accounting— June 12,13,14. Everyone agreed that the show seemed to have run smoothly, that there was enough help, and the stalls were fuller than last year. It was also nice to have the rodeo queens running gates. Bobbi sanitized the stalls after the show. The format seemed to have worked well and the group would consider doing that same schedule again next year. The one suggestion was to decrease the amount spent on ribbons and prizes next year to increase our overall show profit.
Marquette County Fair Update/Horse Stall Project. Cindy Johnson thanked the club for the donation. The stalls are in much better shape after the work. The next project is to spray paint the inside of the stalls. MCHC will host a work bee on Wednesday, August 5, at 6 PM to spray stalls. The Club will buy pizza for workbee. Workers should come dressed to paint and should bring sprayers (if they have them), paint clothes, brushes, and staple removal tools (like pliers). Cathy will send out an e-mail notice to the members. The barn bulletin boards will be changed to have: UPAWS, Haunted Hayride, Rodeo, thank to fair sponsors.
Fair open house report (Wednesday, June 10). There were very few equine exhibits this year but Lisa brought a donkey. The Open House was a lot bigger than last year. Inside displays were better and tractor rides worked very well.
Sally’s Ride and Winter Horse Care Clinic (September 25-27). This is the 14th year for this event. For the last two years, the Rodeo co-sponsored the event with UPAWS. Riders registered and paid the day of the event. A couple of years ago, they tried to find sponsors but results were not worth the effort so resorted to just charge a fee to ride. Last year, UPAWS split all income with the Rodeo. Our Club’s goal for helping out with Sally’s Ride is to make money for Sally’s Ride not for our club. Katie Wares does a fabulous job putting together buckets for the silent auction but could use help. Tess Jezek is interested in running a Breyer Show. We should make this event a big affair since we are renting fairgrounds for $200. The Winter Care clinic could be held on Friday night or Saturday after the ride. Cheri Johnson will check to see if Brandi is interested running a fun show on Sunday. A committee was formed at the meeting to plan out the event and included Tess Jezek, Andi Goriesky, Cheri Johnson, and Joan Mulder. The group will correspond through email on group decisions.
New Business:
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17) This is a separate entity now from the club but last year the horse club did a business sponsorship for the hayride and may consider doing so again this year.
Possible horse campground (Joan Duncan letter to the club dated 7/5). Joan Duncan asked the Club to write a letter of support for a campground on M-28 camping, 10 miles east of Marquette. This campground would be open to horse camping as well as other types of patrons. After a brief discussion, we tabled writing a letter until we get more info on the location and other details on trails riders could access from the proposed campgrounds.
Motion to adjourn by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 22 at 7 pm at the Crossroads Restaurant
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:03 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes: March meeting minutes were read. Motion to accept the minutes by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Lisa Pellegrini. Motion carried. Andi Goriesky asked if we should continue to read minutes at the meetings or just bring copies for anyone wanting to read them. Jackie Hurley will need a copy mailed to her but everyone else was comfortable with an e-mailed copy.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini distributed copies of the MCHC Balance Sheet (5/26/2015) and Profit & Loss Sheets (3/25-5/26/2015). The Club gained income through new and renewal memberships, horse show sponsors, horse show stalls, and tack sale proceeds for a total income of $4717.12. The Club’s expenses during the two-month period was the hotel for horse show judges, horse show prizes and ribbons, flowers for Dave Redfern, tack sale expenses, and web site fees for a total expense of $3627.09. The Club’s April/May income after expenses were paid is $1090.03. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Lisa asked for approval to pay Andi for the UPAWS donation of $95.01 and post office expenses of $6.50. Lisa will also pay the club insurance from VAST of $802. The Club will be paying one horse show judge a fee of $275 plus $0.50 for mileage, and the second $450 with no mileage. Andi made a motion to give 50% of Tack Sale admission proceeds ($58) to 4-H Posse as a thank-you for helping the Club out that day. Motion to accept these additions made by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried. Lisa wrote a check to the Posse and gave it to Cathy Waller.
Other Correspondence? None other signing a Kathy Solka thank-you note for making and donating a quilt for tack sale.
Old Business:
Walt Mackey with Select Reality: Hosted a basket auction on May 14 for UPAWS. There were a ton of baskets for people to bid on. The 4-H Posse bought a wheelbarrow and the Club purchased $95.01 in garden supplies to put in the wheelbarrow. It was a very popular item that people were fighting over and ultimately raised $425 for UPAWS.
Fair open house/1st practice night at fairgrounds (Wednesday, June 10). There is no set schedule but just a general goal of getting people out to the fairgrounds. Both the Posse 4-H and the Club should bring horses and have fun in the arena. Tess Jezek will bring some jumps and barrels and have people do some demos like they did last year. This is perfect night to schedule and promote the 1st Fairgrounds Arena Practice Night. Once we see what the interest is for such an activity, we can schedule more during the summer. The arena won’t be dragged and folks will need to remember their Coggins but it will be open to whoever wants to come and ride.
Horse Show Update— June 12,13,14
Stall Reservations/Shavings/Disinfecting/Jump-Out Fee: There are still stalls left and several folks haven’t paid for their reserved stalls (deadline June 1). There are some shavings behind the cattle barn but the Club should have more for participants to purchase. Lisa will check into purchasing and picking up baled shavings and get back with the price to charge everyone. To reassure everyone who might be concerned about strangles or any other horse contagious illnesses, stalls will be disinfected by Cindy and Andi prior to show. No group work bee will be needed to prep the stalls. The group discussed whether to change the jump out policy but it was decided to keep it as is. The policy is that, “There is no charge for day use but if someone ties to the trailer or puts up panels for the NIGHT, they will owe a charge of $20 per night per horse (Jump-out fee).”
Class Sponsors: Coming along very well thanks to Lisa Pellegrini. There are only 6 left, but we can use more. Lisa and Andi will do another plea on Facebook to see if we can fill those last sponsors.
Promotion: Janece has put announcements about the horse show on the TV6 calendar and Facebook. Our website has the current show information and updated sponsors list.
Camping (electric: $20/day, $30/weekend; nonelectric $10/day, $20 weekend). Camping is only allowed in the designated camping areas! Payment of camping fees can be done at registration but Maddi will go around and check that people have notified the office and have a camping certificate. The fairgrounds back gate is open, so those showing can bring in their campers on open house night or anytime after.
Volunteers Needed Still: We still need a set-up crew for mini trail, western riding, reining, ranch, trail, and speed. Stephanie, Dale and Laurie might be able to help depending on their respective schedules. Jesie Melchiori will have her GLR court there to give out prizes and handle the “out” gate.
Registration Hours: Friday 4-8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 a.m.-close
UPHA Members Without Numbers: Lisa Pellegrini will contact Jessie Willour about getting the horse forms and horse numbers at the registration office to help those UPHA members that don’t have numbers. Also, we will post on our website to: “Please come to our show prepared with UPHA numbers. Call Robyn if you don’t have them.”
