WELCOME to the MCHC website
Providing interesting horse related activities to our community. |
The purpose of the Marquette County Horse Club is to provide horse people with Horse related activities and to support the Marquette County Fair.
Meetings are held the last Tuesday of every other month and are open to members and nonmembers alike.
If you do not find the information you need, feel free to contact an Officer and let them know. We want this website to be your tool for everything about the Marquette County Horse Club.
Giving back to the community. |
We have yearly work bees at the Marquette County fairgrounds to prepare the barns and arena for upcoming horse shows and the fair. We have helped support the Marquette County Fair every year! Each year, we pick an organization to make a donation. Previous donations include: NMU Food Pantry, St. Vincent DePaul, The Salvation Army's Adopt a Family, Pipers Rescue Ranch, UPAWS Sally's Fund and Marquette Youth Wrestling just to name a few.