Concessions: Senores will be open in the mornings to provide breakfast and coffee. His hours are Friday from 6 p.m. to close, Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday, 8 a.m.-Noon. He will be put in front of the chicken barn since that placement seemed to work well for last show’s concession stand.
1st Place Winner Awards/Photos: Friday night speed 1st place winners and Sunday 1st place winners will get one of the purchased items from Steers. Lisa Anderson will take pictures on Saturday for all the 1st place winners of the day (both speed and performance). Cindy will make 48 certificates for 1st places to take to get their photos. The photo shoot will take place—if it’s nice—outside. If not, a spot will be set-up in a corner of the chicken barn with lattice, livestock banner and put shaving down, etc. Cindy will ask if Lisa is available to take pictures for others who want to pay her. Maddi and Alice will take care of getting ribbons. The award canopy got ruined last year but the Club can borrow the Rodeo’s if the group wants. The Club decided to get their own. Lisa Pellegrini will purchase it.
Elmi Filkins Award: Maddi will take care of it. After the show, we will have a nameplate put on the plaque. A submissions box will be in the registration office. Everyone is invited to vote for someone that is found to be most helpful during the horse show weekend.
High Point Awards: There were no plans for High Point Awards until Andi proposed that a couple of huge trophies she has in storage be used for High Points (no high points for 1-16, start high point with pleasure riding (17-38) and high point speed (39-51). One horse/one rider combo! Andi will get new plaques for the two trophies.
Additional Award Option: The person who won the quilt at the Tack Sale has never returned any phone calls. It was suggested that maybe we can get Kathy Solka to redonate the quilt to the Horse Show. Then, we can have people’s names entered for each class they win. Andi will check to see if Kathy would be willing to redonate the quilt.
Garbage/Mic/Saturday Potluck: A dumpster should be available by the time of our show, so we will have a place to dispose of garbage. A wireless mic is very useful in the arena but was very temperamental at the last show, so Cindy will get new batteries and will make sure that they are working. After a brief discussion, the general consensus was no for hosting a potluck on Saturday evening since it can be a pretty long day.
MQT County Fair (August 13-16). Nothing new to discuss at this time except to remind folks that a few stalls are still left. There won’t be a stall fee but a wristband fee of $20 instead.
Sally’s Ride & Winter Horse Care Clinic, weekend of September 26 at the Marquette County Fairgrounds. We will post the save the date post card on our website and Facebook page.
New Business:
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17). Practice night on Wednesday followed by the rest of the dates.
Great Lakes Rodeo 2015 Sponsorship: In past the Club has donated $500 for the Great Lakes Rodeo silver buckle award. Jesie Melchiori asked the Club to consider sponsoring the rodeo once again. Motion for the club to sponsor GLR for $500 made by Maddi Zimmerman, seconded by Jackie Hurley. Motion carried. A major perk of this sponsorship is that the group will receive 2 weekend passes to the Rodeo. In the interest of fairness, it was proposed to have a drawing for the Rodeo tickets. Cindy Johnson will make a sign to promote this raffle at our next horse show. Cathy Waller will post it on the website. The process is that any MCHC members that intend on going to rodeo should e-mail Andi with their interest in being entered into the drawing. Andi will draw 2 names prior to the rodeo (date of drawing TBA).
UP State Fair Sponsorship: Jackie Hurley asked the group if they would consider giving $100 towards trophy costs for the youth show at the UP 2015 State Fair. Motion for the club to sponsor UP State Fair Youth Horse Show for $100 made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Cathy Waller. Motion carried.
Marquette County Fair Stalls: Stalls are scheduled for repair work this summer and the Club has already allocated $50 per stall of our funds to help with the rebuild.
Website Improvements: Andi requested members to send Club-related pictures for website of horses and dogs. New pictures would be nice. Anyone having any photos should email them to Cathy Waller.
4th of July Parade: Not sure if there is any interest for club members to participate and ride in the parade. MCHC in the past has paid for candy for the Posse 4-H Club to hand out and may continue to do so unless there is a change of heart.
Motion to adjourn by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Janece Hanycz. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, July 28, 7PM at Marquette County Fairgrounds in the Fair office
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:01 p.m.
Attendance: Sign in sheet passed around. There were 17 people in attendance.
Minutes: January meeting minutes were read. Motion to accept the minutes by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Tess Jezek. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini has a lot of open spots for sponsors for our June show, especially in speed. She has converted the Club’s accounts to Quickbooks. Recent income includes $290 in memberships and $180 in sponsors. Recent expenses include $100 to the UPHA for sanction fees and $67.90 for the annual website renewal. Two additions were made to the Treasurer’s Report of flowers to Dave Redfern and hotel expense for judges. Motion with these changes made by Bobbi Meyer, seconded by Norm Johnson. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Dave Redfern posted a nice thank you to the club on Facebook for the flowers that we sent him.
Two Guests from UPAWS came to talk to the group about Sally’s Ride
Old Business:
Tack Sale Final Details—Saturday, March 28th, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Andi reviewed job to make everyone understood their roles during the sale and distributed a sign-up sheet for those not signed up yet to fill in the blanks. No outside groups had contacted her this year about renting a table to promote a product. Kathy Solka is doing a quilt. Posse 4-H has agreed to help with admissions, raffle tickets sales and distributing tack.
A number of members brought their donations for the muck bucket. If any member has additional items for the bucket, they can drop it off at Bobbi Meyer’s work. Bobbi will determine if there are enough items in the bucket. If not, then she will go buy more to fill it up.
Horse Show Update— June 12,13,14
This will be a two-day horse show with speed on Friday night. There was some discussion about when to run the first set of speed. Cindy Johnson made a motion for Friday night speed beginning at 6 p.m. and Saturday night speed following the pleasure classes. Janece seconded. Motion carried. Carissa will update the website.
Janece arranged for Misty Ellerbruch’s group to clean the stalls for $6 per stall. The club will pay this expense. Concessions will be provided by Senors Mexican Food Truck.
The Saturday judge is booked and approved by UPHA. Carissa had a judge that required motorized transport to get up and down the hill because of recent surgery. The UPHA officers were not comfortable with this judge’s physical limitations and felt that the motorized vehicle might spook some of the horses. Carissa and Andi will work on finalizing the Sunday judge between Carissa’s contacts and Andi’s.
New Business:
Fairgrounds Work bee: There will be a work bee to prep fairgrounds, stalls and barns on May 19 after 6 p.m. The Posse 4-H Club will be invited to help out since they are co-sponsoring the first horse show of the season.
Fair open house will be on Wednesday, June 10. The board meeting will follow. The Posse 4-H can bring some jumps and barrels and have people do some demos, like they did last year.
Practice nights at fairgrounds—open up the arena on Wednesday nights for riders to practice. It was suggested to make it the same nights as the board meetings since the fairgrounds will already be open then.
MQT County Fair (August 13-16). Horse Arena Schedule–there will be no team penning this year but jumping instead on Saturday. Thursday is the draft show; Friday, pleasure starting at 8:30 a.m. followed by speed at 3:30 p.m.; Saturday, the mini show at 10:30 a.m. followed by jumping at 3 p.m.. County Fair stall reservations open on April 1st. There won’t be a stall fee but a wristband fee of $20 instead.
Haunted Hayride (Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17). Practice night on Wednesday followed by the rest of the dates.
Sally’s Ride & Winter Horse Care Clinic, weekend of September 26 at the Marquette County Fairgrounds. Guests Sherry and Joan asked the Marquette County Horse Club to help them with the 13th Annual Sally’s Ride. They want the tradition to continue and can’t do it by themselves. The Fairgrounds seems to be the best location for this event. Motion for the club to help with this event by Lisa Pellegrini, seconded by Bobbi Meyer. Motion carried.
There was a lot of discussion on other activities to include that weekend. We might want to incorporate a winter care clinic on Friday night or Saturday after the ride. Brandi Rolling might be interested in coordinating a fun show on Sunday. Tess Jezek can hold her model horse show at the fairgrounds during the same weekend because it will draw another group of people and all profits are donated to Sally’s Fund.
Cathy can send a reminder (save the date) through e-mail, Carissa can promote it through the MCHC website.
MQT Community Fund Grants: Marge Sullivan brought up that possibility of applying for a grant for Fairground enhancements like picnic benches or landscaping. There is a possible $1500 available. Unfortunately, horse stall repair wouldn’t be a possible option.
Walt Mackey with Select Reality: Hosting a basket auction, May 14, 5-9 for UPAWS. Andi proposed that the group purchase a basket for this event. Motion by Cindy Johnson, seconded by Cathy Waller.
Motion to adjourn by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Norm Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 26, 7PM, at the Crossroads Restaurant
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club Minutes
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Crossroads Bar & Grill
7 p.m.
Meeting Called to Order by President Andi Goriesky At 7:02 PM
Attendance: Sign In Sheet Passed Around. There were 13 people in attendance, 12 adults and one junior member.
Minutes: The past minutes were unavailable to be read at the meeting but is available on the website for everyone. Motion to accept the minutes as posted on website. Motion to accept Cindy Johnson, seconded by Dale Hauswirth. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Pellegrini is computerizing the club’s checking and savings. Instead of trying to enter the records from the two bankbooks given to her by Jesie, she used the November reconciled statements as her starting point. Then she made sure there were no outstanding checks and reconciled according to Wells Fargo’s records. The current balance in checking is $1943.93. The current balance in savings is $1382.10. Motion to accept Cindy Johnson, Seconded by Cathy Waller. Approved.
Correspondence: None to report
Old Business:
Adopt a Family Update: At the end of November, several members shopped for a family of nine. Cathy and Lisa wrapped the gifts and Andi and Cathy delivered two carloads of items to the family. Select Realty opted to also donate $200 of grocery items for the same family.
Winter Horse Care Update: The event had to be postponed since it was hard to get enough presenters to commit. Andi is working with MSU and they are willing to do a presentation via Skype. We will need to start planning for this earlier so it can be held in September before winter. There is quite a bit of enthusiasm for trying for a fall event.
LLC Formation: Should we form an LLC or remain a non-profit? Andi and Cindy have been working with two different accountants. Cindy found out that we could form an LLC and file an 1120. Andi talked with her accountant and he was able search a database that showed that MCHC is current and up to date as a “Domestic not for Profit,” the size of the club, and when we filed for our EIN#. As long as our treasury is under $5000, under 30 members with 5 or less events per year, we are not interesting to the IRS. Advice was to stay as is. The group agreed to leave the club as is.
Annual Tack Sale—Saturday, March 28:
Andi made arrangements with Negaunee Township Hall this past week for set-up on Friday and tack sale on Saturday.
Tack drop-off: (for members and nonmembers) begins on Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Set up will be held on Friday night, March 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. All MCHC members are invited to bring their stuff on Friday night instead of Saturday.
Tack sale hours: on Saturday (same as last year) open to members at 10:30 a.m.; to the public from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Concessions: Maddi is looking into getting hot dogs, chips, pop and water. Concession prices will be the same as last year. Janece got Lawry’s Pasty Shop to donate 10 dozen mini pasties last year and will do so again.
Admissions: The Posse 4-H Club will be asked to help with admissions again. Lisa P will be at the door to collect new memberships.
Checkout: Andi will be able to get a cash register.
Other Tack Sale Fundraisers: Kathy Solka has done a quilt in the past and hopefully will do so again. Andi will check on it. Ray will be doing the 50/50.
Muck bucket: MCHC members are asked to bring one or two items to put into the muck bucket. Also Bobbi has been given $50 to purchase some items for the bucket. The Posse and Tess will sell muck bucket tickets.
Promotion: Cindy will post an ad in Craig’s List. A flyer needs to be done which hopefully either Jessie or Janece will do. Janece will make sure to do the calendar and post it on Facebook. All promotion needs to emphasize that sellers need to make sure that they fill out a sheet and have item numbers that correspond with the sheet.
Norm will supervise saddle room.
Members are asked to bring their spare paper bags and Muck Bucket items to the next MCHC meeting, held on March 24.
Horse Show Update— June 12,13,14: Normal show
Show Format: There was some discussion whether to repeat last year’s double point’s show or have a regular show. Everyone agreed on holding a regular show because it generates the most money for the club. There will be pleasure on Saturday and Sunday with speed following each day. UPHA currently has 51 classes. For our show we will not be doing a jumping class or a stallion’s class. We will offer the newest class, an In-Hand Hunter class (it is the first class of the day and is an individual pattern class).
Friday Night Options: The group considered doing an NBHA show but Bobbi said that there was another NBHA show in Iron River that same weekend. Cindy suggested a ranch sorting practice and a competition. Norm would haul in 20 cattle. For each ride, the fee would be $3. Andi proposed that MCHC sponsor club members for a maximum of 3 rides for this event. Everyone liked the idea of giving members some benefit to being in the club.
UPDATE SINCE MEETING: Due to a scheduling conflict, we can no longer hold a ranch-sorting event on Friday evening. Officers are considering a suggestion that we hold speed Friday night, pleasure Saturday with speed following, and just pleasure classes on Sunday. Final decision due soon.
Ribbons & Prizes: Alice will order ribbons. We will need one day’s worth of blue ribbons. Norm, Lisa and Cindy will shop for prizes for the 2nd day at Midwest Horse Fair. Norm suggested getting someone to take pictures for first place winners instead of another prize. Lisa Anderson has agreed to take pictures of winners for one day of showing. We will set-up a spot for picture taking and Cindy will bring the livestock banner and bedding.
Class Sponsors: Lisa Pellegrini will take care of promoting and managing class sponsorship and collecting money. Andi thought it was really nice to get thank-you cards to all the sponsors of the show. All members should try to get sponsors for the show. The price is $20 per class.
Janece will handle stall reservations and cleanup. Cindy will contact “Brisket Barn for the concession stand and do all registration forms. Carissa will take care of judges. The website needs to be up-dated with the 2015 show details.
New Business:
Maddi Update on Fair Convention: Maddi didn’t have much to report but she did find the Zoonotics session very interesting.
Membership Dues: All officers were to be paid up by the end of the meeting. There was some confusion on the cost of a family membership. The on-line membership form has a price of $25. It was agreed that the family membership should be a flat rate of $50 no matter how many kids there are in a family. Cathy Waller will update the membership form and get a copy to Maddi and Carissa.
Ideas for future MCHC activities:
· Winter horse care clinic in fall
· Continue with improvements to the fairgrounds—some stalls are dangerous and in need of serious repair
· Move the arena
· Trail rides
· Benefits
· Practice nights at fairgrounds—open up the arena on Wednesday nights
· Fair open house (same week night in June as last year)
· Possibility of jackpot barrel show, practice night jump show. There was a brief motion to purchase a pair of jumps-but it was nixed because it was too expensive. Tess has some that the group can use for any practice nights.
MQT County Fair: There will be a jumping show on the Sunday because the UP State Fair will not be able to hold a jumping show this year.
Haunted Hayride will be 3 nights instead of two: Oct 15-7:30-9:30, October 16-17.
Motion to adjourn by Dale Hauswirth, seconded by Tess Jezek. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 24th, 7PM, at the Crossroads.
—Submitted by Cathy Waller
Marquette County Horse Club
November 25, 2014
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting was called to order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:03 pm.
Sign in sheet was passed around. There were 14 people in attendance.
Minutes from previous meeting were read. Andi questioned the difference between the Club Reporter and Webmaster or if they are the same person. It was decided it is two positions, but can be done by the Webmaster if needed. Motion to accept by Lisa P, seconded by Norm, motion carried.
Treasurers Report- Balance in checking $2108.78, balance in savings $1382.03. The check for $182 plus a $12 fee was taken care of. Motion to accept by Bobbi, seconded by Norm, motion carried.
Correspondence – Two Thank You cards from groups involved in the HHR
November Annual Treasurers Report
Jesie went over the break down between the Expenses and Income for the differences between 2013-2014. Motion to accept by Cathy, seconded by Tess, motion carried.
It was discussed that a 990 form needs to be filed annually. Cindy J suggested that as of January 1, 2015, we start over with a new Fed ID number as a brand new club. Jesie made a motion for the club to form a LLC instead of non-profit as of January 1, 2015, seconded by Cindy J, motion carried. Andi will look into developing the LLC status.
By-Laws- No changes
2. Added in: Located on the North end of horse barn number 1.
4: Membership runs from January first to December Thirty First of that calendar year.
Motion to accept the amended constitution by Maddie, seconded by Cathy, motion carried.
New Officers
President- Andi Goriesky
Vice President- Madeleine Zimmerman
Secretary- Cathy Waller
Treasurer- Lisa Pellegrini
Webmaster/Club Reporter
Carissa will continue to be the Webmaster. Jesie and Janece have volunteered to be the Club Reporters. Motion to accept by Lisa, seconded by Bobbi, motion carried.
Jesie made a motion to pay Carissa $150 for maintaining the website from January 1, 2015 to December 31st and also give the President and Vice President the user name and password, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried.
Adopt a Family
Cathy has found a family to adopt a month ago. A mother, 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The family has not provided a list up to date. Cathy is going to contact the Salvation Army tomorrow due to no contact from the family she previously found.
Future Meetings
It was decided to keep the meetings at the Crossroads.
Planning for future MCHC activities and donations
o Tack Sale- March 28th
o Horse Show- June 12-13-14. Possibility of double point show with Speed on Friday and Saturday, pleasure on Saturday and Sunday and NBHA Sunday afternoon. Carissa will take care of judges.
o Andi suggested a clinic on proper Winter Horse Care. Andi checked with the Holiday Inn and they are willing to donate a room. Jesie made a motion for the MCHC to back Andi and hold a 2 hour educational clinic on Winter Horse Care in January. Possible date January 20th or 22nd. Andi will correspond through email.
o Jesie would like information on dirt bikes vs horses on trails so she can share with the dirt bike riders.
November 25, 2014
Crossroads Restaurant
Meeting was called to order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:03 pm.
Sign in sheet was passed around. There were 14 people in attendance.
Minutes from previous meeting were read. Andi questioned the difference between the Club Reporter and Webmaster or if they are the same person. It was decided it is two positions, but can be done by the Webmaster if needed. Motion to accept by Lisa P, seconded by Norm, motion carried.
Treasurers Report- Balance in checking $2108.78, balance in savings $1382.03. The check for $182 plus a $12 fee was taken care of. Motion to accept by Bobbi, seconded by Norm, motion carried.
Correspondence – Two Thank You cards from groups involved in the HHR
November Annual Treasurers Report
Jesie went over the break down between the Expenses and Income for the differences between 2013-2014. Motion to accept by Cathy, seconded by Tess, motion carried.
It was discussed that a 990 form needs to be filed annually. Cindy J suggested that as of January 1, 2015, we start over with a new Fed ID number as a brand new club. Jesie made a motion for the club to form a LLC instead of non-profit as of January 1, 2015, seconded by Cindy J, motion carried. Andi will look into developing the LLC status.
By-Laws- No changes
2. Added in: Located on the North end of horse barn number 1.
4: Membership runs from January first to December Thirty First of that calendar year.
Motion to accept the amended constitution by Maddie, seconded by Cathy, motion carried.
New Officers
President- Andi Goriesky
Vice President- Madeleine Zimmerman
Secretary- Cathy Waller
Treasurer- Lisa Pellegrini
Webmaster/Club Reporter
Carissa will continue to be the Webmaster. Jesie and Janece have volunteered to be the Club Reporters. Motion to accept by Lisa, seconded by Bobbi, motion carried.
Jesie made a motion to pay Carissa $150 for maintaining the website from January 1, 2015 to December 31st and also give the President and Vice President the user name and password, seconded by Bobbi. Motion carried.
Adopt a Family
Cathy has found a family to adopt a month ago. A mother, 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The family has not provided a list up to date. Cathy is going to contact the Salvation Army tomorrow due to no contact from the family she previously found.
Future Meetings
It was decided to keep the meetings at the Crossroads.
Planning for future MCHC activities and donations
o Tack Sale- March 28th
o Horse Show- June 12-13-14. Possibility of double point show with Speed on Friday and Saturday, pleasure on Saturday and Sunday and NBHA Sunday afternoon. Carissa will take care of judges.
o Andi suggested a clinic on proper Winter Horse Care. Andi checked with the Holiday Inn and they are willing to donate a room. Jesie made a motion for the MCHC to back Andi and hold a 2 hour educational clinic on Winter Horse Care in January. Possible date January 20th or 22nd. Andi will correspond through email.
o Jesie would like information on dirt bikes vs horses on trails so she can share with the dirt bike riders.
Marquette County Horse Club
October 28, 2014
Bonanza Restaurant
Meeting was called to order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:00 pm.
Sign in sheet was passed around. There were 16 people in attendance.
Minutes from previous meeting were read. Motion to accept by Bobbi, seconded by Dale. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report- Balance in savings $1381.99, Checking- $2283.78. The check for $182 still has not been taken care of. Janece is going to check into it. She recalls paying $54 for the stall fee’s, but not for $182. Motion to accept by Bobbi , seconded by Cathy Waller . Motion carried
Correspondence- Thank you from UPAWS/Sally’s Ride
Guest Speaker, Cathey Gimsey from Solid Rock Ranch was not able to make it tonight
GLR Fall Fling
It went really well. There were 55 riders for the trail ride. MCHC contributed $10 for Members trail ride dues and fun show entries.
Changing membership dues to January 1st-December 31st.
A lot of people like to join at the tack sale so they can shop early. Should they still have to pay
Maddie made a motion to change the membership dates from January 1st – December 31st and to eliminate the “Half Year Membership”, seconded by Norm, motion carried. The constitution needs to be changed.
Changing meeting months
Andi suggested January, March, May, July, September (Nominating month), November (voting month). Motion made my Norm to make changes to meeting months, seconded by Maddie, constitution needs to be changed, motion carried.
New Meeting Location
Suggestions were made for new meeting locations. Bring ideas to the next meeting which will be November 25th at the Crossroads.
People have been nominated. President- Andi Goriesky, Vice President- Maddie, Secretary- Cathy Waller, Treasurer- Lisa Pellegrini. No other nominations have been made. The above list will be the officers for 2015.
Christmas Adopt a Family
Cindy made a motion to spend $400 on adopt a family, seconded by Jesie, motion carried. Cathy Waller volunteered to do the shopping. She will appoint other members to help if needed.
Suggestions for a marketing/advertising position. One person in charge of website and social media titled the Webmaster. The title will be Webmaster. It was suggested that the Webmaster
Cathy made a motion to create a new volunteer position of Club Reporter who will be in charge of facebook, social media, etc, who will also supervise and inform the Webmaster of current events, seconded by Bobbi, motion carried.
Webmaster Position- Jesie made a motion for the webmaster is a voted upon paid job, seconded by Lisa P, motion carried.
Dave suggested that Carissa research how much people get paid to maintain websites and bring to the next meeting.
By the next meeting, either Cindy J or Andi will bring in the amended the constitution and by-laws and bring a copy to the next meeting.
Next meeting will be November 25th, 7:00 PM at the Crossroads.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 by Nancy, seconded by Dave, motion carried.
October 28, 2014
Bonanza Restaurant
Meeting was called to order by President Andi Goriesky at 7:00 pm.
Sign in sheet was passed around. There were 16 people in attendance.
Minutes from previous meeting were read. Motion to accept by Bobbi, seconded by Dale. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report- Balance in savings $1381.99, Checking- $2283.78. The check for $182 still has not been taken care of. Janece is going to check into it. She recalls paying $54 for the stall fee’s, but not for $182. Motion to accept by Bobbi , seconded by Cathy Waller . Motion carried
Correspondence- Thank you from UPAWS/Sally’s Ride
Guest Speaker, Cathey Gimsey from Solid Rock Ranch was not able to make it tonight
GLR Fall Fling
It went really well. There were 55 riders for the trail ride. MCHC contributed $10 for Members trail ride dues and fun show entries.
Changing membership dues to January 1st-December 31st.
A lot of people like to join at the tack sale so they can shop early. Should they still have to pay
Maddie made a motion to change the membership dates from January 1st – December 31st and to eliminate the “Half Year Membership”, seconded by Norm, motion carried. The constitution needs to be changed.
Changing meeting months
Andi suggested January, March, May, July, September (Nominating month), November (voting month). Motion made my Norm to make changes to meeting months, seconded by Maddie, constitution needs to be changed, motion carried.
New Meeting Location
Suggestions were made for new meeting locations. Bring ideas to the next meeting which will be November 25th at the Crossroads.
People have been nominated. President- Andi Goriesky, Vice President- Maddie, Secretary- Cathy Waller, Treasurer- Lisa Pellegrini. No other nominations have been made. The above list will be the officers for 2015.
Christmas Adopt a Family
Cindy made a motion to spend $400 on adopt a family, seconded by Jesie, motion carried. Cathy Waller volunteered to do the shopping. She will appoint other members to help if needed.
Suggestions for a marketing/advertising position. One person in charge of website and social media titled the Webmaster. The title will be Webmaster. It was suggested that the Webmaster
Cathy made a motion to create a new volunteer position of Club Reporter who will be in charge of facebook, social media, etc, who will also supervise and inform the Webmaster of current events, seconded by Bobbi, motion carried.
Webmaster Position- Jesie made a motion for the webmaster is a voted upon paid job, seconded by Lisa P, motion carried.
Dave suggested that Carissa research how much people get paid to maintain websites and bring to the next meeting.
By the next meeting, either Cindy J or Andi will bring in the amended the constitution and by-laws and bring a copy to the next meeting.
Next meeting will be November 25th, 7:00 PM at the Crossroads.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 by Nancy, seconded by Dave, motion carried.
Marquette County Horse Club Meeting
Crossroads Bar & Grill
6:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 6:50 p.m.:
Attendance: Bobbi Meyer, Andi Goriesky, Cindy Johnson, Maddi Zimmerman, Janece Hanycz, Mark Hanycz.
Minutes: Motion to Approve Minutes from last meeting by Bobbi – seconded by Maddi
Treasurers Report: No Report- Jesie Melchiori was not at the meeting and didn’t send a report.
Correspondence: None
Old Business:
The Marquette County Fair Open House was a success. MCHC donated a cooler with beer for a raffle. Several horse club members attended. We had tractor rides, mini horses and mini bulls, roping demostrations by Great Lakes Rodeo, Candy in 4-H building, Kids riding horses in the arena – food and drinks in the expo building and music in the gazebo. Great Job by Andi Goriesky and Jamie Tomzcyk for putting this together. Maddi & Alice worked the food/beveage area.
Horse Show Discussions:
Our horse show is now a One-Day pleausre - Double point show on Saturday July 12, 2014 –Speed classes will be run on Friday evening July 11 beginning at 6:00 pm, . and the second run of speed will be after the pleasure show on Saturday. – Judges have been notified – they will be traveling together and sharing a hotel room. No Stalltion or Jumping classes. WE NEED members to please volunteer to help @ the show – gates, ring steward Games setup, trail/western riding etc. The more people we have to help the ‘faster’ the show moves along. Cindy will be doing all the paperwork: registration sheets, result sheets, judges card, trail patterns, etc. Registration will be open at 4:00 p.m on Friday for Pleasure and SPEED classes. Andi will get patterns from judges and forward to Cindy to make copies.
Maddi will contact “The Brisquet Barn” ladies to let them know our show is now Friday & Saturday – Speed to start at 6:00 pm.on Friday and they can close by 6:00pm ish on Saturday as we will be having a pot luck at 7:30…And they are welcome to stay till Sunday to serve breakfast.
Club will buy some shavings to have for sale at the show – anything left over – members can purchase. Andi is going to check with Jesie to see if she already contacted Jerry Roberts to attend or if we could just purchase in advance and sell them ourselves….
We NEED Class sponsors – we only have 16 so far and 47 classes. Please try to get at least a couple sponsors per each member! The MOST sponsors obtained by a member will received a free stall for the weekend.
We have a group coming in to clean stalls after the show for $6 per stall. Cindy has made signs to tell people NOT to clean their stalls. We will have a check ready for the cleaning crew when we know how many stalls we have rented.
Motion to purchase an “easy up tent” to have at the outgate for ribbon people for $100 by Maddi, second by Bobbi . Andi will look for one.
Camping is avilable for the horse show at $20 for one night, if you stay for a second night it is an additional $10 – Total of $30 for the weekend.
The horse club will have a Pot luck on Saturday evening of the show. Club will provide Hamburgers and hot dogs and Potatoe salad – ask people to bring stuff to share (Carissa please update our facebook and website with this info). We will cook around 7:30 – or as speed is getting done. Andi will get the food (need charcoal). Followed by a bonfire.
Andi did check into Horse Club Perks at Mare-z-doats – they are still checking on it.
Discussion on the prizes for the horse show. Dave Redfern picked up bridle hooks that we will pay him for and Jen Smith is donating neck metals– we feel we need to add something additional to go with the neck metals so we will get $5 - TSC gift cards and ask riding club for a 30% off certificate or $5 gift cards – Janece will take care of it. Andi is going to contact Helen Devought/Biccigo about her ‘screened’ image products – tshirts or anything we could use for prizes.
Everyone will get one ticket for ‘each’ class they enter, and we will draw for some prizes Saturday evening at the pot luck. Need to present to win!
Stalls need to be paid for by July 1st. We will ‘advertise’ (via Facebook – our website etc CARISSA) for people to ‘stay’ at the horse show Saturday evening come to the potluck and trail ride on Sunday. Trails are nice sandy two trek trails. Mike Hutchens has the ‘trails’ marked from the Great Lakes Rodeo. The 5 Mile ride is marked in Green Arrows and is reflective if anyone wants to do a ‘night’ ride. 10 mile ride is makred in Yellow Arrows and 15 mile ride is marked in RED arrows. Mike said he would go a check to be sure the arrows are still all up – THANK YOU MIKE!
Discussion on the 4th of July parade in Marquette - the horse club will not be participating this year.
Our Website/facebook pages are out of date. Old info about the show – meeting locations etc. . Andi will check with Carissa to see if she can get it updated. Andi had people contact her about attending our meeting and the website still shows Bonanza!
We discussed meeting location – motion by Maddi to hold the meetings at the Crossroads Bar & Grill on the LAST Tuesday of the month – at 7:00 p.m. seconded by Janece. All in favor.
There was a trail ride schedule by Joan Duncan in the horse clubs name at the fairgrounds on 9/20. We discussed that Sally’s ride and Fall fling will be 9/27 & 9/28, so we are hoping Joan will change her weekend to 9/27 and we can have ‘EVERYONE’ there and have a great time. The horse club will pay the grounds rental fee for the 9/27 weekend. Equifest is 9/20 in Norway.
Haunted Hay Ride wants to know if MCHC wants to do ‘gates’ – we would need 4 to 5 people for the two nights. Will table till future meeting.
Andi reminded everyone that nominations for Officers for the club will be in October – She does NOT want to be president again so PLEASE try to find someone that is williing to step up and take over our club. Andi has been president for 7 years.
We will have a WORKBEE/MEETING at the Marquette County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, July 8th (week of our show) to do last minute items. Club will bring a tray of sub sandwhiches for eveyrone the comes to help – bring your own beverage of choice. 6:00 p.m. – please please attend. Andi will have a ‘job’ list that will need to be done that evening.
Items needed for our horse show: Cash, Port-a-potty (done by Jesie we think). Andi has the job list for the show – we have a few open slots. We will email a copy of the job list when it gets closer to the show….
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 by Janece - seconded by Bobbi
Crossroads Bar & Grill
6:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 6:50 p.m.:
Attendance: Bobbi Meyer, Andi Goriesky, Cindy Johnson, Maddi Zimmerman, Janece Hanycz, Mark Hanycz.
Minutes: Motion to Approve Minutes from last meeting by Bobbi – seconded by Maddi
Treasurers Report: No Report- Jesie Melchiori was not at the meeting and didn’t send a report.
Correspondence: None
Old Business:
The Marquette County Fair Open House was a success. MCHC donated a cooler with beer for a raffle. Several horse club members attended. We had tractor rides, mini horses and mini bulls, roping demostrations by Great Lakes Rodeo, Candy in 4-H building, Kids riding horses in the arena – food and drinks in the expo building and music in the gazebo. Great Job by Andi Goriesky and Jamie Tomzcyk for putting this together. Maddi & Alice worked the food/beveage area.
Horse Show Discussions:
Our horse show is now a One-Day pleausre - Double point show on Saturday July 12, 2014 –Speed classes will be run on Friday evening July 11 beginning at 6:00 pm, . and the second run of speed will be after the pleasure show on Saturday. – Judges have been notified – they will be traveling together and sharing a hotel room. No Stalltion or Jumping classes. WE NEED members to please volunteer to help @ the show – gates, ring steward Games setup, trail/western riding etc. The more people we have to help the ‘faster’ the show moves along. Cindy will be doing all the paperwork: registration sheets, result sheets, judges card, trail patterns, etc. Registration will be open at 4:00 p.m on Friday for Pleasure and SPEED classes. Andi will get patterns from judges and forward to Cindy to make copies.
Maddi will contact “The Brisquet Barn” ladies to let them know our show is now Friday & Saturday – Speed to start at 6:00 pm.on Friday and they can close by 6:00pm ish on Saturday as we will be having a pot luck at 7:30…And they are welcome to stay till Sunday to serve breakfast.
Club will buy some shavings to have for sale at the show – anything left over – members can purchase. Andi is going to check with Jesie to see if she already contacted Jerry Roberts to attend or if we could just purchase in advance and sell them ourselves….
We NEED Class sponsors – we only have 16 so far and 47 classes. Please try to get at least a couple sponsors per each member! The MOST sponsors obtained by a member will received a free stall for the weekend.
We have a group coming in to clean stalls after the show for $6 per stall. Cindy has made signs to tell people NOT to clean their stalls. We will have a check ready for the cleaning crew when we know how many stalls we have rented.
Motion to purchase an “easy up tent” to have at the outgate for ribbon people for $100 by Maddi, second by Bobbi . Andi will look for one.
Camping is avilable for the horse show at $20 for one night, if you stay for a second night it is an additional $10 – Total of $30 for the weekend.
The horse club will have a Pot luck on Saturday evening of the show. Club will provide Hamburgers and hot dogs and Potatoe salad – ask people to bring stuff to share (Carissa please update our facebook and website with this info). We will cook around 7:30 – or as speed is getting done. Andi will get the food (need charcoal). Followed by a bonfire.
Andi did check into Horse Club Perks at Mare-z-doats – they are still checking on it.
Discussion on the prizes for the horse show. Dave Redfern picked up bridle hooks that we will pay him for and Jen Smith is donating neck metals– we feel we need to add something additional to go with the neck metals so we will get $5 - TSC gift cards and ask riding club for a 30% off certificate or $5 gift cards – Janece will take care of it. Andi is going to contact Helen Devought/Biccigo about her ‘screened’ image products – tshirts or anything we could use for prizes.
Everyone will get one ticket for ‘each’ class they enter, and we will draw for some prizes Saturday evening at the pot luck. Need to present to win!
Stalls need to be paid for by July 1st. We will ‘advertise’ (via Facebook – our website etc CARISSA) for people to ‘stay’ at the horse show Saturday evening come to the potluck and trail ride on Sunday. Trails are nice sandy two trek trails. Mike Hutchens has the ‘trails’ marked from the Great Lakes Rodeo. The 5 Mile ride is marked in Green Arrows and is reflective if anyone wants to do a ‘night’ ride. 10 mile ride is makred in Yellow Arrows and 15 mile ride is marked in RED arrows. Mike said he would go a check to be sure the arrows are still all up – THANK YOU MIKE!
Discussion on the 4th of July parade in Marquette - the horse club will not be participating this year.
Our Website/facebook pages are out of date. Old info about the show – meeting locations etc. . Andi will check with Carissa to see if she can get it updated. Andi had people contact her about attending our meeting and the website still shows Bonanza!
We discussed meeting location – motion by Maddi to hold the meetings at the Crossroads Bar & Grill on the LAST Tuesday of the month – at 7:00 p.m. seconded by Janece. All in favor.
There was a trail ride schedule by Joan Duncan in the horse clubs name at the fairgrounds on 9/20. We discussed that Sally’s ride and Fall fling will be 9/27 & 9/28, so we are hoping Joan will change her weekend to 9/27 and we can have ‘EVERYONE’ there and have a great time. The horse club will pay the grounds rental fee for the 9/27 weekend. Equifest is 9/20 in Norway.
Haunted Hay Ride wants to know if MCHC wants to do ‘gates’ – we would need 4 to 5 people for the two nights. Will table till future meeting.
Andi reminded everyone that nominations for Officers for the club will be in October – She does NOT want to be president again so PLEASE try to find someone that is williing to step up and take over our club. Andi has been president for 7 years.
We will have a WORKBEE/MEETING at the Marquette County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, July 8th (week of our show) to do last minute items. Club will bring a tray of sub sandwhiches for eveyrone the comes to help – bring your own beverage of choice. 6:00 p.m. – please please attend. Andi will have a ‘job’ list that will need to be done that evening.
Items needed for our horse show: Cash, Port-a-potty (done by Jesie we think). Andi has the job list for the show – we have a few open slots. We will email a copy of the job list when it gets closer to the show….
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 by Janece - seconded by Bobbi
Marquette County Horse Club
Minutes at Perkins Restaurant
May 27, 2014
Meeting called to order on 5/27/14 by Andi Goriesky at 7:02pm. There were 12 people in attendance. Minutes were read by Madeline Zimmerman. Accepted by Jackie Hurley, 2nd by Bobbi Meyer. Treasurer's report - Jessie Melchori not in attendance. Andi said there were no transactions from the last Minutes in May. Correspondance - A Thank you Card was read from Jackie Hurley.
Old Business
*Memberships- FY15 memberships are Due
*Workbe at the Fairgrounds was a great turn out, and got lots done.
*Horse show July 12-13/14 - Brisket Barn will do the concessions at the MCHC Horse Show. Awards - Redferns will have 'things' for one day award. Andi will check with Jen Smith for 2nd day awards. If she will cannot come through with the awards, she will get $10 gift cards at Holiday Gas cards. Carissa will contact Judges for patterns ahead of time. Deep discussion on changing the 2 day show to a double point pleasure show w/ 2 day speed show. Bobbi made a motion to give Mike or James a $50 gas card for arena maintanence, 2nd by Rebecca Eardly. Motion carried. It was decided to not do a High point this year, noone wants to count out the points. Stall cleaning will be done by Kelly Thomas and Misty Ellerbruch group for $6 a stall. It was decided to not have a Stallion class or no jumping classes. The show is still in need of class sponsors, at this time there are only 15 classes collected. Need 47 total to cover all classes.
New Business
*MCHC will donate $ for flowers for the Fairgrounds. Motion made by Maddeline, 2nd by Bobbi. Motion passed.
*It was decided to donate $100 to the UP State Fair Youth Show. Pd to Jackie as awards are all bought. Motion made by Maddeline, 2nd Bobbi.
*Mqt Fair grounds will hold an open house 6/4/14 - Business after hours atarts 5pm-7:30pm 4-H Posse, Go Cards, GLR, Haunted Hay Ride, GLR will all have demos showcasing the use of the Mqt Fair Grounds. Meeting 5/29 to cleanup. Rental of grounds, raffles including a Grill Pkge. MCHC to donate a cooler and adult beverages for a raffle.
*Need to check into insurance for the group 'outings' nothing has been received to renew for the year.
*Perks for being a Horse club member were discussed including 20% discount at the Riding Club is already a perk.
*Trail ride weekend, possibly getting the grounds for nothing. Joan Duncan mentioned a downstate Michigan group - Trail Riders Assoc. would like to possible like to come up to the UP maybe to the fairgounds to do some weekend trailriding. Talk of possible in September.
*Andi to talk to Sue Kitson for club TShirts/Sweatshirts.
Next Meeting June 24th at 6:30pm at the Crossroads Restaurant/Bar.
Maddeline motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:45pm, 2nd by Joan.
Minutes at Perkins Restaurant
May 27, 2014
Meeting called to order on 5/27/14 by Andi Goriesky at 7:02pm. There were 12 people in attendance. Minutes were read by Madeline Zimmerman. Accepted by Jackie Hurley, 2nd by Bobbi Meyer. Treasurer's report - Jessie Melchori not in attendance. Andi said there were no transactions from the last Minutes in May. Correspondance - A Thank you Card was read from Jackie Hurley.
Old Business
*Memberships- FY15 memberships are Due
*Workbe at the Fairgrounds was a great turn out, and got lots done.
*Horse show July 12-13/14 - Brisket Barn will do the concessions at the MCHC Horse Show. Awards - Redferns will have 'things' for one day award. Andi will check with Jen Smith for 2nd day awards. If she will cannot come through with the awards, she will get $10 gift cards at Holiday Gas cards. Carissa will contact Judges for patterns ahead of time. Deep discussion on changing the 2 day show to a double point pleasure show w/ 2 day speed show. Bobbi made a motion to give Mike or James a $50 gas card for arena maintanence, 2nd by Rebecca Eardly. Motion carried. It was decided to not do a High point this year, noone wants to count out the points. Stall cleaning will be done by Kelly Thomas and Misty Ellerbruch group for $6 a stall. It was decided to not have a Stallion class or no jumping classes. The show is still in need of class sponsors, at this time there are only 15 classes collected. Need 47 total to cover all classes.
New Business
*MCHC will donate $ for flowers for the Fairgrounds. Motion made by Maddeline, 2nd by Bobbi. Motion passed.
*It was decided to donate $100 to the UP State Fair Youth Show. Pd to Jackie as awards are all bought. Motion made by Maddeline, 2nd Bobbi.
*Mqt Fair grounds will hold an open house 6/4/14 - Business after hours atarts 5pm-7:30pm 4-H Posse, Go Cards, GLR, Haunted Hay Ride, GLR will all have demos showcasing the use of the Mqt Fair Grounds. Meeting 5/29 to cleanup. Rental of grounds, raffles including a Grill Pkge. MCHC to donate a cooler and adult beverages for a raffle.
*Need to check into insurance for the group 'outings' nothing has been received to renew for the year.
*Perks for being a Horse club member were discussed including 20% discount at the Riding Club is already a perk.
*Trail ride weekend, possibly getting the grounds for nothing. Joan Duncan mentioned a downstate Michigan group - Trail Riders Assoc. would like to possible like to come up to the UP maybe to the fairgounds to do some weekend trailriding. Talk of possible in September.
*Andi to talk to Sue Kitson for club TShirts/Sweatshirts.
Next Meeting June 24th at 6:30pm at the Crossroads Restaurant/Bar.
Maddeline motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:45pm, 2nd by Joan.
Marquette County Horse Club
Minutes at Perkins Restaurant
February 25, 2014
Meeting called to order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:55 PM
Maddi took the minutes in place of Carissa
There were 11 people in attendance
Minutes from the January 28, 2014 meeting were passed around to read Motion to accept as posted on web-site by Dave, seconded by Jesie, motion carried.
Treasurers Report by Jesie Melchiori as follows:
$1381.54 in Savings Account
$3393.85 in Checking Account
One bill of 74.82 ha ben paid to GFS for our winter gathering.
Motion to accept treasurers report as read by Maddi, seconded by Dale, motion carried.
Nancy & Dave Redfern brought $50 worth of Muck Bucket items of which we paid at the meeting.
Recap of Winter Gathering (Feb 9th) held at the Goriesky home. The weather was very cold so no sleigh riding or skating was done. The food and lots of it was great! Good time had by all!
Our Annual Tack Sale will be held Saturday March 29th at the Negaunee Twp Hall. It is too early to know if we will be able to set up on Friday night. We should know that at our March meeting. Everyone keep in mind to get Muck Bucket stuff to Bobbi, also to bring saddle racks, clothes racks and any other hanging device to be used for the day. Also the need for bags of all kinds.
Dave Redfern will handle the saddle room.
Concession will be run by Maddi and hopefully Alice Hokenson. Menu will be the same with Lawry's Pasties. Pete donated 10 dozen mini-pasties for our concession. Thank you Pete!!
The Great Lakes Rodeo Queen & Court may have a bake sale. To be determined.
UPHA/MCHC Horse Show is scheduled for July 12th and 13th. It is very important that we all start getting sponsors for the classes @ $20 each. The horse show will be discussed after the Tack Sale.
No other old business
Do we continue to meet at Perkins for March & April? THe set up was less than ideal. Spoke with manager, will do a better job. March meeting at Perkins, 7:00 PM.
Motion to adjourn by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Dave Redfern, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Madeleine Zimmerman for Carissa Schwemin
Minutes at Perkins Restaurant
February 25, 2014
Meeting called to order by President Andi Goriesky at 6:55 PM
Maddi took the minutes in place of Carissa
There were 11 people in attendance
Minutes from the January 28, 2014 meeting were passed around to read Motion to accept as posted on web-site by Dave, seconded by Jesie, motion carried.
Treasurers Report by Jesie Melchiori as follows:
$1381.54 in Savings Account
$3393.85 in Checking Account
One bill of 74.82 ha ben paid to GFS for our winter gathering.
Motion to accept treasurers report as read by Maddi, seconded by Dale, motion carried.
Nancy & Dave Redfern brought $50 worth of Muck Bucket items of which we paid at the meeting.
Recap of Winter Gathering (Feb 9th) held at the Goriesky home. The weather was very cold so no sleigh riding or skating was done. The food and lots of it was great! Good time had by all!
Our Annual Tack Sale will be held Saturday March 29th at the Negaunee Twp Hall. It is too early to know if we will be able to set up on Friday night. We should know that at our March meeting. Everyone keep in mind to get Muck Bucket stuff to Bobbi, also to bring saddle racks, clothes racks and any other hanging device to be used for the day. Also the need for bags of all kinds.
Dave Redfern will handle the saddle room.
Concession will be run by Maddi and hopefully Alice Hokenson. Menu will be the same with Lawry's Pasties. Pete donated 10 dozen mini-pasties for our concession. Thank you Pete!!
The Great Lakes Rodeo Queen & Court may have a bake sale. To be determined.
UPHA/MCHC Horse Show is scheduled for July 12th and 13th. It is very important that we all start getting sponsors for the classes @ $20 each. The horse show will be discussed after the Tack Sale.
No other old business
Do we continue to meet at Perkins for March & April? THe set up was less than ideal. Spoke with manager, will do a better job. March meeting at Perkins, 7:00 PM.
Motion to adjourn by Nancy Redfern, seconded by Dave Redfern, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Madeleine Zimmerman for Carissa Schwemin